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Dindyal mismanaged GPL projects – Brassington

August 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– Board and CEO had major power struggle

Former GPL boss, Bharat Dindyal [l) was a poor manager, Board Chairman Winston Brassington (r) said in a report last year.

Former GPL boss, Bharat Dindyal (l) was a poor manager, Board Chairman Winston Brassington (r) said in a report last year.


Days after Government announced that it has parted ways with the head of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL), an explosive report has laid bare the battle that was being waged within that state company.

Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Bharrat Dindyal, was reportedly a power by himself, clashing with the Board of Directors, and mismanaging the multi-billion-dollar projects the company had embarked on.

GPL Chairman Winston Brassington, in an evaluation report last December, recommended that Dindyal, a qualified engineer, not be rehired as CEO.
Dindyal had signaled his intentions to the Board of Directors that he wanted a renewal of his three-year contract despite earlier intentions to leave. He even asked for a US$1,500 increase, on top of his $6.1M monthly pay, as part of his arrangements to stay on as CEO.

It is now public knowledge that Dindyal, who was without a contract since January, was asked to leave last week by the new administration, after he had reportedly signaled his intentions to depart at the end of June.


The decision by the Government was hastened by the fact that the former CEO was caught on camera, in a confrontation with the Deputy CEO, Colin Welch, using expletives over the suspension of two managers for wrongdoing.

Dindyal was heard on the video telling the staffers of the Loss Reduction Department that they should ignore Welch and remain on the job.


What apparently offended the administration was he insisted that the “f%&king minister” (David Patterson) should call him on the matter.


The government’s decision to part ways with Dindyal was seen by the Opposition as discriminatory and a witch-hunt of officials who were seen as supporters of the previous government, but the report would signal a different scenario altogether.

In the explosive evaluation of Dindyal by Brassington, which asked former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds not to entertain the request to stay on as CEO, the executive was painted as an arrogant man who disregarded the Board of Directors, not even reporting to them on key projects.

His poor management style led to the write-off of at least 10 generator sets and hundreds of millions of dollars in additional monies being spent to fund projects, like the 26 megawatts Vreed-en-Hoop power station facility.
Dindyal failed to return with a project summary of the Vreed-en-Hoop project, which foundation costs ballooned from $483M to $1B.

The report by Brassington was dated December 22, 2014, weeks after the CEO wrote the former PM to renew his contract.

“The board considered the matter and does not support a renewal of Mr Dindyal’s contract,” Brassington said in his evaluation letter to Hinds.

The report on Dindyal would be the first public disclosure of the power struggle within GPL which has come under fire for years now for spates of blackouts, high tariffs and costly projects that just could not reduce the amount of electricity theft that has been causing losses.

Brassington’s appraisal by his board covered the period 2012-2014. Dindyal was hired as CEO in 2006 after Robin Singh left.

Among other things, the former CEO “treated the board with disrespect, refusing to carry out instructions or decisions of the board and instructing management to ignore board decisions.”

He failed to report to the board on a routine basis – in fact not submitting monthly reports or even major reports on key matters for decision.
Brassington claimed that the Board was left in the dark on how well projects were being implemented.

As a matter of fact, Dindyal told the directors to leave him to do his work, as there was no technically competent person there to instruct him. He even told this to the former Cabinet of Ministers under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).


“The CEO’s style of management has been autocratic and ad hoc leading at times to an almost dysfunctional level of organization,” the 25-odd-page evaluation report said.

Dindyal’s style of management caused former Director of Operations, Elwyn Marshall, to resign with Colin Singh, Director of Projects/Operations, also being unhappy.

Even Welch, who was brought to GPL and is now the acting CEO, reportedly also felt that Dindyal’s style was too overpowering.

The Deputy CEO of Administration, Ash Deonarine, who has been sent on leave pending an investigation over a $27M backpay he took for himself, had expressed concerns that he was targeted. Last year he resigned, but was asked to stay on.

According to Brassington, Deonarine claimed that Dindyal threatened to replace him. “It appeared that the (former) CEO was seeking to encourage the exit of the DCEO as he was feeling threatened.”

Brassington believed that the former CEO’s problems were because he was trained as an engineer and not as a manager. As a result, his style was more of an operator than a manager.

Brassington also blamed Dindyal for the majority of the woes facing GPL.
With more than US$150M invested over the last eight years, Dindyal’s management lacked modern techniques including planning, project management and team approach.

Rather, he preferred the technical stance over the managerial ones.
There was poor planning on the Transmission and Distribution network projects, with huge cost overruns, Brassington said.

