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Contrary to what I hear in this forum the Nobel Committee was resoundingly right about awarding Obama the Peace prize. Here’s why:

  1. He opposed the Iraq invasion in 2003 as an Illinois State Senator, and campaigned in 2008 Presidential elections as opposing the Iraq war and wanting to end it when in office. Historical note: Bush had signed the agreement to exit and Obama kept to that deadline.
  2. He spoke out on how the Afghan war was prosecuted and had the surge (similar to the Bush Iraq surge) to enable him to end that war quickly. He kept to that. What you need to know is that you are a peacemaker through war that ends a war.
  3. He wanted the Guantanamo era ended. Congress and the States Governors conspired to block this; but he signed the order in his first week in office.
  4. He went to Cairo University and lit the fire that started the Arab democratic movement.

After the peace prize, he was resolute in ending Al Qaeda. His drone strikes and getting Osama bin Laden were peace moves. He used war to bring peace.


He was resolute in stopping Qadaffi’s carnage. HE succeeded with limited local casualties (and none by the allies). That’s a peace prize winner for you.


He got the military in Egypt to hand over to civilians without thousands getting killed. That’s a peace maker.


He wants to enforce the no more WMD – chemical, bio-, nuclear, et al. His signature move was to get the crippling sanctions on No. Korea and Iran. That’s what a Nobel Peace prize winner do.


He wants to show by example how he will stop WMD creation by hitting Assad. This is not Iraq 2003. We are not uncertain on chemical weapons. Contrary to what opponents say, it will not engender the retaliation by Iran, Hezbollah and Syria that people fear. Iran stopped its program in 2003 when US troops were in neighboring Iraq and Afghanistan – in fact Iran allowed US air plane flight rights in those wars. Watch how Iran back off on weaponizing nuclear fuel and Syria loosen its arms shipment to Hezbollah.


Obama is determined and resolute in his foreign policy actions. Look at how he contained China in the Pacific after he assumed power – diplomacy and power. He deliberates (and jealous fools think he’s leading from behind) because he pains when he has to send sons and daughters to the battle field. That’s a peace maker.


I salute his Nobel prize.


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Originally Posted by Kari:

Contrary to what I hear in this forum the Nobel Committee was resoundingly right about awarding Obama the Peace prize.


I salute his Nobel prize.



No President is without errors or misjudgements.


President Barack Obama, is no different.  However, long after his term, people will indeed have a deeper and wider appreciate of his years as President of the US_of_A.


Baseman's assessment of Obama is proving to be correct.  Baseman is a lap ahead of you katahars and mullah lovers.  Obama now saying he don't need UN mandate....WOW, what an "evolution".


Obama is a trickster who take all alyuh for a good ride.  Stupid people you are, but then again,  as Lenin once said, "the masses are asses", and so are you all run-mouths dunda heads.


Chief find Kari piece "good read", well Kari is a dumb-ass big run mouth and chief is even dumber.  Good fuh you mullah dunda heads, the US and Israel gon rule alyuh for the next few centuries.


Obama is a failure and he trying to buttress his legacy..of little.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: ' Lenin once said, "the masses are asses"....'

I presume that report first appeared in the JACKASS JOURNAL, not so?


Bhai, Gilbaka is an EXPERT on Lenin.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: ' Lenin once said, "the masses are asses"....'

I presume that report first appeared in the JACKASS JOURNAL, not so?


Bhai, Gilbaka is an EXPERT on Lenin.

And them run to the "great satan" to get rescued.  Lord what losers.


Kari says: "He[Obama] used war to bring peace."

Strange logic. Someone who wages war is no friend of peace.

The Nobel Committee awarded Obama the Peace Prize just 8 months after he assumed presidential office, insufficient time to judge a true peacemaker.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is crying out for a peacemaker, but Obama is steering clear of that opportunity.

If Obama attacks Syria, he sows the seeds of retaliation against American citizens inside and outside the USA. Where's the peace in that?


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: ' Lenin once said, "the masses are asses"....'

I presume that report first appeared in the JACKASS JOURNAL, not so?


Bhai, Gilbaka is an EXPERT on Lenin.

And them run to the "great satan" to get rescued.  Lord what losers.

baseman, Marx and Lenin said: Workers of the world, unite!"

I ran to Canada to unite with its workers.

