Baseman posted:skeldon_man posted:Django posted:skeldon_man posted:Baseman posted:Good to see you doing fine Tola. BTW, what's a "Katareel?"
You rass grow up rich and never had to make your own toys. You know what's a spinning wheel made out of a bottle cap or used Nacet razor blade? You know a kankawa kite?
Oye Base,you know wha wan "Bucktop" ?
Check here some toys are mentioned.
I remember taking a banga and making a buck top. Had to dig out some jelly and put it in the ants nest to eat the rest out. I remember taking sand and rubbing the outside to make the banga shine.
What's a banga?
Bai, check between you two legs. It's the awara seed, we poor folks used to make a spinning top.