Despite the billions invested in prepaid and Itron meters, on new power stations, including the ones at Vreed-en-Hoop, Bartica and Anna Regina, there was evidence of little thought being placed in the preparation of proper project planning. This led to cost overruns and delays on the projects.

A Canefield, West Berbice generator was over-budgeted and had collapsed, compounding the blackout situation in Berbice.

Dindyal’s management of GPL’s assets also forced the company to shell out millions to rent Caterpillar engines, with customers also being forced to wait on explanations over what caused shutdowns.

Brassington, also in the report, said that the former CEO’s remuneration was based on comparable rates being paid to CDC/ESBI, a former partner of GPL.

The Chairman also pointed out that the previous administration had been forced to intervene when relations were tumultuous between Dindyal and the Board of Directors

He was rated 21 out of 50 by the Board for his leadership, and for his personal and professional behaviour.

Brassington even accused the former CEO of openly challenging the Board in the presence of employees and not treating with urgency reports requested on the implementation of matters.

Dindyal was supposed to give six months notice to renew his contract but he did not, Brassington said.

The Board, on its scorecard, gave Dindyal 9.5 out of the 15 percent; 21 percent of 50 percent for his operational direction, business performance and planning; 7 out of 20 percent for management and human resource – and six out of 15 percent for  governance and reporting.

The report would raise troubling questions why the previous PPP Government did nothing even after the Board recommended that Dindyal be sent off.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

despite running GPL into the ground, the incompetent, criminally overpaid Dindyal apparently had very powerful patrons at Freedom House


Ralph Ramkarran is a dawg who should hang his head in shame!


VVP please come in


While some PPP ministers and state-agency heads carted off key documents after the election, the coalition government had set up a system to stem the outflow and disappearance of documents. Despite pressure from supporters to fire more PPP politically appointed officials, the new government kept them to ensure a fairly smooth transition. Winston Brassington is one such person. This report by Brassington on Bharat Dindyal is an eye-opener.


Very sad and disappointed to learn that Mr Bharat Dindayal became autocratic and all powerful and not furnishing timely Reports to GPL Board. I knew him as a humble and caring electrical engineer at GPL when he and Mr Mahadeo were stationed at Sophia, and when they were under Mr Narvon Persaud, then GM. Even prior to that. when Mr Bovell was GM. I wonder how he lost that sense of responsibility and caring: Were it because he was influenced by the Leaders of Government who set bad examples from the top? Or, Money and Power corrupt the individual?  There were more qualified individuals to manage GPL but somehow he seemed to have been used, especially after the failure of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project. It will be wonderful if Mr Dindayal can apologise for his crude and obnoxious behaviour purportedly videotaped. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

While some PPP ministers and state-agency heads carted off key documents after the election, the coalition government had set up a system to stem the outflow and disappearance of documents. Despite pressure from supporters to fire more PPP politically appointed officials, the new government kept them to ensure a fairly smooth transition. Winston Brassington is one such person. This report by Brassington on Bharat Dindyal is an eye-opener.

Brazzy trying to snuggle up, he seems the type of banna that would climb over another when down, to get where he's going.

Now that pressure is on expect more tongues to wag.


Anyone knows what's up with Ramotar?

SYA (Save you ass) are the key words now.

Originally Posted by redux:

despite running GPL into the ground, the incompetent, criminally overpaid Dindyal apparently had very powerful patrons at Freedom House


Ralph Ramkarran is a dawg who should hang his head in shame!


VVP please come in

I am busy with other things.  He absolutely does not deserve the pay regardless if he made GPL run like a Lexus.  On an equivalent basis he makes more than a Utility CEO in New York.  Given that GPL is in bad shape (although he cannot be blamed for people stealing electricity)  he should have been gone by May 31.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:

despite running GPL into the ground, the incompetent, criminally overpaid Dindyal apparently had very powerful patrons at Freedom House


Ralph Ramkarran is a dawg who should hang his head in shame!


VVP please come in

I am busy with other things.  He absolutely does not deserve the pay regardless if he made GPL run like a Lexus.  On an equivalent basis he makes more than a CEO in New York.  Given that GPL is in bad shape (although he cannot be blamed for people stealing electricity)  he should have been gone by May 31.

weren't u recently swearing up and down that his ridiculous salary was a lie?


that's the reason i invited your comment


Dindyal, represents what we see everywhere. The PPP hire people who are either incompetent or too self absorbed to take their task seriously. GPL once rented 8 generators  from a PPP crony  per year for 3/4 of the price tag  it cost to buy new ones and excused that fact that on the need for the machines. What awful management!


