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Obama has already addressed a peaceful resolution to the Iranian problem a year and a half ago. Because of his sanctions and getting Russia, China and India to go along (something Bush and Romney could never get done with their bellicosity and strike-first posture), the Iranians are cooperating. Watch for an announcement soon. That's one of the reason Obama got the Nobel peace prize

Originally Posted by caribny:

To be extraordinary his NUMBER ONE focus should be reducing unemployment to 5%, increasing labor participation rates to 68%, and acheiving real GDP growth at a minimum of 3%.


Let the Europeans and Israel handle Iran as they are more of a threat to them than to the USA.

The unemployment issue is due to the decline of the country. The USA will never get better. The difference is that under Obama the decline will be gradual. Under Romney America would be collapse dramatically.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama has already addressed a peaceful resolution to the Iranian problem a year and a half ago. Because of his sanctions and getting Russia, China and India to go along (something Bush and Romney could never get done with their bellicosity and strike-first posture), the Iranians are cooperating. Watch for an announcement soon. That's one of the reason Obama got the Nobel peace prize

Sanctioning Iran will not bring a solution.  Obama sanctioned Iran oil but exempted China, India, Turkey and a few other nations.  This tells the limited choices, the diverging interests and the power of Iran.


Obama knows the solution is to give Iran something in return for them opening up their Nuke program to international oversight.  Iran wants something big and tangible in return and that is nothing short of a bi-lateral non-aggression treaty with the USA and a recognition as a regional player in ME matters.


Iran's unchallenged rise is a direct result of Bush's intervention in Iraq.  Thanks to Bush, the USA has to directly face down Iran.  In the end, a regional power "Iran" is here to stay.  The wings of Israel will be clipped and Iran will become the player on the Palestinian side for their rights as a people.  Russia and China will back Iran in an effort to mitigate the US power and exert influence in that region.


It is for valid reasons the US is pivoting away from the ME as the writing on the wall is clear to see, and the Israelis and US Right-wing only have themselves to blame.  The US is being pushed back by Iran and the "Arab Spring".

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Obuma is a smart scamp.  India has historical ties with Iran.  It will never end those ties over what Obuma say.  Obuma is using and abusing powerless dark skin peoples to impress white people.  That is an Uncle Uncle Tommy Tommy Jones. He is so good at what he does that I had to name him twice. 

Guh play with yuh littee..........yuh raas nah disappear yet? Make like a dry leaf and blow away. only degrade the quality of this Board

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Obuma is a smart scamp.  India has historical ties with Iran.  It will never end those ties over what Obuma say.  Obuma is using and abusing powerless dark skin peoples to impress white people.  That is an Uncle Uncle Tommy Tommy Jones. He is so good at what he does that I had to name him twice. 

Obama is mediocre but the Reps ran a divisive early Primary which hurt them into the General.  Couple this with the Afro racists vote, he will win.  I understand the Electoral College is what matters but the popular vote reflected national sentiment.

Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Couple this with the Afro racists vote, he will win.  I understand the Electoral College is what matters but the popular vote reflected national sentiment.

yessss Herr Baseman . . ., U bitter, bilious, stupid little man. I suggest you create a couple more standby nics to cuss down blackman. You'll need "baseman" for other things.


BTW, Obama's lead in the popular vote is +3,000,000 and counting

Originally Posted by Kari:

Obama has already addressed a peaceful resolution to the Iranian problem a year and a half ago. Because of his sanctions and getting Russia, China and India to go along (something Bush and Romney could never get done with their bellicosity and strike-first posture), the Iranians are cooperating. Watch for an announcement soon. That's one of the reason Obama got the Nobel peace prize

Are you kidding? Obama got the Nobel simply for not being Bush. And the irony is, the Nobel people got it wrong (as they so often do.) Obama is Bush.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . Couple this with the Afro racists vote, he will win.  I understand the Electoral College is what matters but the popular vote reflected national sentiment.

yessss Herr Baseman . . ., U bitter, bilious, stupid little man. I suggest you create a couple more standby nics to cuss down blackman. You'll need "baseman" for other things.


BTW, Obama's lead in the popular vote is +3,000,000 and counting

How many Nics you have CHAMAR????

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The truth is this.  If Obuma was to order all black people to eat sh-t and kick out then divorce Michelle and take a young thin white blond girl as his wife. It would not matter.  Black people will still vote for him because he is their black brother. People like Kari cannot handle the truth.


Originally Posted by baseman:
  Couple this with the Afro racists vote, he will win. .

Because you are an Indonazi no need tyo pretend that others are racist.


In 2004 91% of blacks voted for Kerry...a wonder bread white man.  In 2012 93% voted for Obama.


Where is the racism there?


Why dont you address the fact that many poor whites in places like WV voted for Romney even though their very existence depends on govt hand outs.  They very programs which Romney plans to cut.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

The truth is this.  If Obuma was to order all black people to eat sh-t and kick out then divorce Michelle and take a young thin white blond girl as his wife..

