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Obama warns against ‘strongman politics’, experts believe speech rebuked Trump

The Associated Press, July 17, 2018 5:50 am, Updated:July 17, 2018 10:03 am,

WATCH: Obama says public must ‘resist cynicism’ in global politics

Without ever mentioning President Donald Trump by name, former U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday took aim at “strongman politics” in his highest-profile speech since leaving office, urging people around the world to respect human rights and other values now under threat in an impassioned address marking the 100th anniversary of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela’s birth.

Obama’s speech to a cheering crowd of thousands in South Africa countered many of Trump’s policies, rallying people around the world to keep alive the ideas that Mandela worked for including democracy, diversity and tolerance.

READ MORE: Obama visiting Kenya, father’s country of birth, to help launch sister’s sports centre

Obama opened by calling today’s times “strange and uncertain,” adding that “each day’s news cycle is bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines.” These days “we see much of the world threatening to return to a more dangerous, more brutal, way of doing business,” he said.

He targeted politicians pushing “politics of fear, resentment, retrenchment,” saying they are on the move “at a pace unimaginable just a few years ago.”

He attacked “strongman politics,” saying that “those in power seek to undermine every institution … that gives democracy meaning.”

He spoke up for equality in all forms, saying that “I would have thought we had figured that out by now,” and he even invoked the World Cup-winning French team and its diversity. He warned that countries that engage in xenophobia “eventually … find themselves consumed by civil war.”

And he noted the “utter loss of shame among political leaders when they’re caught in a lie and they just double down and lie some more,” warning that the denial of facts — such as that of climate change — could be the undoing of democracy.

But Obama reminded the audience that “we’ve been through darker times. We’ve been through lower valleys,” and he closed with a call to action: “I say if people can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.”

He received a standing ovation.

READ MORE: Obama, Bush break with custom to warn against Donald Trump’s politics

“Just by standing on the stage honouring Nelson Mandela, Obama is delivering an eloquent rebuke to Trump,” said John Stremlau, professor of international relations at Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, who called the timing auspicious as the commitments that defined Mandela’s life are “under assault” in the U.S. and elsewhere.

“Yesterday we had Trump and Putin standing together, now we are seeing the opposing team: Obama and Mandela.”

This was Obama’s first visit to Africa since leaving office in early 2017. He stopped earlier this week in Kenya, where he visited the rural birthplace of his late father.

Obama’s speech noted how Mandela, who was imprisoned for 27 years, kept up his campaign against what appeared to be insurmountable odds to end apartheid, South Africa’s harsh system of white minority rule.

WATCH: Barack Obama says he hopes to create ‘a million young Barack Obamas’ to lead ‘human progress’

Mandela, who was released from prison in 1990 and became South Africa’s first black president four years later, died in 2013, leaving a powerful legacy of reconciliation and diversity along with a resistance to inequality, economic and otherwise.

Until Tuesday, Obama had shied away from public comment on Trump, whose administration has reversed or attacked notable achievements of his predecessor. The U.S. under Trump has withdrawn from the 2015 Paris climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal while trying to undercut the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare.”

READ MORE: Barack Obama pens warning over Donald Trump’s ‘misguided’ exit from Iran nuclear deal

Obama’s speech drew on his great admiration for Mandela, a fellow Nobel Peace Prize winner whom America’s first black president saw as a mentor.

When Obama was a U.S. senator he had his picture taken with Mandela. After Obama became president he sent a copy of the photo to Mandela, who kept it in his office. Obama also made a point of visiting Mandela’s prison cell and gave a moving eulogy at Mandela’s memorial service in 2013, saying the South African leader’s life had inspired him.

Many South Africans view Obama as a successor to Mandela because of his groundbreaking role and his support for racial equality in the U.S. and around the world.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Obama, that man believes in a lil boy world. The world is becoming choatic and fails to recognize it. Just as he went to Cairo to tell the muslim world that the infidel's world was wrong to them. And then he killed their most admired, Osama bin Laden.