It was not their money so he and the management  did not care to spend it wisely. And now the grid extension under dindyal's watch being fully funded by western agencies and this project is months  behind schedule and some 6 million over budget. This is another Chinese company failing yet we keep hiring them..why the hell hire the Chinese?


Granger better get off and get rid of the Chinese as first option for construction in our nation I hope he make sure Brazzington is decoupled as jefe of all of these projects. I do not think there is a salutary record of any of the companies under his charge. 


We still need to know the disposition of the states assets under his charge. He has not completed his accounting for 10 years! We also need to know why the berbice river bridge company has not paid dividend to the impoverished NIS when it is NIS that funded 90 percent of the project.  Every year they do not pay dividends that is hundreds of millions of dollars lost to the fund. I guess the pensioners do not matter.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:

despite running GPL into the ground, the incompetent, criminally overpaid Dindyal apparently had very powerful patrons at Freedom House


Ralph Ramkarran is a dawg who should hang his head in shame!


VVP please come in

I am busy with other things.  He absolutely does not deserve the pay regardless if he made GPL run like a Lexus.  On an equivalent basis he makes more than a Utility CEO in New York.  Given that GPL is in bad shape (although he cannot be blamed for people stealing electricity)  he should have been gone by May 31.

I knew you would have come around to this position because, as unbelievable as it sounded initially, the facts on Dindyal's salary and perks are incontrovertible. My respect for you goes up a notch.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


 De man will get a heart attack.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Ita, there was a black senior customs officer with an Indian name whom the PPP victimized in the early 1990s. Help me out with that name. 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Ita, there was a black senior customs officer with an Indian name whom the PPP victimized in the early 1990s. Help me out with that name. 

Don't remember Gilly.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Ita, there was a black senior customs officer with an Indian name whom the PPP victimized in the early 1990s. Help me out with that name. 

Don't remember Gilly.

Okay, I'll buss me head lil mo. The guy was junior to Comptroller Chu.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Ita, there was a black senior customs officer with an Indian name whom the PPP victimized in the early 1990s. Help me out with that name. 

Don't remember Gilly.

Harold Bahadur. Just got him.

Here's a list of Customs officers whom the PPP had dismissed shortly after assuming office in 1992:

1 Clarence Chue (Comptroller), 2 Harold Bahadur (African), 3 Lorice Blliam Holder, 5 Patrick Hyman, 6 Douglas Linton, 7 Ayola Issacs, 8 Walter Roberts, 9 Rose Kirton, 10 Lawrence Dundas, 11 Brentnol Hickens, 12 Christopher Mathias, 13 Shelly Brian, 14 Paul Prescod, 15 Michelle Mathias, 16 Georgiana Patrick Roberts, 17 Steven Daniels, 18 Hatty-Ann Scotland, 19 Yonette Austin, 20 Richard Prince, 21 George Beaton, 22 Dexter John, 23 Watson Grey, 24 Assaye Greenidge, 25 Gordon Watson, 26 Rhonda Glad, 27 Rayanne Van Lewin, 28 Paula Caleb, 29 Ewart Austin, 30 Howard Paul, 31 Karen Bobb-Semple
32 Simone Herod, 33 Fitzroy Thomas, 34 Paula Sampson, 35 Vanita Bovell, 36 Keon Price, 37 John Cameron, 38 Julian George, 39 Colin Moore, 40 Dawne Benn, 41 Gem Callender (demoted) and 42 Jackie Payne (demoted).

Clarence Chu was later reinstated after the Guyana Public Service Union took up his case and threatened strike action.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud's father was a very good tailor.  I think he is from canal number 2.

Baggotstown, East Bank. Not sure if was in canal number 2 before.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Ita, there was a black senior customs officer with an Indian name whom the PPP victimized in the early 1990s. Help me out with that name. 

Don't remember Gilly.

Harold Bahadur. Just got him.

Here's a list of Customs officers whom the PPP had dismissed shortly after assuming office in 1992:

1 Clarence Chue (Comptroller), 2 Harold Bahadur (African), 3 Lorice Blliam Holder, 5 Patrick Hyman, 6 Douglas Linton, 7 Ayola Issacs, 8 Walter Roberts, 9 Rose Kirton, 10 Lawrence Dundas, 11 Brentnol Hickens, 12 Christopher Mathias, 13 Shelly Brian, 14 Paul Prescod, 15 Michelle Mathias, 16 Georgiana Patrick Roberts, 17 Steven Daniels, 18 Hatty-Ann Scotland, 19 Yonette Austin, 20 Richard Prince, 21 George Beaton, 22 Dexter John, 23 Watson Grey, 24 Assaye Greenidge, 25 Gordon Watson, 26 Rhonda Glad, 27 Rayanne Van Lewin, 28 Paula Caleb, 29 Ewart Austin, 30 Howard Paul, 31 Karen Bobb-Semple
32 Simone Herod, 33 Fitzroy Thomas, 34 Paula Sampson, 35 Vanita Bovell, 36 Keon Price, 37 John Cameron, 38 Julian George, 39 Colin Moore, 40 Dawne Benn, 41 Gem Callender (demoted) and 42 Jackie Payne (demoted).