Clearly this is a man who knows nothing of black people.  In teh summner when polls showed that mnay blacks didnt plan to vote becaus ethey felt that Obama had done nothing for them they sent Michelle to talk to them.


If Obama dumps Michelle and gets a white girl he will be reviled and folks will remember that he is a half white man. 


Why dont you focus on the fact that the GOP tried to prevent many blacks from exercising their rights to vote, and so angered many to turn out to vote as revenge.


Had the GOP not done this its likely that the black turn out in FL, OH and VA would have been lower and Romney would ahve won those states....likely becoming president.


Rather than face up to YOUR own racism you impute it onj others.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Nehru of all people. I was thinking you would know better.

Yes nehru is an Indonazi like you.


HOWEVER he knows in the USA many see him as a black man so he confines his bigotry to Guyana.  He knows that he shoots his own foot if he does that here.

I dont consider you aa Afro. Obama , Mandela and OTHER DECECT Citizens ARE. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A HOODLUM!!!!  I dont expect you to know the difference.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Nehru of all people. I was thinking you would know better.

Yes nehru is an Indonazi like you.


HOWEVER he knows in the USA many see him as a black man so he confines his bigotry to Guyana.  He knows that he shoots his own foot if he does that here.

Caribny, you calling me an indonazi does not frizzle me.  You may be an idi Amin black racist when it comes to coolie. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Nehru of all people. I was thinking you would know better.

Yes nehru is an Indonazi like you.


HOWEVER he knows in the USA many see him as a black man so he confines his bigotry to Guyana.  He knows that he shoots his own foot if he does that here.

Caribny, you calling me an indonazi does not frizzle me.  You may be an idi Amin black racist when it comes to coolie. 

Yes you are proud if being a bigot and try to project your attitudes on me even though you have no evidence to furnish that this is the case.



Any way you can flee back to your PPP Guyana if a black president of the USA appalls you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Nehru of all people. I was thinking you would know better.

Yes nehru is an Indonazi like you.


HOWEVER he knows in the USA many see him as a black man so he confines his bigotry to Guyana.  He knows that he shoots his own foot if he does that here.

I dont consider you aa Afro. Obama , Mandela and OTHER DECECT Citizens ARE. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A HOODLUM!!!!  I dont expect you to know the difference.

Nehru you are on ignore.  Just so you know this.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Nehru of all people. I was thinking you would know better.

Yes nehru is an Indonazi like you.


HOWEVER he knows in the USA many see him as a black man so he confines his bigotry to Guyana.  He knows that he shoots his own foot if he does that here.

I dont consider you aa Afro. Obama , Mandela and OTHER DECECT Citizens ARE. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A HOODLUM!!!!  I dont expect you to know the difference.

Nehru you are on ignore.  Just so you know this.

You said that many times before, I hope this time you remember.

Originally Posted by Wally:

The Republican party want nothing to do with us colored folk.  So for the life of me I cannot understand the thinking of Rev Al and Prashad in supporting Romney.

And yuh blame the Republican Party. Just consider Colin Powel-the turn coat.


The Democrats is a Black Party and yuh think it is wrong for white Folks to have their own representation.

These r all racists. Wait later on, the rednecks gonna turn out.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The Republican party want nothing to do with us colored folk.  So for the life of me I cannot understand the thinking of Rev Al and Prashad in supporting Romney.

And yuh blame the Republican Party. Just consider Colin Powel-the turn coat.


The Democrats is a Black Party and yuh think it is wrong for white Folks to have their own representation.

These r all racists. Wait later on, the rednecks gonna turn out.

Yes just look at how people like you are treating Powell.


1.  Before teh decision was made he advised against an invasion as the rationale for it was weak and based on unconfirmed reporat sof Weapons of Mass Destruction.  He further pointed out that if the removal of Saddam leads to an unraveling of Iraq then it will be the responsibility of the USA to rebuild it and that their involvement would extend years beyond the removal of Saddam.


Greedy Cheney and others, had orgasms at the prospects of wealth through stealing Irazqi oil (making teh Iraqis pay for contracts entered by the US under crony capitalism where by the likes of Bechtel, etc...all connected to the Bush regime and their pals) and awarded no bid contracts at inflated prices.  They wanted this "silly" Powell to be shot down, as he didnt get the point, and wasnt going to benefit as we wasnt part of their corrupt cabal.


2.  Once Bush and his oil hungry cronies  decided to invade, Powell as Sec of State, was obligated to make this announcement.  It allowed racists like you to scape goat him in this disaster while preserving your adoration for Bush and now Romney.


So seeing this why do you think people of color would support the GOP?  Only self hating white loving slaves like you would put themselves in that position.


55% of the votes that Obama received were from whites.  Obama got 40% of teh white votes, including more than 50% of young whites.  They will be shocekd to discover that the Democrats are a "black man party".


Now aside from Obama (who is actually as white as he is black...whiter once you consider that he was raised by whites), which blacks play a major role in the Democratic party these days?


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