Obama doan see Russia getting stronger everyday, China gat a leader for life and migrants are fleeing everywhere to the whitemans world. And this caucasian expects the whiteman to sit back and watch their world infiltrated by residents of shithole countries.

Poverty for America is fast approaching, maybe it is there time like the nations of the bygone centuries. Hurried along by men like Obama who are full of their sentimentalities.

I think Obama loves an audience. He should do more and speak less, for his efforts would last-his words just blowing in the wind. 

seignet posted:

Obama, that man believes in a lil boy world. The world is becoming choatic and fails to recognize it. Just as he went to Cairo to tell the muslim world that the infidel's world was wrong to them. And then he killed their most admired, Osama bin Laden.

Obama doan see Russia getting stronger everyday, China gat a leader for life and migrants are fleeing everywhere to the whitemans world. And this caucasian expects the whiteman to sit back and watch their world infiltrated by residents of shithole countries.

Poverty for America is fast approaching, maybe it is there time like the nations of the bygone centuries. Hurried along by men like Obama who are full of their sentimentalities.

I think Obama loves an audience. He should do more and speak less, for his efforts would last-his words just blowing in the wind. 

Just like Trump with every new post , you put out  bigger pile.

Chief posted:

Brother Barack Hussein Obama is a true Muslim. 

The man publicly declared that he is a Christian. What makes you think he is a true Muslim? Not because his father was a Muslim, he is a Muslim. He never swore on the Q'uran during his inaugurations.

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Brother Barack Hussein Obama is a true Muslim. 

The man publicly declared that he is a Christian. What makes you think he is a true Muslim? Not because his father was a Muslim, he is a Muslim. He never swore on the Q'uran during his inaugurations.

You know the religious fundamentalist has to preach his superiority BS.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Brother Barack Hussein Obama is a true Muslim. 

The man publicly declared that he is a Christian. What makes you think he is a true Muslim? Not because his father was a Muslim, he is a Muslim. He never swore on the Q'uran during his inaugurations.

You know the religious fundamentalist has to preach his superiority BS.

And the Muslim hater must show up!

Ray posted:

let's keep the religious stuff to the religious forum

 Last night on Fox   they were implying that Obama is not American and he is an under cover Muslim.


Last edited by Chief
Chief posted:
seignet posted:

Obama, that man believes in a lil boy world. The world is becoming choatic and fails to recognize it. Just as he went to Cairo to tell the muslim world that the infidel's world was wrong to them. And then he killed their most admired, Osama bin Laden.

Obama doan see Russia getting stronger everyday, China gat a leader for life and migrants are fleeing everywhere to the whitemans world. And this caucasian expects the whiteman to sit back and watch their world infiltrated by residents of shithole countries.

Poverty for America is fast approaching, maybe it is there time like the nations of the bygone centuries. Hurried along by men like Obama who are full of their sentimentalities.

I think Obama loves an audience. He should do more and speak less, for his efforts would last-his words just blowing in the wind. 

Just like Trump with every new post , you put out  bigger pile.

like every post, yuh must identify/point out ur brotherhood. You and Trump have alot in common. He fails to see ppl and just ppl, Trump sees white ppl and yuh see ur brotherhood regardless of the color and nationality.

Chief posted:
Ray posted:

let's keep the religious stuff to the religious forum

 Last night on Fox   they were implying that Obama is not American and he is an under cover Muslim.


I agree. He used the Black votes for better associations and lifestyle. I doan begrudge him, he continually speaks to the white world, my kind of mentors.


Obama was a weak leader in foreign policy. 

He bowed to the Wahab King, returned just to get kicked by ISIS. 

Then he sat back and watch ISIS engulf Syria.  

Then, instead of fighting ISIS, he followed the Clintons and took out Gadaffi and gave ISIS another stronghold. 

Then he failed to protect the mission in Benghasi and, well we all know what happened....then they tried a cover-up!  

Then Russia invaded Crimea and he did nothing.  It took Trump to arm the resistance! 

Meanwhile the Israelis trampled over the rights of the Palestinians with no progress. 

Then he watched and did nothing as Yemen descended into chaos!

