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Former Member

Obama, the Master Con-man

06.23.2013 :: United States By 

The Official James Petras Website

Barack Obama: The Master of Deceit

From the beginning of his Presidential campaign, Obama demonstrated his proficiency as the master of all cons. He spoke passionately against torture while consulting with the torturers; he condemned Wall Street speculators while appointing key Street operatives as economic advisers. He promised a new deal in the Middle East, especially for Palestinians and then appointed a dual citizen, Israeli-US, Rahm Emmanuel (son of an Israeli Irgun terrorist) to be his most intimate Presidential advisor. Honolulu born and bred, Barack modulated his voice according to the audience, adopting a Baptist minister’s cadence for the black audiences while assuming the professorial tone of an Ivy League lawyer for his Wall Street contributors. He hob-knobbed with Hollywood celebrities and Silicon billionaires, who bankrolled the fairy tale of his ‘historic breakthrough’ - the First Afro-American President who would speak for all Americans – nay for the entire world! Millions of giddy camp followers, white, black, old and young, the trade unionists and community activists alike were willingly deceived. They had chosen to disregard the fact that Barack Obama’s key advisers were rabid militarists, big bankers, corporate CEO’s, die-hard Zionists and Wall Street manipulators. Indeed Obama’s supporters were enchanted by the phony rhetoric, the demagogy, the ‘populist style’, and the fake ‘authenticities’. Here was the man who promised to end the wars, close the torture concentration camp in Guantanamo, bring Wall Street to heel, repeal the Patriot Act and restore the Bill of Rights. And he was ‘their guy’ – shooting hoops in an urban playground - something Bush had never done! In truth, Barack Hussein Obama did a lot that Bush never dared to do - he surpassed Bush by far in committing war crimes against humanity – pushing for more military adventures abroad and police state repression at home. He exceeded by far any President in US history in assuming dictatorial police powers, in waging multiple wars while directing the massive transfer of state revenues to Wall Street bankers. President Obama, hands down, will be regarded as the greatest con-man President in American history. The Carters, Reagans and Clintons all pale in comparison: the enormous gap between style and substance, promise and performance, peace and war, capital and labor has never been greater.

It is President Obama’s hollow eloquence that raised the hopes of millions at home and abroad only to condemn them to an inferno of endless wars. It is the perversity of his rhetoric which attracts the Latino vote with promises of immigrant citizenship while his policy has been fill detention centers with hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and their families. His soaring rhetoric promising justice for Muslims in Cairo was followed by the bloody bombing of Tripoli, the torture and slaughter of the Libyan patriot President Gadhafi; the broken promises to the Palestinians contrasts with the embrace of the bloody Israeli warlords. Obama far out-paced President Bush’s drone attacks in Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan, bombings which targeted farmers, whole families and famished orphans in their schools. Soaring moral and ethical pronouncements accompany Obama’s arming and praising the 40,000 Muslim fundamentalist mercenaries sent to degrade and shatter the secular Syrian state. The pretexts for mass killing fall from his lips like maggots on a rotten corpse: his blatant lies about the use of poison gas in Syria as the government in Damascus confronts a foreign mercenary invasion; the lurid tales of fabricated massacres in Benghazi (Libya) and the false claims of stolen elections in Venezuela. Obama’s rhetoric converts executioners into victims and victims into executioners.

President Barack Obama promised a comprehensive health care overhaul for America and then presented the electorate with a confusing series of obligatory payments for plans designed by for-profit private health insurance companies. Obama ‘defended social security’ by raising the age of retirement, ensuring that hundreds of thousands of workers in hazardous occupations would die before ever receiving any benefits after a lifetime of obligatory contributions. Obama solemnly promised to defend Medicare and then proposed to reduce its budget by a trillion dollars over a decade.

Obama claims a presidential prerogative of ‘defending American interests’ by ordering the assassination of whomever his million-member secret police state apparatus designates as a security threat – including American citizens – without trial, without recourse to habeas corpus.

