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It appears that David Axlerod and David Plouffe have out-gunned Romney's campaign team so far. Here's why I say this.


Just as Romney tied up the Republican nominee, the Obama team in Chicago went on the attack over hiss "Severe Conservative" declaration. Romney said this in the Primary campaign and he took positions that the TEA party would embrace (immigration, abortion, gay marriage, similar prescription as the Bush low-tax, minimal-regulation, etc.). For the general election campaign Romney tried to shift to a moderate stance and the Obama team kept up the "war-on-women" and medicare cuts issues and the balanced approach to deficits. The Romney team capitulated after this late Spring/early summer attack and now he's made a decision to not invite the likes of Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum.


The next phase of the attack, and especially in the Swing States (the 4 South-west heavily Hispanic States, the mid-west Iowa/Ohio and Pennsylvania, the North Carolina/Florida South), was to hammer Romney on his credentials as a CEO who knows how to create jobs. While Romney spends his millions and his Super PACs spend their hundreds of million on Obama as a lost cause, we have witnessed a barrage of Bain attacks that is reminiscent of the Kerry swift-boating and Dukakis's Willie Horton types attack. GOP strategists have already begun to see the wisdom of the dollar spent defining your opponent in the summer as a better return than a dollar spent in the fall. They've resigned themselves to the Bain stuff as being bigger than Obama's economic performance. They've even begun to think 2016. You have to hear it from the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Ann-Coulter and Laura Ingram, etc. and you see them giving up on 2012. Don't forget that the Bush folks saw what the Obama machinery did to McCain in 2008. That's a team that come to fight and will make Karl Rove look like a choir boy.


The Obama team is going to engage Romney in an area he wants to avoid - the Massachusetts Governorship record. Then they will execute the coup-de-grace, Obama's likability after the debates. Watch out how Obama pummels his fellow Harvard Alumni in the fall debates. A trump card taken away has been gas prices. Soon the economy trajectory may not look so bad for Obama in the Fall. The key to 2012 though is the ground game - the chase for the magical 270 Electoral votes. Obama looks in good shape.

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Basement, you are looking at the wrong statistic, and that's why you're encouraged with the neck-and-neck stuff. Look at the number 270. Give Obama the States Kerry won in 2004 (which Obama also took in 2008) and which have voted Democrat since Clinton days, you will see that all Obama needs of the Swing States is Florida. Lose Florida and pick up the 4 South-West States and he;s over the top. And I haven't even begun to talk of the Swing States he won in 2008 - No Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc.


Quixotic blabbering about some illusory socialism may be a good pill for you, but it will only make you feel more miserable. You gotta own up, this is not a fight between personal accountability versus government handouts. This is about making America strong and Romney's prescription will send us back to the Bush days when we really diminish who we are, while the rest of the world catch up. It's good the rest of the world advance, but we must also keep advancing to show leadership in the values of democracy and free markets.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Basement, you are looking at the wrong statistic, and that's why you're encouraged with the neck-and-neck stuff. Look at the number 270. Give Obama the States Kerry won in 2004 (which Obama also took in 2008) and which have voted Democrat since Clinton days, you will see that all Obama needs of the Swing States is Florida. Lose Florida and pick up the 4 South-West States and he;s over the top. And I haven't even begun to talk of the Swing States he won in 2008 - No Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc.


Quixotic blabbering about some illusory socialism may be a good pill for you, but it will only make you feel more miserable. You gotta own up, this is not a fight between personal accountability versus government handouts. This is about making America strong and Romney's prescription will send us back to the Bush days when we really diminish who we are, while the rest of the world catch up. It's good the rest of the world advance, but we must also keep advancing to show leadership in the values of democracy and free markets.

I gotta commend Obama for the wacking he dispensing on them Islamists, he unclenched his fist good and prapa.


Polling is neck and neck so my commentary was purely based on that though I am fully aware the gap is big on a constituency and electoral college basis and Obama looking good there.  I was just commenting on popular sentiment not on technicals.  He will run up another 3-4 trillion debt then leave for a good leader like Clinton or Reagan to come and clean up the mess.


Baseless, I will provide you with excerpts of an article on Debts by US Presidents (this one is up to the end of Obama’s 2nd fiscal year Sep 2011)


The debt each President creates is a function of the budgets each President submits to congress. It is not based upon the literal time they spend in office. Therefore the only objective way to view the data is BY EACH PRESIDENTS BUDGET.


On January 20th, 2001, George W. Bush was sworn into office – but the budget for most of the rest of that year was Bill Clinton’s, passed by the prior Congress. Barack Obama was sworn in on January 20th, 2009 – but the budget for most of that year was that of George W. Bush. Why are these so? Because the Federal government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 (of the previous calendar year) to September 30. Hence, the FY 2001 is Clinton’s and FY 2002 is Bush’s. FY2009 is Bush’s, FY 2010 is Obama’s.

The actual budgets of the Presidents and their deficits — that’s what this is about, right? — are as follows:

George W. Bush is sworn in on January 20th, but his first budget does not take effect until October 1, 2001:

10/1/2001: Bush starting deficit – $5.8 trillion

9/30/2009: Bush ending deficit – $11.9 trillion

Bush debt contribution: $6.1 trillion

Barack H. Obama is sworn in on January 20th, but his first budget does not take effect until October 1, 2009:

10/1/2009: Obama starting deficit – $11.9 trillion

9/30/2011: Obama ending deficit – $14.8 trillion

Obama debt contribution: $2.9 trillion

Of the $14.8 trillion in total debt as of September 30, 2011, the Bush budgets generated $6.1 trillion in deficits versus the $2.9 trillion of Obama deficits. That’s 41.2% vs 19.6% by a reasonable methodology of measuring presidential debt.

These are the actual Presidential Budget deficits — not time in office, which is simply an irrelevant measure that no fair minded, mathematically literate person would use.


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