Then he gave Guyana to the PNC!

Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

Brother Barack Hussein Obama is a true Muslim. 

The man publicly declared that he is a Christian. What makes you think he is a true Muslim? Not because his father was a Muslim, he is a Muslim. He never swore on the Q'uran during his inaugurations.

You know the religious fundamentalist has to preach his superiority BS.

And the Muslim hater must show up!

I don’t hate anyone based on their religious beliefs but I’m wary of those who support terrorists and prey on children. You sickos need help.

Every time I confront you with your hatred towards Islam and Muslims you go into a rant that I support terrorism and hustled some some underage girl.


Your modus operandi is to curse and fabricate lies against anyone that confronts you. It is plain on daylight here on GNI. hAVE YOU EVER WRITTEN ANYTHING HERE THAT IS POSITIVE? 

You always curse out Indians, the PPP people, Muslims and everyone else.

You are a miserable son of a bitch!



Baseman posted:

Obama was a weak leader in foreign policy. 

He bowed to the Wahab King, returned just to get kicked by ISIS. 

Then he sat back and watch ISIS engulf Syria.  

Then, instead of fighting ISIS, he followed the Clintons and took out Gadaffi and gave ISIS another stronghold. 

Then he failed to protect the mission in Benghasi and, well we all know what happened....then they tried a cover-up!  

Then Russia invaded Crimea and he did nothing.  It took Trump to arm the resistance! 

Meanwhile the Israelis trampled over the rights of the Palestinians with no progress. 

Then he watched and did nothing as Yemen descended into chaos!

Then he gave Guyana to the PNC!

You had to throw in the last one

seignet posted:

Just like Trump with every new post , you put out  bigger pile.

like every post, yuh must identify/point out ur brotherhood. You and Trump have alot in common. He fails to see ppl and just ppl, Trump sees white ppl and yuh see ur brotherhood regardless of the color and nationality.

The brotherhood does not see race.

That's what that makes us powerful.

Baseman posted:

Obama was a weak leader in foreign policy. 

He bowed to the Wahab King, returned just to get kicked by ISIS. 

Then he sat back and watch ISIS engulf Syria.  

Then, instead of fighting ISIS, he followed the Clintons and took out Gadaffi and gave ISIS another stronghold. 

Then he failed to protect the mission in Benghasi and, well we all know what happened....then they tried a cover-up!  

Then Russia invaded Crimea and he did nothing.  It took Trump to arm the resistance! 

Meanwhile the Israelis trampled over the rights of the Palestinians with no progress. 

Then he watched and did nothing as Yemen descended into chaos!

Then he gave Guyana to the PNC!

 A load of Baloney.

ISIS spread across the region because of the security  crisis left after Bush invaded Iraq and disrupted the fragile “stability” that existed. Obama took the fight to ISIS and crushed them to the extent where Trump was left with mop up duties when he assumed office. All the umteen witch hunt hearings that you had on Benghazi turned up no wrong doings in contrast to the Russia hearings which have led to many of Trump senior people being indicted. What will Trump do to fix Yemen or Libya? Nothing. Obama did all he could after the Russian Crimea invasion. He had Russia kicked out of the G8 and imposed sanctions. Do you expect him to invade Russia? In contrast, your wet noodle Trump is trying to have Russia readmitted to the G8 and is talking about easing sanctions on them. And you must have noticed that treasonous display a few days ago while he was licking Putin’s balls. Trump has taken the Israeli/Palestinian relationship to a new low with the embassy in Jerusalem. He will have achieved nothing on that front by the time they kick him out. His meeting with Kim Jong Un was more hype and no action. The only progress Trump made was to promise Kim hotels in NK. Kim has since ramped up his nuclear program according to US intelligence experts. He’s not giving up any of it and just played Trump like a fiddle. For someone who claims to be a master negotiator, that orange clown is a complete failure. He looked like a weakling against Kim and Putin. He cannot even negotiate with his own Republican Congress to vote for his health care plan. Obama had nothing to do with the Guyana Elections. The stench of PPP corruption exiled them to the dog house for a few years after the people of Guyana cast more votes for the Coalition Government. They did the same thing in 2011 so the PPP should have seen the swift kick in the ass coming in 2015. Only nincompoops like DG thought that the PPP would win with 60% of the votes.




