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Of critical importance in Region 10

November 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists 



By Trevor Williams MP It is the general expectation of people that Governments, when elected, must serve the interest of all the people, with emphasis here being on ‘all the people’. Within the past few months, the Alliance For Change has been travelling across Guyana, meeting Guyanese and hearing and experiencing ‘first hand’ some of the hardships the ordinary citizens of the country face each day. Coming out of these visits and meetings, the AFC has been able to develop its Parliamentary agenda. In this article we wish to address two of the concerns raised by the people of Region Ten and what measures are being taken by the AFC.


The Berbice River Ferry

The Berbice River Ferry served a number of communities from New Amsterdam to Kwakwani providing critical and affordable transportation to hundreds of Guyanese families and their goods to and from the Berbice Coast. Without explanation and obviously without care for the welfare of the residents of these riverain communities, the Government removed this critical service which linked the riverain residents with the Coast. Ordinary Guyanese, their families, organizations and institutions from Communities of the Berbice River who benefitted from this service in the past, now have to severely alter their way of life, to the extent of relocation and abandoning their primary economic activity. Many of these communities have now become abandoned and deserted due to lack of significant economic activities. Youths of these communities can no longer embrace a future in agricultural activities to further develop themselves. While Berbice River residents are being deprived of this critical service, it must be noted that other far-flung regions in Guyana which remain accessible by river; mainly Northwest, Bartica, Essequibo Coast, have had their ferry services maintained, thereby providing critical support to residents and facilitating the transport of large scale commodities. It is in this context that the Alliance For Change has tabled a Motion in the National Assembly calling for the Ferry service to be restored, so as to revive those communities and give hope and stability to the many Guyanese who wish to venture into Agricultural entrepreneurship.



The Critchlow Labour College through its three Campuses in Georgetown, Linden and Berbice served to educate thousands of Guyanese; both adults and youths, for decades – giving many a second chance at educating themselves. Consecutive Governments of Guyana; both the PNC and PPP/C, through the Ministry of Finance provided a subvention to the Critchlow Labour College to assist the institution to keep its doors open so that thousands of Guyanese, especially those in the poorer class of society, could benefit. Through the subvention, the Critchlow Labour College successfully entered into partnerships for developing education within Guyana and abroad with reputable institutions. Through its offering of academic courses, hundreds of young Guyanese entered and re-entered the job market and rose through the ranks to become highly skilled and successful professionals. Parents and guardians, especially single moms, were able to access affordable education at a convenient time, thereby developing themselves and making their families more stable. After the withdrawal of the subvention, the institution eventually collapsed, thereby bringing to ruin the hopes and aspirations of thousands of young Guyanese from all walks of life. Though the College still offers an academic curriculum, this has been drastically reduced, thereby limiting the options of those desiring higher education The Alliance For Change has tabled in the National Assembly, a Motion for debate, to have the subvention returned to Critchlow Labour College. This is especially necessary given the level of school dropout in Region Ten. At a time when the government is accusing the opposition political parties of not giving kudos to the most outstanding students, it can be expected that the same government will lend its support to other students who aspire to also gain some kudos.

Great  job AFC... Start campaigning.


The Berbice River Ferry

The Berbice River Ferry served a number of communities from New Amsterdam to Kwakwani providing critical and affordable transportation to hundreds of Guyanese families and their goods to and from the Berbice Coast.


Without explanation and obviously without care for the welfare of the residents of these riverain communities, the Government removed this critical service which linked the riverain residents with the Coast.


Ordinary Guyanese, their families, organizations and institutions from Communities of the Berbice River who benefitted from this service in the past, now have to severely alter their way of life, to the extent of relocation and abandoning their primary economic activity.


Many of these communities have now become abandoned and deserted due to lack of significant economic activities. Youths of these communities can no longer embrace a future in agricultural activities to further develop themselves.


While Berbice River residents are being deprived of this critical service, it must be noted that other far-flung regions in Guyana which remain accessible by river; mainly Northwest, Bartica, Essequibo Coast, have had their ferry services maintained, thereby providing critical support to residents and facilitating the transport of large scale commodities. It is in this context that the Alliance For Change has tabled a Motion in the National Assembly calling for the Ferry service to be restored, so as to revive those communities and give hope and stability to the many Guyanese who wish to venture into Agricultural entrepreneurship.


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