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President Barack Obama hailed Muammar Gaddafi's death as a warning to dictators across the Middle East that iron-fisted rule 'inevitably comes to an end.

Obama said the fall of Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya in revolutions dubbed the Arab Spring proved that the leaders of Syria and Yemen should be fearful of similar endings.
Protests that broke out in Syria in March have so far seen more than 3,000 people killed after the leadership's violent military response.
Washington has demanded that Bashar al-Assad, the country's leader, halt his crackdown on democracy protests and step down. The White House is also pressing Yemen's longtime president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to leave office in the face of political upheaval.

The leader said the United States would be a partner to Libya's interim government and urged a swift transition to democracy but made no specific promises of aid.

The warnings from Washington were backed up by Libyan revolutionaires themselves, who vowed to help their 'brothers and sisters in Syria' fight for freedom.

'This is the fate of a leader who destroyed the lives of his people for decades and opened fire on them before his demise,' said Mohamed Beltagy, senior member of Egypt's influential Muslim Brotherhood.

'Gaddafi's fate should be a lesson for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad and Yemen's (Ali Abdullah) Saleh,' he said.

The warnings were welcomed by Syrian dissidents who have continued their struggles.

'If I were a member of the regime, Bashar or [his brother] Maher, I would start to feel rather concerned,' said Amr al-Azm, a Syrian dissident in the United States and member of the opposition, told the Independent.

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Originally posted by Wally:
Lucus, are you trying to insult my boy the dalai lama. The dalai lama is trying to protect his people from racial genocide by the Han Chinese racist Communist Party.

The Delay Lama is the Tibetan edition of a proxy=puppet rebel separatist controlled by CIA. Delay Lama is a CIA asset not a spiritual leader of any kind. He was educated by CIA when he fled his country. His organization is financed by CIA, his salary is paid by CIA like most of the so called pro-democracy leaders that work for the West.
China's influence and power in Africa has grown so much that Mandela's South Africa has refused the Dailai Lama because of pressure from the Chinese. This is so shameful on the part of the ANC which received support from all people across the globe to end their sufferings under apartheid. Money and POwer is what runs this world. China has lots of It. White AMerica is worried about losing their place in the world to those little people that deliver Chicken and Broccoli at their door steps on bicycles and mopeds.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Tibet was a nation for many centuries before it was invaded by China. What the Chinese is doing in Tibet is the killing of a people. They are bringing thousands of Han Chinese every day into Tibet to turn the Tibetian people into a small minority. It is an ethnic genocide of a people regardless of CIA help to the Dalai Lama.
Yeah Wally. We know the Kunlan mountains protected the Tibetan nation from invasion, but the Peoples Army of Mao made it across that cold and unforgiving terrain all the way Llhasa. Tibetan culture and autonomy have be compromised. How does the UN or the international court of justice punish a six hundred pound gorilla when they enforcers of the law are just little *****cats?? Might is Right in the real world.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Mad Max:
Mao was correct. True power comes from the barrel of a gun. Chinese Invented gunpowder for a reason.

Haha, Kidmost always said this.

Back to the thread, Assad might be next, or Yemen. The fall of Libya has re-energized these protestors. They will draw inspiration from this, push hard, take hits, take losses and maybe hope for a bit of Western nudging and Assad will crumble like Gadhafi.

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