Clarence Chu was later reinstated after the Guyana Public Service Union took up his case and threatened strike action.



YUGI, COBRA????????

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud was a very good manager. Maybe the government can bring him back to head the GEC.

Yes. Wait til Cobra see Narvon Persaud. He's the one with the orange helmet in this picture


Ita, there was a black senior customs officer with an Indian name whom the PPP victimized in the early 1990s. Help me out with that name. 

Don't remember Gilly.

Harold Bahadur. Just got him.

Here's a list of Customs officers whom the PPP had dismissed shortly after assuming office in 1992:

1 Clarence Chue (Comptroller), 2 Harold Bahadur (African), 3 Lorice Blliam Holder, 5 Patrick Hyman, 6 Douglas Linton, 7 Ayola Issacs, 8 Walter Roberts, 9 Rose Kirton, 10 Lawrence Dundas, 11 Brentnol Hickens, 12 Christopher Mathias, 13 Shelly Brian, 14 Paul Prescod, 15 Michelle Mathias, 16 Georgiana Patrick Roberts, 17 Steven Daniels, 18 Hatty-Ann Scotland, 19 Yonette Austin, 20 Richard Prince, 21 George Beaton, 22 Dexter John, 23 Watson Grey, 24 Assaye Greenidge, 25 Gordon Watson, 26 Rhonda Glad, 27 Rayanne Van Lewin, 28 Paula Caleb, 29 Ewart Austin, 30 Howard Paul, 31 Karen Bobb-Semple
32 Simone Herod, 33 Fitzroy Thomas, 34 Paula Sampson, 35 Vanita Bovell, 36 Keon Price, 37 John Cameron, 38 Julian George, 39 Colin Moore, 40 Dawne Benn, 41 Gem Callender (demoted) and 42 Jackie Payne (demoted).

Clarence Chu was later reinstated after the Guyana Public Service Union took up his case and threatened strike action.



YUGI, COBRA????????

Minister Clement Rohee removed these persons from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ronald Austin, Arnon Adams, John Hutson, David Hales, James Matheson, Rawle Lucas, Aubrey Norton, Cedric Grant, Paulette James, Sharon Collins, Donna Culpepper, Janice Benfield, O. McMillian, Colin Davies, Frank Goodman and Elizabeth Kingston.

Ronald Austin, former Ambassador to China, remains a good friend of mine up to now. He lives in the US.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Narvon Persaud's father was a very good tailor.  I think he is from canal number 2.

Baggotstown, East Bank. Not sure if was in canal number 2 before.

Wally, do you know for sure if Narvon's father came from canal number 2? I thought he was a baggotstown man. I think the house is still there.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

While some PPP ministers and state-agency heads carted off key documents after the election, the coalition government had set up a system to stem the outflow and disappearance of documents. Despite pressure from supporters to fire more PPP politically appointed officials, the new government kept them to ensure a fairly smooth transition. Winston Brassington is one such person. This report by Brassington on Bharat Dindyal is an eye-opener.

Brazzy trying to snuggle up, he seems the type of banna that would climb over another when down, to get where he's going.

Now that pressure is on expect more tongues to wag.


Anyone knows what's up with Ramotar?

SYA (Save you ass) are the key words now.

Remember that he was originally a Hoyte appointee.  He is paying penance now to beg for forgiveness for becoming a PPP soup licker.


He will offer up many, as he attempts to save his skin.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

While some PPP ministers and state-agency heads carted off key documents after the election, the coalition government had set up a system to stem the outflow and disappearance of documents. Despite pressure from supporters to fire more PPP politically appointed officials, the new government kept them to ensure a fairly smooth transition. Winston Brassington is one such person. This report by Brassington on Bharat Dindyal is an eye-opener.

Brazzy trying to snuggle up, he seems the type of banna that would climb over another when down, to get where he's going.

Now that pressure is on expect more tongues to wag.


Anyone knows what's up with Ramotar?

SYA (Save you ass) are the key words now.

Remember that he was originally a Hoyte appointee.  He is paying penance now to beg for forgiveness for becoming a PPP soup licker.


He will offer up many, as he attempts to save his skin.

Brazzy is going.  Soon.


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