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skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

Bai Skelly, the party can’t get ahead of itself and allow the media to set their agenda and decide on candidates. That’s for voters in the party to decide.  

Let us assume that Bernie is given a raw deal. His supporters are a significant amount and they will stay home which hands Trump a victory. The party has to give Bernie his chance and that’s how democracy works.

The left wing of the party will fight back. What makes you think that Bernie can’t beat Trump ? Just because the media is pushing that narrative ? The man has some strong social justice policies that cannot be denied. 

Bernie has always maintained that he is an independent. He caused HC to lose in 2016. Let's hope he does not get the nomination or a majority in SC or NV. Hope Biden shows up well.

Bai Skelly, how can you blame Bernie for Hillary loss ?

She ran a terrible campaign and the DNC changed the rules to rig in favour of Hillary winning the nomination. 

She deserved what she got by presenting herself as the queen of england. Arrogance and pride was her downfall. That’s not Bernie’s fault.

ksazma posted:

I like Bernie because it seems that for all his civic life, his strives were never for personal and selfish gains. We are not sure how the primaries will pan out but whoever is the Democratic candidate must be supported because we need to stop the current nonsense. 

Bernie deserves a chance. 

Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

Bai Skelly, the party can’t get ahead of itself and allow the media to set their agenda and decide on candidates. That’s for voters in the party to decide.  

Let us assume that Bernie is given a raw deal. His supporters are a significant amount and they will stay home which hands Trump a victory. The party has to give Bernie his chance and that’s how democracy works.

The left wing of the party will fight back. What makes you think that Bernie can’t beat Trump ? Just because the media is pushing that narrative ? The man has some strong social justice policies that cannot be denied. 

Bernie has always maintained that he is an independent. He caused HC to lose in 2016. Let's hope he does not get the nomination or a majority in SC or NV. Hope Biden shows up well.

Bai Skelly, how can you blame Bernie for Hillary loss ?

She ran a terrible campaign and the DNC changed the rules to rig in favour of Hillary winning the nomination. 

She deserved what she got by presenting herself as the queen of england. Arrogance and pride was her downfall. That’s not Bernie’s fault.

Bernie Sanders should have accepted defeat when he fully damn well knew he had no chance to get the nomination. He caused some of his followers to ditch the democratic party. He will be cancer for the Dems. He promises everything including the kitchen sink. Will he get these pass the house and senate? Who is going to pay for all this free stuff? He needs to stop promising everything for free.

Sean posted:
ksazma posted:

I like Bernie because it seems that for all his civic life, his strives were never for personal and selfish gains. We are not sure how the primaries will pan out but whoever is the Democratic candidate must be supported because we need to stop the current nonsense. 

Bernie deserves a chance. 

You would love Bernie to be the nominee so that Trump would call him a Communist and scare Americans. If Joe Biden can't make it .then I want Bloomberg, he knows the crookedness of Trump and with 62 Billion Dollars compared to less than 1 billion that Trump has, Bloomberg can afford to purchase the White House.

 Don't be bothered of the Stop and Fisk, it surely cleaned up NY, crime went down, he brought Law and Order. Quite a few Black members from the community have endorsed Bloomberg. The white will vote for him ,' if they want someone to shake up Washington, he is an insider to do so.


Sean posted:

Move to the right for beauties that will make your heart flatter. 

Move to the leff for old bags who can’t wake up your billy. 

Why is it that women on the left lack class and can scare away jumbie ?

Trying to be a Foxy Poet.

kp posted:
Sean posted:

Move to the right for beauties that will make your heart flatter. 

Move to the leff for old bags who can’t wake up your billy. 

Why is it that women on the left lack class and can scare away jumbie ?

Trying to be a Foxy Poet.

Na bai, that’s DJ.

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

Bai Skelly, the party can’t get ahead of itself and allow the media to set their agenda and decide on candidates. That’s for voters in the party to decide.  

Let us assume that Bernie is given a raw deal. His supporters are a significant amount and they will stay home which hands Trump a victory. The party has to give Bernie his chance and that’s how democracy works.

The left wing of the party will fight back. What makes you think that Bernie can’t beat Trump ? Just because the media is pushing that narrative ? The man has some strong social justice policies that cannot be denied. 

Bernie has always maintained that he is an independent. He caused HC to lose in 2016. Let's hope he does not get the nomination or a majority in SC or NV. Hope Biden shows up well.

Bai Skelly, how can you blame Bernie for Hillary loss ?

She ran a terrible campaign and the DNC changed the rules to rig in favour of Hillary winning the nomination. 

She deserved what she got by presenting herself as the queen of england. Arrogance and pride was her downfall. That’s not Bernie’s fault.

Bernie Sanders should have accepted defeat when he fully damn well knew he had no chance to get the nomination. He caused some of his followers to ditch the democratic party. He will be cancer for the Dems. He promises everything including the kitchen sink. Will he get these pass the house and senate? Who is going to pay for all this free stuff? He needs to stop promising everything for free.

