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President Barack Obama made a surprise appearance at the White House Friday to discuss African-Americans' reaction to last weekend's verdict in the George Zimmerman case, saying that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."


He also suggested that the outcome of the case could have been different "if Martin were white".


"If a white male teen would have been involved in this scenario," he said, "both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different."


The nation's first black president, Obama said that it is impossible for the African-American community to not view the Martin case without filtering it through a long history of racial discrimination.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The President words and action speaks volume of racist and bigotry and gave rise to nationwide riots. If the president don't respect our court system then who will?


Mr. President, you don't judge a man by assuming if he was black or white or what could have done differently. You judge a man by the evidence presented to the court. I am ashame of you, Obama. You reminded me of David Dinkens of NYC when he thanked the blacks for not rioting


I just lost all my respect for this moron, Obama.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The President words and action speaks volume of racist and bigotry and gave rise to nationwide riots. If the president don't respect our court system then who will?



The only bigoted racist is you.  Just about every one , aside from the FOX watching lunatics, is saying that the prosecution was pathetic, and might have deliberately wanted to lose the case.  As a Zimmerman arrest might jeopardize existing gun and stand your ground laws.


So please stop pretending as if justice was being done.


I guess Obama looked at the polls of his base and realized that continuing to remain silent would make him look foolish, given that he would have been equally at risk as a younger man.


I mean if Trayvon was a "thug" because he smoked weed.......

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The president is dividing the nation to gain political support for the democratic party in 2016. No president should use the white house as a state court and embarrass the jury panel who found Zimmerman NOT guilty by law and evidence. Take note people!

I have to agree.  The jury of his peers judge him innocent, the Prezzy has no right to second guess.


Furthermore, that Martin boy seem to have thrown the first punch and connected well.  Taking the emotion out, I don't see how Zimmerman can be judged guilty.  Black people like play bad and when they get floored they cry foul.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


I have to agree.  The jury of his peers judge him innocent, the Prezzy has no right to second guess.


Furthermore, that Martin boy seem to have thrown the first punch and connected well.  Taking the emotion out, I don't see how Zimmerman can be judged guilty.  Black people like play bad and when they get floored they cry foul.

You are right.  The juror who spoke on CNN seemed quite eager to make love to George, saying his name with great affection.


She did say that 50% of the jurors initially wanted to convict Zimmerman but were PRESSURED to accept an innocent verdict.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:


I have to agree.  The jury of his peers judge him innocent, the Prezzy has no right to second guess.


Furthermore, that Martin boy seem to have thrown the first punch and connected well.  Taking the emotion out, I don't see how Zimmerman can be judged guilty.  Black people like play bad and when they get floored they cry foul.

You are right.  The juror who spoke on CNN seemed quite eager to make love to George, saying his name with great affection.


She did say that 50% of the jurors initially wanted to convict Zimmerman but were PRESSURED to accept an innocent verdict.

50% came to the conclusion on the first round.  It seems they understood the facts and how it relates to the law.  The others needed to think through it more as it is difficult to see one go free after killing another unarmed person.  Who "pressured" these jurors?  Banna, reasonable doubt was there and the jury had to option.


Blacks need to be less aggressive and picking fights.  You should be mad at blacks who commit crimes causing the group to be profiled.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Not surprised that Cobra and basmena are having orgasms at the death of an innocent black kid.


Oh my the Indo KKK must be having orgies of ecstacy with the mistaken belief that one day one of them might not be profiled at night, mistaken for being black or hispanic.

Baseman said on this board he hoped Zimmerman get nailed on something,  After the decision, baseman said he hope a civil judgement get hung around Zimmerman.


Baseman don't wish to see anyone get hurt, but that Martin boy seemed to like fighting.  You see what happens.  You see what happen to your Buxton/Agricola brothers.  Is sheer badness in alyuh cause it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
, but that Martin boy seemed to like fighting. it.

Funny NO ONE can prove taht Trayvon started the fight.  All they can prove is that AFTER Zimmerman provoked him he defended himself and was able to do so until Zimmerman MURDERED him.


A freaky "old" man has no business following a cchild at night in a car unless he is looking for some thing perverted.  That is what Zimmerman looked like to Trayvon because he was not wearing a police uniform.


Do you suggest that a 17 year old boy let some 28 y/o pervert have his way with him?  Pretend that Trayvon was Indian because I know that you can never see a black person as fully human.  Indeed I recall your screams of several years ago when you accused us of being subhuman savages whose diet consists of ants/

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
, but that Martin boy seemed to like fighting. it.

Funny NO ONE can prove taht Trayvon started the fight.  All they can prove is that AFTER Zimmerman provoked him he defended himself and was able to do so until Zimmerman MURDERED him.


A freaky "old" man has no business following a cchild at night in a car unless he is looking for some thing perverted.  That is what Zimmerman looked like to Trayvon because he was not wearing a police uniform.


Do you suggest that a 17 year old boy let some 28 y/o pervert have his way with him?  Pretend that Trayvon was Indian because I know that you can never see a black person as fully human.  Indeed I recall your screams of several years ago when you accused us of being subhuman savages whose diet consists of ants/

Circumstantially, he did.  Zimmerman displayed tell-tale signs of being brutally accosted, Martin's only injury was the bullet wound.  One can only conclude Martin was the aggressor.  This was the verdict after 16 hours of jury deliberation.


About Zimmerman being a pervert, well, let's say, how different is that to assuming Mr Martin was a criminal!!


Martin was a 6 foot ganja smoker with a foul-mouth who seem free and comfortable to roam around late at night without parental guidance, he was no "child".


I don't think he deserved to die, but it's how things happen and Zimmerman was legally justified in defending himself.


