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D2 posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

The DNC allowed its debate rules to eliminate candidates of color but changed them for a white billionaire who still supports the Iraq war, presided over racist police policies, spied on Muslims, and was a lifelong Republican with the record to prove it.

That is not the mistake. It is allowing 99 percent white states to be the winnowing machine for acceptable candidates. of the remaining; candidates, I would trust the women more than the men and warren most of all since she is a thinker. planner and listener. Wherever she has it wrong is subject to chance. She is also the smartest of the lot. Chances are we will end up with another billionaire and definitely another old out of touch white man.  

Do not disagree, but the DNC must take fault for welcoming him with open arms.

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:

For some of you, let it be known there is only one Obama. If the candidates of colour can't get the votes, then how are they going to make it at the general election. To defeat Trump the democrats need a Unique candidate, someone that can get out the votes, someone that can AFFORD to WIN.

 Right now there are Saunders, Bloomberg and Biden are in the top three. Saunders cannot beat Trump, his socialist ideas would scare the voters, if only that Biden can raise the money he will be the favorite and can beat Trump. Well for Bloomberg, he has the money and he is prepared to spend ONE Billion Dollars of his own money to defeat Trump. I feel it is all in the hands of Joe Biden, must win in Navada and North Carolina if not it's over.

Democrats need the Latino and the African American votes. I hope they can go out and vote this year and not just sit there watching TV. With Trump on an evil journey, he needs to be stopped. He, Stephen Miller, Bar, and Pompeo will make this country a whites-only country and take away everyone's rights. He wants to be a dictator who is in to profit for himself and family.

That's why I feel Bloomberg will be the right person to cut him down, Bloomberg knows Trump inside out, Trump always wants to be like Bloomberg, naming his company after his name. 

 To get to the top ,sometimes you may hurt some, but look at the greater GOOD. The stop and frisk proved to be a success, crime came down and lots of the Bad Guys are in prison. The Blacks and coloured races may not be happy, but the community became safer. 

 One must ask the question WHY, although the Blacks and coloured are the minority ,yet they are the Majority in Jail, in America, Canada.???

You are asking why more brown and black people end up in jail and saying stop and frisk make the community safer so you gotta be confused as hell. 

D2 posted:
kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:

For some of you, let it be known there is only one Obama. If the candidates of colour can't get the votes, then how are they going to make it at the general election. To defeat Trump the democrats need a Unique candidate, someone that can get out the votes, someone that can AFFORD to WIN.

 Right now there are Saunders, Bloomberg and Biden are in the top three. Saunders cannot beat Trump, his socialist ideas would scare the voters, if only that Biden can raise the money he will be the favorite and can beat Trump. Well for Bloomberg, he has the money and he is prepared to spend ONE Billion Dollars of his own money to defeat Trump. I feel it is all in the hands of Joe Biden, must win in Navada and North Carolina if not it's over.

Democrats need the Latino and the African American votes. I hope they can go out and vote this year and not just sit there watching TV. With Trump on an evil journey, he needs to be stopped. He, Stephen Miller, Bar, and Pompeo will make this country a whites-only country and take away everyone's rights. He wants to be a dictator who is in to profit for himself and family.

That's why I feel Bloomberg will be the right person to cut him down, Bloomberg knows Trump inside out, Trump always wants to be like Bloomberg, naming his company after his name. 

 To get to the top ,sometimes you may hurt some, but look at the greater GOOD. The stop and frisk proved to be a success, crime came down and lots of the Bad Guys are in prison. The Blacks and coloured races may not be happy, but the community became safer. 

 One must ask the question WHY, although the Blacks and coloured are the minority ,yet they are the Majority in Jail, in America, Canada.???

You are asking why more brown and black people end up in jail and saying stop and frisk make the community safer so you gotta be confused as hell. 

Stop and Frisk caught the armed criminals.

Abu Jihad posted:
ksazma posted:

Bloomberg will also get support from moderate Republicans so he may end up being the best choice for the Democrats. Maybe that is why FoxNews is scared of him.

You are saying there are no democrats to beat Trump, and you need a more radical republican.


Bloomberg isn’t radical bai. He is very balanced.


I admire Bernie because he has been subjecting himself to water hose treatment since the seventies. However, while I commend him for the things he strives for, free education and healthcare are not that easy to come by and they never will. Even Obama who got so much accomplished toward universal healthcare, he couldn't get the public option passed. And if Obama couldn't get the public option Bernie will not get free healthcare. All I want is a country that does not price its citizens out of education and healthcare amongst other opportunities. I don't mind paying for things. I just don't want to be gouged. 

ksazma posted:

I admire Bernie because he has been subjecting himself to water hose treatment since the seventies. However, while I commend him for the things he strives for, free education and healthcare are not that easy to come by and they never will. Even Obama who got so much accomplished toward universal healthcare, he couldn't get the public option passed. And if Obama couldn't get the public option Bernie will not get free healthcare. All I want is a country that does not price its citizens out of education and healthcare amongst other opportunities. I don't mind paying for things. I just don't want to be gouged. 

This is"One Shot Bernie" he is preaching the impossible and hope to scrape the bottom. 

With his Commie ideas he is better off take his pension and save his heart, as a Senator he has the best health care and a fat pension.

Prashad posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

Tacoma Wa

Image result for sanders tacoma dome

That is a big crowd and that is Trump heart land.

 It is interesting that the Democrat establishment wants Bernie out and the leftists media are promoting Bloomberg. This is a huge mistake. 

All candidates at CNN town hall last night took jabs at Mini Mike Bloomberg. It is only a matter of time when they will go toe to toe with him.

Like Biden, their choice of Bloomberg may fail. He lacks support among Hispanic and African Americans. Bernie is the the most popular candidate with that demographics. 

We are witnessing a repeat of the same mistake with Hillary. 

Last edited by Former Member

Unless you blind and deaf, Trump has repeatedly said that the Dems are nor fair to Bernie...he promotes the idea that Bernie is not being treated fairly....he stays away from attacking Bernie....

Even you is repeating the same mantra....seems all you Repubs is on Bernie side

Even last night Bernie was asked why Trump is on his side....

Lots of Bernie's supporters voted for Trump last election...they are populists...not real Dems


Bai Ray, you are an excellent example of fake news syndrome. He attacks Bernie as a socialist, have you not heard ? 

There is always political strategy in play and creating and promoting division in an opponent’s camp is one of the best strategies especially if they are uncertain about a candidate. 

Supporting Bernie is an excellent strategy since the Democrats are poised to lose and supporting Bernie who has already been blacklisted by the DNC and the Democrat establishment despite the fact that he is poised to win the nomination. They will use rules that are in place to deny him and hand over the candidacy to Bloomberg who will eventually lose to Trump.

Denying Bernie will create a split in the Democrat party and Bernie supporters will stay home. I heard some Democrats are going so far as to state tha Bernie is not a Democrat and this is such and outrageous argument since he represents the left wing of the party.

The Democrats have to reconcile between the popular left wing of the party and the moderates and there will always be this friction between the two factions. 

The Democrats will lose despite which candidate they choose, it’s inevitable. It’s best for them to cut their losses and let Bernie get his chance and get rid of the this problem once and for all rather than risking splitting the party.

That’s for democrats to decide.



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