In the White House Rose Garden President Barack Obama strolls arm-in-arm with his wife and children, a family man, true to his promises… While in Aleppo a young teen, a street vendor, is beheaded before his parents and neighbors by fanatical ‘freedom-fighters’ praised and supported by the President. The boy’s alleged crime was blasphemy. The murdered teen has joined the scores of thousands of Syrians killed and the hundreds of thousands who will join them, as Obama has decided to openly arm the mercenaries.

Casual, open collar, President Obama jokes as he walks and talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the sumptuous estate of a California billionaire, offering friendship and peace - shaking hands for the cameras with a scorpion in his palm. The smiling Obama has ceaselessly dispatched his envoys to Asia, Latin America, Oceana and Africa to incite claims and conflicts against Beijing. Obama believes that his own ‘personal magic’ will blind the Chinese to the fact that China is being encircled by US air and maritime bases. He seems to believe that the Chinese will ignore his efforts to forge US-centered trade pacts which specifically exclude China.

The master ‘confidence-man’ sincerely believes in his power to move and mystify the public, pick the pockets of his adversaries and make his victims believe they have been in the presence of a world-class statesman. In fact, Obama has been playing the role of a street hustler living off the earnings and lives of his people while handing them over to his corporate bosses and pimps for Israel.

Obama fills internment camps with hundreds of thousands of Latino immigrant workers while promising a ‘roadmap to citizenship’ to the cheers of Mexican-American Democratic Party vote hustlers!

Obama received 95% of the Afro-American votes, while the income gap between blacks and whites widens and unemployment and poverty figures soar. Obama, the first ‘Afro-American President’, has bombed and intervened in more African countries, backing mercenary armies in Libya and Somalia and establishing more military bases throughout the black continent than the last five ‘white’ Presidents … So much for the self-proclaimed “historic breakthrough of a Black President ending centuries of racism”.

It’s enough for Obama to appoint other black police state thugs and foreign interventionists, like Eric Holder and Susan Rice, to win the cheers of liberals even as their own security files grow in the data warehouses of the world’s biggest spying agencies.

One cynic, commenting on the long-standing love affair between Obama and white liberals, observed that ‘the more he screws them the better they like him … Even as he marches them off to jail, they would take care to note on his behalf, that the barred windows have curtains - something Bush would never have allowed.’


For sheer span of broken promises, of systematic lies in pursuit of wars and financial manipulation in the name of peace and social justice, of consistent and bold aggrandizement of executive power over the life and death of US citizens in the name of security, Obama has set the standard of political deception and demagogy far beyond past and probable future US Presidents.

The political context of his ascent to power and his deep links to the military-financial-Zionist networks insured his success as a premier confidence man.

President George Bush, Jr., the cringing, fading war-monger engaged in prolonged, costly wars and facing the collapse of the entire banking and financial sector, provided Candidate Obama with an easy target. Obama exploited the mass revulsion of the American people, longing for change. His soaring rhetoric and vacuous promise of ‘change’ attracted millions of young activists … The problem is that in their enthusiasm and blind adherence to ‘identity politics’ with its claims that all ‘blacks’ and ‘women’ are oppressed and therefore guaranteed to promote peace and justice– facilitated Obama’s con-game and political hustle.

Obama, once in office, not only deepened and widened the scope of President Bush, Jr’s wars, massive spy apparatus and corporate profiteering; he bamboozled the vast majority of his liberal-labor supporters in the Democratic Party! Barack Obama conned the Democratic Party Congressional liberals and they, in turn, conned their constituents into supporting this fraud.

The costs of President Obama’s two-faced policies are enormous: democracy has given way to a police state openly defended by the President and Congressional leaders; Wall Street’s recovery and corporate profiteering is fast destroying public health and social security. Barack Obama’s multiple endless wars and interventions are destroying vast cities, infrastructure, entire cultures while and killing and impoverishing millions of people from Libya to Palestine, from Syria to Iran. The economic sanctions against Iran, the provocative encirclement and isolation of China, and the campaign to destabilize Venezuela are the centerpieces of Obama’s ‘pivot to empire’. These policies portend even greater world-shattering catastrophes.