The "great Satan" is monopoly capital and the Establishment, not the masses.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

QUOTE: ' Lenin once said, "the masses are asses"....'

I presume that report first appeared in the JACKASS JOURNAL, not so?


Bhai, Gilbaka is an EXPERT on Lenin.

And them run to the "great satan" to get rescued.  Lord what losers.

All them ole time PPP Commies live in the West and enjoy the fruits of capitalism. They admire Russia, Cuba and North Korea from a distance but ask them to go and live there. No way Jose, they rather sponge off the West. 

Originally Posted by Chief:


Can I get your permission to post your piEce on FB?

Of course. Anything I post here and in other fora is inj the public domain as far as I'm concerned. But it's always the right thing to ask. Good protocol Chief, but I always know you to be a straight-up guy.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman's assessment of Obama is proving to be correct.  Baseman is a lap ahead of you katahars and mullah lovers.  Obama now saying he don't need UN mandate....WOW, what an "evolution".


Obama is a trickster who take all alyuh for a good ride.  Stupid people you are, but then again,  as Lenin once said, "the masses are asses", and so are you all run-mouths dunda heads.


Chief find Kari piece "good read", well Kari is a dumb-ass big run mouth and chief is even dumber.  Good fuh you mullah dunda heads, the US and Israel gon rule alyuh for the next few centuries.


Obama is a failure and he trying to buttress his legacy..of little.

I see you can't resist, eh?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Kari says: "He[Obama] used war to bring peace."

Strange logic. Someone who wages war is no friend of peace.

The Nobel Committee awarded Obama the Peace Prize just 8 months after he assumed presidential office, insufficient time to judge a true peacemaker.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is crying out for a peacemaker, but Obama is steering clear of that opportunity.

If Obama attacks Syria, he sows the seeds of retaliation against American citizens inside and outside the USA. Where's the peace in that?


Kari katahar talk too much to think.  He shame his hero now trying to act like the great George Bush.  However Obama's flimsy thought process and flawed logic makes him a midget leader vs the great George Bush.


Obama is trying to redeem himself after all the lies and mess of Benghazi and with little else to show.  His high point was getting Osama, something started under Bush, and even Jimmy Carter or Rawn Paul would have taken the shot.


Under Obama, we have lost eight years and have seen the resurgence of Al Qaeda.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Contrary to what I hear in this forum the Nobel Committee was resoundingly right about awarding Obama the Peace prize.


I salute his Nobel prize.



No President is without errors or misjudgements.


President Barack Obama, is no different.  However, long after his term, people will indeed have a deeper and wider appreciate of his years as President of the US_of_A.

D-G, in some critical areas Governance diverges from Campaigning, but Obama has managed to keep his ideals of making the US a “more perfect Union” intact against abnormal odds (the GOP and TEA Party-ers).


It is clear that his election embolden democratic movements the world over – if America can elect a black man anything can happen anywhere – that was the essence of his Nobel Prize, along with the fact that his opposition to the Iraq war won him the Presidency. Maybe the Nobel Committee was sticking it to the neo-cons.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman's assessment of Obama is proving to be correct.  Baseman is a lap ahead of you katahars and mullah lovers.  Obama now saying he don't need UN mandate....WOW, what an "evolution".


Obama is a trickster who take all alyuh for a good ride.  Stupid people you are, but then again,  as Lenin once said, "the masses are asses", and so are you all run-mouths dunda heads.


Chief find Kari piece "good read", well Kari is a dumb-ass big run mouth and chief is even dumber.  Good fuh you mullah dunda heads, the US and Israel gon rule alyuh for the next few centuries.


Obama is a failure and he trying to buttress his legacy..of little.

I see you can't resist, eh?

Now Kari-cuttah, tell me where I'm wrong.  Don't you feel like a dumb ass mullah boy.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Chief:


Can I get your permission to post your piEce on FB?

Of course. Anything I post here and in other fora is inj the public domain as far as I'm concerned. But it's always the right thing to ask. Good protocol Chief, but I always know you to be a straight-up guy.

What a dumb ass posting taken in the context of all your hu-rah-rah about Obama up to fairly recent.  You seek relevance but cannot stand up to the test of your own mediocre positions.  Obama has "evolved" to the position where he don't need the UN to attack another nation which DID NOT attack the USA.  Dumb asses you all are.


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