The only thing that happened that night in Florida is that a white man with a gun, having been told by the Police to stay in his car and not follow the citizen he described, aggressively pursued an unarmed Black kid, provoked him into an altercation and shot him to death.


Whah else raass these racists on this Board do not understand about the Treyvon Martin killing?


Zimmerman would have done the same to both BaseBoard and Cobra - two vile human beings who parade with Bush and Reagan's faces.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The only thing that happened that night in Florida is that a white man with a gun, having been told by the Police to stay in his car and not follow the citizen he described, aggressively pursued an unarmed Black kid, provoked him into an altercation and shot him to death.


Whah else raass these racists on this Board do not understand about the Treyvon Martin killing?


Zimmerman would have done the same to both BaseBoard and Cobra - two vile human beings who parade with Bush and Reagan's faces.

Stink mouth dunce, he attacked Zimmerman and got boomerang.  That's what matters.  Why don't you change that halloween mask you sporting.  Halloween is still a few months off.  Now run back in your worm hole you as5.

Originally Posted by Kari:

The only thing that happened that night in Florida is that a white man with a gun, having been told by the Police to stay in his car and not follow the citizen he described, aggressively pursued an unarmed Black kid, provoked him into an altercation and shot him to death.


Whah else raass these racists on this Board do not understand about the Treyvon Martin killing?


Zimmerman would have done the same to both BaseBoard and Cobra - two vile human beings who parade with Bush and Reagan's faces.

How did Zimmerman become a white man? 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
, but that Martin boy seemed to like fighting. it.

Funny NO ONE can prove taht Trayvon started the fight.  All they can prove is that AFTER Zimmerman provoked him he defended himself and was able to do so until Zimmerman MURDERED him.


A freaky "old" man has no business following a cchild at night in a car unless he is looking for some thing perverted.  That is what Zimmerman looked like to Trayvon because he was not wearing a police uniform.


Do you suggest that a 17 year old boy let some 28 y/o pervert have his way with him?  Pretend that Trayvon was Indian because I know that you can never see a black person as fully human.  Indeed I recall your screams of several years ago when you accused us of being subhuman savages whose diet consists of ants/


Caribj, what you think?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Circumstantially, he did.  Zimmerman displayed tell-tale signs of being brutally accosted, Martin's only injury was the bullet wound.  One can only conclude Martin was the aggressor.  This was the verdict after 16 hours of jury deliberation.


About Zimmerman being a pervert, well, let's say, how different is that to assuming Mr Martin was a criminal!!


Martin was a 6 foot ganja smoker with a foul-mouth who seem free and comfortable to roam around late at night without parental guidance, he was no "child".


I don't think he deserved to die, but it's how things happen and Zimmerman was legally justified in defending himself.


Zimmerman assumed that Trayvon was a criminal anjd you seem comfotable with this as you justify the murder of an UNARMED child who was NOT doing anything wrong.


Perverts do exist and there is an active sex trade in this country and so any one under the age of 25 ought to be concerned. MALE or female.


Trayvon did NOT know who Zimmerman was as Zimmerman could NOT have identiofied himselof as a policeman or a security guard. 


He acted, based on his assumptions and these assumptions are as valid as those of Zimmerman.  Except taht Zimmerman is a 28 y.o MATURE adult and Trayvon is a child.  And Zimmerman was specically told not to get out of his carm or take matters into his own hands.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
, but that Martin boy seemed to like fighting. it.

Funny NO ONE can prove taht Trayvon started the fight.  All they can prove is that AFTER Zimmerman provoked him he defended himself and was able to do so until Zimmerman MURDERED him.


A freaky "old" man has no business following a cchild at night in a car unless he is looking for some thing perverted.  That is what Zimmerman looked like to Trayvon because he was not wearing a police uniform.


Do you suggest that a 17 year old boy let some 28 y/o pervert have his way with him?  Pretend that Trayvon was Indian because I know that you can never see a black person as fully human.  Indeed I recall your screams of several years ago when you accused us of being subhuman savages whose diet consists of ants/


Caribj, what you think?

Sorry I have no interest in responding to comments made on the KKK channel, AKA Fox News.


In 1960 these clowns would have been screaming "Segregation now. segregation for ever".  Their methods are more subtle only because Americans no longer like the OPEN display of racism, though they happily accept the more disguise varieties.


If these are the people who you rely, no wonder your hatred of blacks is as deep and as bigoted as that of any white supremacist.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Martin was a 6 foot ganja smoker with a foul-mouth who seem free and comfortable to roam around late at night without parental guidance, he was no "child".


You now describe your typical American 17 y/o of ALL races.  Apparently you do not listen to 17 y/o boys.  Doesnt matter whether they come from Bed Stuy or Scarsdale. Whether they go to Daltons, or Stuvesant, or some local public high school. They are all foul mouthed, rebellious towards authority and many smoke weed.  Some (WHITE) kids do worse.  Hard drugs these days is NOT a black youth thing.


Face ita boy with a profile like this is only criminal in your eyes when he is black.


And please do not tell me that when you were 17 your parents knew everything that you were doing?  Are you telling me that at 17 you were not out at night, partying or hanging out?  If so you are a real nerd and this will explain your rage.



Originally Posted by baseman:

Stink mouth dunce, he attacked Zimmerman and got boomerang.  That's what matters.  Why don't you change that halloween mask you sporting.  Halloween is still a few months off.  Now run back in your worm hole you as5.

Baseman you do NOT know what happened.  Evidence is that Trayvon noticed that Zimmerman, a man who he knew had no official right to follow him, as stalking him.


He ran away and Zimmerman followed as he was specifically told NOT to do.  Zimmerman has a history of violence, and as a result was denied a right to be a cop.  Whereas Trayvon was involved in school yard brawls, things that most high school boys experience.


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