Unmasking the con-man is a first step requiring that we expose the tricks of the con-game. The politics of deception and demagogy thrives by directing popular attention to style and rhetoric, not substance. The solemn and pious cant of ‘Jimmy’ Carter distracted from his launch of the rabid Jihadists against the secular administration of Afghanistan. Uncle Ronald Reagan’s geniality and populist TV patter covered-up his blood baths in Central America and mass firing of the unionized air controllers and jailing of union leaders. ‘Bill’ Clinton’s show of empathy for the poor and embrace of ‘feel-good’ politics neutralized opposition as he bombed Yugoslavia into a pre-industrial age while his domestic policies kicked vulnerable single mothers from welfare programs. They all paled before the grand con-master Obama, billed as the ‘first black’ President, a community organizer (who disowned his sponsor into the black communities of Chicago, Rev. Wright, for his anti-war, anti-imperial stand) has capitalized on his racial credentials to garner the vote of guilt-ridden, soft-headed liberals and marginalized blacks in order to serve the interests of Wall Street and Israel.

Disarming these con-men and women requires exposing the nature of their demagogic populist styles and focusing on substantive politics. The decisive criteria need to be class politics that are defined by fundamental class alignments, between capital and labor regarding budgets, income, taxes, social spending, financing and property rights. ‘Shooting hoops’ in ghetto playgrounds is a con-man’s distraction while his budget cuts close hospitals and schools in black and poor neighborhoods.

The extravaganzas, featuring sports and entertainment celebrities to promote imperial wars, are the ‘con’ to undermine international solidarity for war victims and the unemployed. President Obama, the confidence man, is still performing while sowing destruction. It’s time for the deceived, the disillusioned and the deprived to stand-up and shout! “We are deceived no more. Its time you were put on trial for Crimes against Humanity!”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u enjoy the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u like the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

You are a source of on-line entertainment.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u like the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

You are a source of on-line entertainment.

yesss, i am the whip on your diseased ass . . . that you 'enjoy' it so much is your own affair

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u like the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

You are a source of on-line entertainment.

yesss, i am the whip on your diseased ass . . . that you 'enjoy' it so much is your own affair

Is your anger due to objective critical view of Obama or your tribal racist instincts just kicking in?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u like the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

You are a source of on-line entertainment.

yesss, i am the whip on your diseased ass . . . that you 'enjoy' it so much is your own affair

Is your anger due to objective critical view of Obama or your tribal racist instincts just kicking in?

suh baseman, u want me to stop clapping lash pan u in "anger" or continue with the whipping since u creaming in yuh panties and 'enjoying' it so?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u like the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

You are a source of on-line entertainment.

yesss, i am the whip on your diseased ass . . . that you 'enjoy' it so much is your own affair

Is your anger due to objective critical view of Obama or your tribal racist instincts just kicking in?

suh baseman, u want me to stop clapping lash pan u in "anger" or continue with the whipping since u creaming in yuh panties and 'enjoying' it so?

Banna, in the absence of the local circus, you fill in the place of the clown.  Now run along and wash yuhself!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Alyuh only now keching sense?  Stupid people you all are.  Baseman was skeptical but reluctantly supported the banna in 2008.  Most of my apprehensions and 6th sense feelings turned out to be true.


This guy won on speeches, promises and racism, but he never had a track record of doing anything in the real world.  I don't care how good a community organizer he was, that just don't cut it for the Prezzy job.