NO! I was never accused of anything like that about approaching any one for sex.

Nuff made a false  allegation that I tried to hustle his sweet woman I  the presence of her teenage child and we spent weeks and months on GNi going back and forth with that .

You were here as a member when that transpired and was fully aware of the threads. 

Carry on.smartly with.your fabrications and lies that you keep repeating every time you are confronted with your hate for Muslims and Indians.

Nehru posted:

HEHEHE Communism?? Even Russian do not have Communism. Excuses should be better than that of Trump, but you failed miserably.

Tell that to those PPP fools who run around in red shirts chanting old Commie songs and calling each other Comrade. They don’t realize that the Cold War has been over for years now.

Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:



NO! I was never accused of anything like that about approaching any one for sex.

Nuff made a false  allegation that I tried to hustle his sweet woman I  the presence of her teenage child and we spent weeks and months on GNi going back and forth with that .

You were here as a member when that transpired and was fully aware of the threads. 

Carry on.smartly with.your fabrications and lies that you keep repeating every time you are confronted with your hate for Muslims and Indians.

Yeah, try to paint me as a racist when there are no grounds to support that. You tried to hustle the woman’s daughter, liar. You’re so freaking ugly and desperate that you have to pay for it or stalk people children. Get help you sicko.

He he he

It seems like you cannot control yourself. Keep adding dimensions.

You asked me a question, I answered and you  still want to believe your fallacy.

Carry on smartly.


You were accused of trying to hustle the woman’s daughter and you’re trying to change the story around now. It’s not a laughing matter. You may think it’s ok but I don’t expect a sicko like you to think any different. Sexual predators are evil and the ones like you who go after children are just lowlife scum. 

Mars posted:
Chief posted:



NO! I was never accused of anything like that about approaching any one for sex.

Nuff made a false  allegation that I tried to hustle his sweet woman I  the presence of her teenage child and we spent weeks and months on GNi going back and forth with that .

You were here as a member when that transpired and was fully aware of the threads. 

Carry on.smartly with.your fabrications and lies that you keep repeating every time you are confronted with your hate for Muslims and Indians.

Yeah, try to paint me as a racist when there are no grounds to support that. You tried to hustle the woman’s daughter, liar. You’re so freaking ugly and desperate that you have to pay for it or stalk people children. Get help you sicko.

Bro you are beyond help. 

Now you start to believe your lies.

Please do not commit suicide. Based on your writings here you are very miserable.  You into antiman runnings , I am out of here. YOU LOOKING FOR MAN whist telling  a real man he is  ugly. 

I never see nothing like this.

Last edited by Chief
Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:



NO! I was never accused of anything like that about approaching any one for sex.

Nuff made a false  allegation that I tried to hustle his sweet woman I  the presence of her teenage child and we spent weeks and months on GNi going back and forth with that .

You were here as a member when that transpired and was fully aware of the threads. 

Carry on.smartly with.your fabrications and lies that you keep repeating every time you are confronted with your hate for Muslims and Indians.

Yeah, try to paint me as a racist when there are no grounds to support that. You tried to hustle the woman’s daughter, liar. You’re so freaking ugly and desperate that you have to pay for it or stalk people children. Get help you sicko.

He he he

It seems like you cannot control yourself. Keep adding dimensions.

You asked me a question, I answered and you  still want to believe your fallacy.

Carry on smartly.


You were accused of trying to hustle the woman’s daughter and you’re trying to change the story around now. It’s not a laughing matter. You may think it’s ok but I don’t expect a sicko like you to think any different. Sexual predators are evil and the ones like you who go after children are just lowlife scum. 

Stop taking bullshit and produce the evidence where I ever hustled any ones daughter. I challenge you to go on GNI and find any such nonsesnse  as to what you are fabricating . You become dangerous when get caught with your lies.

Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:



NO! I was never accused of anything like that about approaching any one for sex.

Nuff made a false  allegation that I tried to hustle his sweet woman I  the presence of her teenage child and we spent weeks and months on GNi going back and forth with that .

You were here as a member when that transpired and was fully aware of the threads. 

Carry on.smartly with.your fabrications and lies that you keep repeating every time you are confronted with your hate for Muslims and Indians.

Yeah, try to paint me as a racist when there are no grounds to support that. You tried to hustle the woman’s daughter, liar. You’re so freaking ugly and desperate that you have to pay for it or stalk people children. Get help you sicko.

He he he

It seems like you cannot control yourself. Keep adding dimensions.

You asked me a question, I answered and you  still want to believe your fallacy.

Carry on smartly.


You were accused of trying to hustle the woman’s daughter and you’re trying to change the story around now. It’s not a laughing matter. You may think it’s ok but I don’t expect a sicko like you to think any different. Sexual predators are evil and the ones like you who go after children are just lowlife scum. 

Stop taking bullshit and produce the evidence where I ever hustled any ones daughter. I challenge you to go on GNI and find any such nonsesnse  as to what you are fabricating . You become dangerous when get caught with your lies.

Lies? You know that there is no archive here going back that far so you're safe. Leave people children alone and get help you sicko!



Do yourself a favor, stop hiding behind a computer and come out as  a man.

I am public figure and many GNIers know who I am including you. Your foolish allegations and lies will not get you anywhere.

If  lies and false allegations will make you happy, then enjoy your short lived happiness.  

Chief posted:


Do yourself a favor, stop hiding behind a computer and come out as  a man.

I am public figure and many GNIers know who I am including you. Your foolish allegations and lies will not get you anywhere.

If  lies and false allegations will make you happy, then enjoy your short lived happiness.  

This is a forum where there is a choice to be anonymous or not. You want me to disclose my location now so your terrorist buddies can drop a bomb on my house? Many people here know me anyway. They know you too and what a lowlife you are. I've never been accused of stalking anyone for sex much less with a child. Turn yourself in to a therapist at least and try to curb your wicked behavior.

Mars posted:
Chief posted:


Do yourself a favor, stop hiding behind a computer and come out as  a man.

I am public figure and many GNIers know who I am including you. Your foolish allegations and lies will not get you anywhere.

If  lies and false allegations will make you happy, then enjoy your short lived happiness.  

This is a forum where there is a choice to be anonymous or not. You want me to disclose my location now so your terrorist buddies can drop a bomb on my house? Many people here know me anyway. They know you too and what a lowlife you are. I've never been accused of stalking anyone for sex much less with a child. Turn yourself in to a therapist at least and try to curb your wicked behavior.




Can it be that when the father from Our Lady of Fatima Church interfered with you as a child is still affecting you hence you are obsessed with child molestation? 

Physiologists have proven that abused  children grew up to be compulsive liars, uses drugs and then accuse others of doing the same. 

Pleas stop using coke, your teeth will fall off.

Mars posted:
Chief posted:
Mars posted:
Chief posted:


Do yourself a favor, stop hiding behind a computer and come out as  a man.

I am public figure and many GNIers know who I am including you. Your foolish allegations and lies will not get you anywhere.

If  lies and false allegations will make you happy, then enjoy your short lived happiness.  

This is a forum where there is a choice to be anonymous or not. You want me to disclose my location now so your terrorist buddies can drop a bomb on my house? Many people here know me anyway. They know you too and what a lowlife you are. I've never been accused of stalking anyone for sex much less with a child. Turn yourself in to a therapist at least and try to curb your wicked behavior.


I've never had a problem with any woman running away from me. I have a gorgeous woman in my bed every night and I don't have to resort to paying for it. And I certainly wouldn't stoop to your level where you stalk under age children for sex.

All dem boys from GT knew that the lady ran away from you. 

There is  a gathering this weekend at Tropics for the Bettencourt lady that died , that group knows you well. They can verify what happened to you and what is causing you to be a mental case.

Link copied to your clipboard.