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RiffRaff posted:

President Obama is giving President-elect Trump a welcome gift: A pretty good economy.

Unemployment is at its lowest level since 2007.


Home prices are back at all-time highs.

Growth is picking up. The economy expanded at a 3.2% annual rate from July through September.

Interest rates are goung up. Small business are not trump thing and they create the most jobs so high borrowing rates affect them. They will not get the tax breaks because trickle down is directed to the one percent fat cats. If he is to get 4 percent growth there has to be job creation to the tune of half a million or a million a month and that is hardly likely given the labor pool and the fact the American workplace is a technology centered environment.


The economy is already going and has created over 15 million jobs over the past several years.  In fact Obama is only tract to be the 3rd most productive job creating president. Bill Clinton was #1, followed by Ronald Reagan.

But the Indo KKK will never acknowledge this.

And apparently not all are impressed with this Carrier stunt.  Is Trump going to run around to every company threatening to outsource jobs, and attempt to cut a deal?  Even as we speak others are closing down plants and moving jobs.

caribny posted:

The economy is already going and has created over 15 million jobs over the past several years.  In fact Obama is only tract to be the 3rd most productive job creating president. Bill Clinton was #1, followed by Ronald Reagan.

But the Indo KKK will never acknowledge this.

And apparently not all are impressed with this Carrier stunt.  Is Trump going to run around to every company threatening to outsource jobs, and attempt to cut a deal?  Even as we speak others are closing down plants and moving jobs.

BOY, what's wrong with you, what does "Indo KKK" has to do with this topic, You are the POSTER BOY for RACISM.


Obama's 15 million jobs counts from the lowest point of the recession of 2008.  The 15 mil is based on a funny calculation, one person working two jobs 20 hours each are counted as two jobs.  This is why we have low unemployment and a low labor participation rate!

Definitely, 2016 is better than 2008, and Trump will create 25 mil jobs in eight years!

kp posted:
caribny posted:

The economy is already going and has created over 15 million jobs over the past several years.  In fact Obama is only tract to be the 3rd most productive job creating president. Bill Clinton was #1, followed by Ronald Reagan.

But the Indo KKK will never acknowledge this.

And apparently not all are impressed with this Carrier stunt.  Is Trump going to run around to every company threatening to outsource jobs, and attempt to cut a deal?  Even as we speak others are closing down plants and moving jobs.

BOY, what's wrong with you, what does "Indo KKK" has to do with this topic, You are the POSTER BOY for RACISM.

The Indo KKK support Trump because white supremacists are attracted to him.

Ask them to analyze Trump and they cannot.  They don't understand the implications of the team which Trump is assembling around them.

They also refuse to give Obama any credit for lifting the USA out of the morass that the last GOP president left us.

All they understand is if white supremacists like Trump so they must also.

ba$eman posted:

Obama's 15 million jobs counts from the lowest point of the recession of 2008.  The 15 mil is based on a funny calculation, one person working two jobs 20 hours each are counted as two jobs.  This is why we have low unemployment and a low labor participation rate!

Definitely, 2016 is better than 2008, and Trump will create 25 mil jobs in eight years!

If we begin from the day he became president it was 10 million jobs. 

Over Bush's 2 terms he created fewer than 1.5 million jobs, and in fact we were losing jobs at a rate of 700k MONTHLY and both the auto and financial service industries were in TOTAL COLLAPSE.

But the Indo KKK that you are cannot give Obama any credit.  Look at the job report today. Another in an unbroken stream of job creation over the past several years.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:

The economy is already going and has created over 15 million jobs over the past several years.  In fact Obama is only tract to be the 3rd most productive job creating president. Bill Clinton was #1, followed by Ronald Reagan.

But the Indo KKK will never acknowledge this.

And apparently not all are impressed with this Carrier stunt.  Is Trump going to run around to every company threatening to outsource jobs, and attempt to cut a deal?  Even as we speak others are closing down plants and moving jobs.

BOY, what's wrong with you, what does "Indo KKK" has to do with this topic, You are the POSTER BOY for RACISM.

The Indo KKK support Trump because white supremacists are attracted to him.