All hell will break lose when he leaves regarding his performance.  The liberal media are keeping things under wraps and "keeping hope alive", but even they holding their heads in their hands.  Anyone who criticizes him is a "racist", so better to "stan-easy".

justifiable criticism of Obama has come openly from both the right and the left . . . if u read more rather than watch ignar Fox TV, you'd know this


so, let me take this opportunity to assist with your education u transparent fool: the subset of 'critics' crawling up from the bigot sewer, pretending @ politicsare "racist" . . . look in the mirror mr PPP migrant

I knew you would come "pecking".

sooo, u like the feel of my whip on yuh back . . . eating into your flesh, eh?


interesting confession

You are a source of on-line entertainment.

yesss, i am the whip on your diseased ass . . . that you 'enjoy' it so much is your own affair

Is your anger due to objective critical view of Obama or your tribal racist instincts just kicking in?

suh baseman, u want me to stop clapping lash pan u in "anger" or continue with the whipping since u creaming in yuh panties and 'enjoying' it so?

Banna, in the absence of the local circus, you fill in the place of the clown.  Now run along and wash yuhself!

dude, u are the one spending quality time spelunking up your own ass for God-knows-what bigot shit  . . . so we all know who needs a wipe, disinfecting and change of panties, arite?


I really pity this guy Obama, he is failing at every turn.  Now even his signature ACA (Obamacare) is unraveling.  How many small employers has become 49'ers with Temps and PT's filling the rest.  Have any of you clowns looked at the proposed premiums, man you can shop and get that on the open market.  The only benefactors are those with pre-existing conditions and that's 2% of the eligible adult population.  We went after the 100% to protect the 2%.  Why did this guy not focus on the economy and work on a medicare backed plan for the 2%.


I was watching an interview with T. Boon Pickens on CNN regarding energy policy and he said Obama is great on speeches but short of concrete plans.  Imagine Russia and China is aggressively moving ahead on the "Pickens" model for natural gas and not even a plan presented in over five years.  And this would have had powerful supporters.


What a waste of eight years.  Thank god for term limits.


There is no place on this Board for a photo like the one at the top of this thread. None. ASJ should be ashamed of himself. We are better people than this.


Provide your critique of this Presidency and this President, but let us not drag Guyanese to the pits with photos like this one. It is grossly offensive.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I really pity this guy Obama, he is failing at every turn.  Now even his signature ACA (Obamacare) is unraveling.  How many small employers has become 49'ers with Temps and PT's filling the rest.  Have any of you clowns looked at the proposed premiums, man you can shop and get that on the open market.  The only benefactors are those with pre-existing conditions and that's 2% of the eligible adult population.  We went after the 100% to protect the 2%.  Why did this guy not focus on the economy and work on a medicare backed plan for the 2%.


I was watching an interview with T. Boon Pickens on CNN regarding energy policy and he said Obama is great on speeches but short of concrete plans.  Imagine Russia and China is aggressively moving ahead on the "Pickens" model for natural gas and not even a plan presented in over five years.  And this would have had powerful supporters.


What a waste of eight years.  Thank god for term limits.

You're talking through your ass, Baseman.


If instead of voting 43 times in the House of Representatives to repeal (unsuccessfully) the Affordable Care Act, the House Republicans and States with Republican majorities had sought to enact legislation that was held up in the Supreme Court, we would not have had a postponement of the corporate mandate.


What "unraveling" you speak of?


Do you know that America under Obama has had its most production of natural gas?


Stick to defending this current crop of PPP rulers (since 1997) who are turning State assets into personal fiefdom.

Originally Posted by Kari:

There is no place on this Board for a photo like the one at the top of this thread. None. ASJ should be ashamed of himself. We are better people than this.


Provide your critique of this Presidency and this President, but let us not drag Guyanese to the pits with photos like this one. It is grossly offensive.

I have to agree with you on that point.  Baseman is an Obama critic but never would infer or refer to him in the terms of a mass murderer. In fact some of ASJ's friends in the radical Islamic world are more suited for that reference and inference.