If that’s how you think and view Bernie who has tremendous support then let me make this prediction, if the Democrat Party topples Bernie with the assistance of the left wing media, Trump wins the election regardless of whom the Democrats choose. Let’s put a bet on that.

Sean posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bernie Sanders should have accepted defeat when he fully damn well knew he had no chance to get the nomination. He caused some of his followers to ditch the democratic party. He will be cancer for the Dems. He promises everything including the kitchen sink. Will he get these pass the house and senate? Who is going to pay for all this free stuff? He needs to stop promising everything for free.

If that’s how you think and view Bernie who has tremendous support then let me make this prediction, if the Democrat Party topples Bernie with the assistance of the left wing media, Trump wins the election regardless of whom the Democrats choose. Let’s put a bet on that.

The democratic party will give Bernie his chance, the same way they are giving Bloomberg. Remember Bloomberg said that some people around Trump are calling him a "barking circus clown". Bloomberg said that we measure our height from the neck up. Trump with no real English comprehension, had this one whizzed over his empty skull.


The racist Bloomberg is buying his way. There is a difference. He needs to buy a golden box to stand on at podium. Trump will crush his rass. The Dems are better off with Bernie.

Bloomberg refuses to call the Chinese a dictatorship. Americans are backing Trump with the fight against the Chinese. 

All you setting up all you selves for failure. I warned all you about Biden but many of you attacked me. Bloomberg will be crushed, chewed up and spit out by Trump. 

Sean posted:

The racist Bloomberg is buying his way. There is a difference. He needs to buy a golden box to stand on at podium. Trump will crush his rass. The Dems are better off with Bernie.

Bloomberg refuses to call the Chinese a dictatorship. Americans are backing Trump with the fight against the Chinese. 

All you setting up all you selves for failure. I warned all you about Biden but many of you attacked me. Bloomberg will be crushed, chewed up and spit out by Trump. 

Bai, toot your horn. You have an audience of one!

skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The racist Bloomberg is buying his way. There is a difference. He needs to buy a golden box to stand on at podium. Trump will crush his rass. The Dems are better off with Bernie.

Bloomberg refuses to call the Chinese a dictatorship. Americans are backing Trump with the fight against the Chinese. 

All you setting up all you selves for failure. I warned all you about Biden but many of you attacked me. Bloomberg will be crushed, chewed up and spit out by Trump. 

Bai, toot your horn. You have an audience of one!

The sad thing is that 'audience of one' doesn't know or care that Sean exist. 

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Sean posted:

The racist Bloomberg is buying his way. There is a difference. He needs to buy a golden box to stand on at podium. Trump will crush his rass. The Dems are better off with Bernie.

Bloomberg refuses to call the Chinese a dictatorship. Americans are backing Trump with the fight against the Chinese. 

All you setting up all you selves for failure. I warned all you about Biden but many of you attacked me. Bloomberg will be crushed, chewed up and spit out by Trump. 

Bai, toot your horn. You have an audience of one!

The sad thing is that 'audience of one' doesn't know or care that Sean exist. 

He is his own audience. Sean by the shit house should stay out of Democrat story and stick with the Republican sleazebags he's more aligned with.

Last edited by cain

#Texas @TexasTribune Poll (1/31-2/9):
Sanders 24%
Biden 22%
Warren 15%
Bloomberg 10%
Buttigieg 7%
Yang 6%
Steyer 3%
Klobuchar 3%
Gabbard 2%
De La Fuente 1%
Harris 1%
Booker 1%
Castro 1%
Bennet 1%
Williamson 0%
Wells 0%
Sestak 0%
Patrick 0%
Delaney 0%


I don't give a damn about AOC. Because when  push comes to shove even Cain will get run from her bed for not being a real white man.  She reminds me of those upper climbing Oriental women from Asia who would jump on any white man regardless of how old or ugly he is so that she can ride him to the top of society.

Last edited by Prashad
Abu Jihad posted:

#Texas @TexasTribune Poll (1/31-2/9):
Sanders 24%
Biden 22%
Warren 15%
Bloomberg 10%
Buttigieg 7%
Yang 6%
Steyer 3%
Klobuchar 3%
Gabbard 2%
De La Fuente 1%
Harris 1%
Booker 1%
Castro 1%
Bennet 1%
Williamson 0%
Wells 0%
Sestak 0%
Patrick 0%
Delaney 0%

Bai Abu, they (DNC and media) will still bring down Bernie despite his popularity. It boggles the mind that their best candidate is preferred over a racist Bloomberg.


Powerful. If I were to vote. Bernie would get my vote. The man is squeaky clean and fights for social justice for all. 
Sadly, the DNC and the fake news media will bring him down. 


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