Ask them to analyze Trump and they cannot.  They don't understand the implications of the team which Trump is assembling around them.

They also refuse to give Obama any credit for lifting the USA out of the morass that the last GOP president left us.

All they understand is if white supremacists like Trump so they must also.

The carib would have still said Obama was the best president ever even if Obama had starved out the carib and had pimped the carib on the streets of San Francisco. Brothers are brothers at the end of the day.

caribny posted:
kp posted:
caribny posted:

And apparently not all are impressed with this Carrier stunt.  Is Trump going to run around to every company threatening to outsource jobs, and attempt to cut a deal?  Even as we speak others are closing down plants and moving jobs.

BOY, what's wrong with you, what does "Indo KKK" has to do with this topic, You are the POSTER BOY for RACISM.

The Indo KKK support Trump because white supremacists are attracted to him.

Ask them to analyze Trump and they cannot.  They don't understand the implications of the team which Trump is assembling around them.

They also refuse to give Obama any credit for lifting the USA out of the morass that the last GOP president left us.

All they understand is if white supremacists like Trump so they must also.

Caribj, you need to get yourself analyzed.  You have a problem with you!


caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Obama's 15 million jobs counts from the lowest point of the recession of 2008.  The 15 mil is based on a funny calculation, one person working two jobs 20 hours each are counted as two jobs.  This is why we have low unemployment and a low labor participation rate!

Definitely, 2016 is better than 2008, and Trump will create 25 mil jobs in eight years!

If we begin from the day he became president it was 10 million jobs. 

Over Bush's 2 terms he created fewer than 1.5 million jobs, and in fact we were losing jobs at a rate of 700k MONTHLY and both the auto and financial service industries were in TOTAL COLLAPSE.

But the Indo KKK that you are cannot give Obama any credit.  Look at the job report today. Another in an unbroken stream of job creation over the past several years.

Ok, we all understand the impact of the financial crisis.  This was larger than Bush, it preceded him, he just happen to be at the helm when it all came crashing down!  And don't forget the implications of 9/11 which was imposed on his presidency.  He did not start that!

Obama does deserve credit for holding the ship steady.  He also deserves credit for the Iran deal and the opening with Cuba.

The legacy of Obama will not be appreciated until sometime down the road.  Maybe he was not as good as you say and maybe Bush was not as bad.  If Obama chooses to intervene after Jan, he will damage his legacy.  He should ride off into the sunset like Bush.

Now, let's give Trump the same chance we gave Obama!

kp posted:
caribny posted:

The economy is already going and has created over 15 million jobs over the past several years.  In fact Obama is only tract to be the 3rd most productive job creating president. Bill Clinton was #1, followed by Ronald Reagan.

But the Indo KKK will never acknowledge this.

And apparently not all are impressed with this Carrier stunt.  Is Trump going to run around to every company threatening to outsource jobs, and attempt to cut a deal?  Even as we speak others are closing down plants and moving jobs.

BOY, what's wrong with you, what does "Indo KKK" has to do with this topic, You are the POSTER BOY for RACISM.

This negro boy would not be happy until the entire world is 100% is of negro ancestry. THE Donald would take away his section 8 housing and cut his SNAP benefits. "He battie ah trimble".

kp posted:

What bothers Caribj is that President Elect Trump is surrounding himself with brilliant ,educated, rich people and that includes many INDOS, so far he has screened many blacks but they all failed. Some blacks want to wear the white hoodie to seek attention, just like the one Caribj GNI KKK wears in private.

Carib would go to the end of the world to pivot away from non negroes doing a good job. Only blackman ah do good in dis world. He don't like coolie or white man. He should leave and go setup shop in Mozambique.

skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

SNAP is the highfuluted word for Food Stamps.

YEP! It's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. And the cash program is TANF..Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Dem peeple nah want dem frens dem fuh no dem deh pan welfare. High Class living under acronyms.

Proprotinally more whites are on food stamps than people of color.

Chief posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Nehru posted:

SNAP is the highfuluted word for Food Stamps.

YEP! It's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. And the cash program is TANF..Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. Dem peeple nah want dem frens dem fuh no dem deh pan welfare. High Class living under acronyms.