Baseman believes Obama is a good family man with a good heart, just over his head.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I really pity this guy Obama, he is failing at every turn.  Now even his signature ACA (Obamacare) is unraveling.  How many small employers has become 49'ers with Temps and PT's filling the rest.  Have any of you clowns looked at the proposed premiums, man you can shop and get that on the open market.  The only benefactors are those with pre-existing conditions and that's 2% of the eligible adult population.  We went after the 100% to protect the 2%.  Why did this guy not focus on the economy and work on a medicare backed plan for the 2%.


I was watching an interview with T. Boon Pickens on CNN regarding energy policy and he said Obama is great on speeches but short of concrete plans.  Imagine Russia and China is aggressively moving ahead on the "Pickens" model for natural gas and not even a plan presented in over five years.  And this would have had powerful supporters.


What a waste of eight years.  Thank god for term limits.

You're talking through your ass, Baseman.


If instead of voting 43 times in the House of Representatives to repeal (unsuccessfully) the Affordable Care Act, the House Republicans and States with Republican majorities had sought to enact legislation that was held up in the Supreme Court, we would not have had a postponement of the corporate mandate.


What "unraveling" you speak of?


Do you know that America under Obama has had its most production of natural gas?


Stick to defending this current crop of PPP rulers (since 1997) who are turning State assets into personal fiefdom.

Business mandate delayed.  Just wait and you see the individual mandate being deferred also.  This delay in the Business mandate is the first straw of a run-away unraveling.  Do you clowns realize Obamcare will yield Insurance companies 16% ROI and the "excuse" to increase everyone's insurance premiums?  These Socialist policies never work and they will screw the masses...but what's new.  Mark my word...Baseman is a lap ahead of you.


On Gas, do you realize that I was not talking about the "availability" of natural gas?  Do you realize natural gas availability is more to do with technology..."fracking" and less to do with any Govt policy?  Do you realize the massive reserves of natural gas has "0" impact on imported oil as such energy prices?


This is what a "plan and policy" is all about.  This is what T. Boon Pickens and baseman is talking about.

Originally Posted by Kari:

There is no place on this Board for a photo like the one at the top of this thread. None. ASJ should be ashamed of himself. We are better people than this.


Provide your critique of this Presidency and this President, but let us not drag Guyanese to the pits with photos like this one. It is grossly offensive.


I beg your pardon "We are better people than this"


Who are you referring to as better people? I hope not the one who is  continuously "killing innocent woman and children and babies in their sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan" As I know for a fact that that one is worse than Adolf Hitler; and maybe people like you who condone those atrocities and hanker for more are no better than him. 

Better people my ass.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Kari:

There is no place on this Board for a photo like the one at the top of this thread. None. ASJ should be ashamed of himself. We are better people than this.


Provide your critique of this Presidency and this President, but let us not drag Guyanese to the pits with photos like this one. It is grossly offensive.


I beg your pardon "We are better people than this"


Who are you referring to as better people? I hope not the one who is  continuously "killing innocent woman and children and babies in their sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan" As I know for a fact that that one is worse than Adolf Hitler; and maybe people like you who condone those atrocities and hanker for more are no better than him. 

Better people my ass.


We call on Adolf Hitler to stop the force feeding at Guantanamo Nazi Prison Camp operated by the United States Govt.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Kari:

There is no place on this Board for a photo like the one at the top of this thread. None. ASJ should be ashamed of himself. We are better people than this.


Provide your critique of this Presidency and this President, but let us not drag Guyanese to the pits with photos like this one. It is grossly offensive.


I beg your pardon "We are better people than this"


Who are you referring to as better people? I hope not the one who is  continuously "killing innocent woman and children and babies in their sleep in Pakistan and Afghanistan" As I know for a fact that that one is worse than Adolf Hitler; and maybe people like you who condone those atrocities and hanker for more are no better than him. 

Better people my ass.


We call on Adolf Hitler to stop the force feeding at Guantanamo Nazi Prison Camp operated by the United States Govt.

The one thing I support Obama is how he droning dem terrorists.  He is also correct in force feeding wannabe martyrs but be should not force feed US criminals who want to starve themselves.


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