Proprotinally more whites are on food stamps than people of color.

Maybe, these are the blue-collar who got shut out, want to work and voted Trump!

Prashad posted:

The carib would have still said Obama was the best president ever even if Obama had starved out the carib and had pimped the carib on the streets of San Francisco. Brothers are brothers at the end of the day.

Funny thing is that the dishonest pig that you are, terrified of your creole wife, and banished to dreaming about some "pure India" because your kids reject this silly notion that you have.

How often did I argue with Kari telling him that Obama was NOT the best president, and in fact has been some what mediocre.

Your problem is that your hatred of blacks (your WIFE .in this country is considered black, maybe at least some of your kids as well) blinds you to think that he is the worst when in fact Bush was a total disgrace.

skeldon_man posted:
. He don't like coolie or white man. He should leave and go setup shop in Mozambique.

You don't like blacks, so I suggest that YOU go to India.  I am proud to be a multicultural person, which is what creole culture is all about.

YOU demand that you should live in a PURE Indian world, where you can exclude non Indians.

I also suggest that you let Hillary Clinton know that she is a black woman, given that you claim that I can only vote for blacks. I voted for her TWICE. And voted for her husband TWICE.

Bet you didn't vote for Obama. Of course not.  You screamed "no black man gun rule me!".

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

The carib would have still said Obama was the best president ever even if Obama had starved out the carib and had pimped the carib on the streets of San Francisco. Brothers are brothers at the end of the day.

Funny thing is that the dishonest pig that you are, terrified of your creole wife, and banished to dreaming about some "pure India" because your kids reject this silly notion that you have.

How often did I argue with Kari telling him that Obama was NOT the best president, and in fact has been some what mediocre.

Your problem is that your hatred of blacks (your WIFE .in this country is considered black, maybe at least some of your kids as well) blinds you to think that he is the worst when in fact Bush was a total disgrace.

Really! I have always said that I like West African culture. Some of my genetic ancestors came from three countries in West Africa. What I don't like is people adopting the racist and cultural attitude of the colonial Englishman towards the East Indian people of Guyana. This is what you clearly demonstrate.

Prashad posted:
.towards the East Indian people of Guyana. This is what you clearly demonstrate.

Yes you see nothing wrong with you telling douglas that they ought to reject 50% of who they are and adhere to YOUR notion about what Indian culture is.

Now you would have been less hypocritical if you advocated that multi ethnic and multi cultural and multi religious societies like Guyana, ought to encourage respect, not mere tolerance, but RESPECT between all of its elements.

Instead you scream that a part African must abandon their Afro Caribbean culture and aim to be some pure Indian living in some Indesh.

Given your circumstances I will say that you are quite pathetic.

 And if you were really knowledgeable of West African culture you would be aware that quite a bit of it exists within our creole Caribbean cultures.  The Afro Caribbean dancing, that you despise, is in fact firmly "African" in its structure, as is the role of music and the response to it within Caribbean culture.   Why don't you see how Caribbean elections are conducted, or see some strikers in Trinidad and then scream that there aren't any African elements within our creole culture.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
.. All of this Que Que is getting to him.

You need a good Kwe Kwe drumming to ease your soul.  I haven't forgot how you pined for strong black PNC men after the last election.  You and cobra screaming in ecstasy in anticipation.  Yes nightly you and cobra were, pants down, bottoms up, waiting and waiting for the PNC snake.

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

Although people like me and Donald Ramotar have ancestral African genes in our blood. People like the Carib and the anti-koolie gang will never see any connection of us with Africans or Africa because of the hatred of the koolie.

Really. It is YOU who want your dougla kids become fully Indian.  You don't want them to embrace the diversity that they represent.

Where do you encourage your kids to embrace their part Afro Caribbean identity.  You want them to remove it and adapt some notion of PURE India!

And then the complete dismissal of Afro Caribbean culture, which you reduce to being derived from 17th criminals why should I respect you.  You completely reject the cultural context that your wife comes from. Yes I know because you are afraid of her.

You don't even respect yourself. Confused man that you are, living in terror of your creole family!

Last edited by Former Member

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