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Office of Opposition Leader still starved of adequate state funds - not even a bicycle to deliver mail, says Granger

October 14, 2013, By Filed Under News, Source


A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leader, David Granger, has indicated that the office of the Leader of the Opposition is still being starved of adequate state funding.

Ever since the last general elections, the main opposition party has been constantly trying to get what is constitutionally stipulated for the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. But even though talks on this issue have been ongoing, Granger said that the problem is still staring him right in the face.


Granger voiced his dissatisfaction during an interview with Kaieteur News as he noted that “the Office of the Leader of the Opposition doesn’t even have a bicycle to deliver mail; it is that bad.”

The Opposition Leader lamented on how long his office has been existing without the necessaries. However, when asked why the problem can’t be amicably sorted out on to now, the politician advised that that question be directed to President Donald Ramotar.

“You need to address that question to the President, because there is an Act of Parliament which set up this office and the Act is very clear as to what this office should enjoy.”

“I am not speaking about me personally, but this office must be attended to… it is a matter of the government fulfilling its obligation.”

The party leader pointed out, “the chairs you see were supplied last year and the tables came sometime after the budget…this should be a government office and a government office should have a vehicle, we don’t.”

The Act of Parliamentary referred to by Granger provides for an Office of the Leader of the Opposition to be funded through the national coffers. The Act mandates the government to provide a “rent free office” for the Opposition Leader, and security for both the provided office and the home of the Opposition Leader.

Nevertheless, there have been previous issues with payment for security, rent and even simple office supplies and many members of the party had voiced that the government is intentionally seeking to stifle the office.

Granger himself had dubbed this year’s budgetary allocation of $14.8M for the Office of the Opposition Leader “wholly inadequate”.

He had made no qualms to express that exact concern in the National Assembly, when it passed an $8.1M allocation for his office to carry out its functions and a further $6.7M for the procurement of furniture and office supplies.

Granger had told Kaieteur News back then that the $6M allocated for furniture– that should have been there from the inception– is not being deemed a luxury by his party. “So basically, we have been granted $8.1M to carry out the functions of a shadow cabinet, an amount which is way less than that allocated for the Office of the First Lady.”

Some roles of the main Opposition Leader include holding the executive accountable, preparing the opposition to become an ‘alternative government’; scrutinizing and ensuring that proposed legislations are in the best interest of the people engaging the government, as specified by the Constitution, in meaningful consultations on important appointments such as Chief Justice; and adequately representing, in the National Assembly and generally, the interests and concerns of citizens.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Office of Opposition Leader still starved of adequate state funds - not even a bicycle to deliver mail, says Granger

October 14, 2013, By Filed Under News, Source


A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leader, David Granger, has indicated that the office of the Leader of the Opposition is still being starved of adequate state funding.

Ever since the last general elections, the main opposition party has been constantly trying to get what is constitutionally stipulated for the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. But even though talks on this issue have been ongoing, Granger said that the problem is still staring him right in the face.


Granger voiced his dissatisfaction during an interview with Kaieteur News as he noted that “the Office of the Leader of the Opposition doesn’t even have a bicycle to deliver mail; it is that bad.”

The Opposition Leader lamented on how long his office has been existing without the necessaries. However, when asked why the problem can’t be amicably sorted out on to now, the politician advised that that question be directed to President Donald Ramotar.

“You need to address that question to the President, because there is an Act of Parliament which set up this office and the Act is very clear as to what this office should enjoy.”

“I am not speaking about me personally, but this office must be attended to… it is a matter of the government fulfilling its obligation.”

The party leader pointed out, “the chairs you see were supplied last year and the tables came sometime after the budget…this should be a government office and a government office should have a vehicle, we don’t.”

The Act of Parliamentary referred to by Granger provides for an Office of the Leader of the Opposition to be funded through the national coffers. The Act mandates the government to provide a “rent free office” for the Opposition Leader, and security for both the provided office and the home of the Opposition Leader.

Nevertheless, there have been previous issues with payment for security, rent and even simple office supplies and many members of the party had voiced that the government is intentionally seeking to stifle the office.

Granger himself had dubbed this year’s budgetary allocation of $14.8M for the Office of the Opposition Leader “wholly inadequate”.

He had made no qualms to express that exact concern in the National Assembly, when it passed an $8.1M allocation for his office to carry out its functions and a further $6.7M for the procurement of furniture and office supplies.

Granger had told Kaieteur News back then that the $6M allocated for furniture– that should have been there from the inception– is not being deemed a luxury by his party. “So basically, we have been granted $8.1M to carry out the functions of a shadow cabinet, an amount which is way less than that allocated for the Office of the First Lady.”

Some roles of the main Opposition Leader include holding the executive accountable, preparing the opposition to become an ‘alternative government’; scrutinizing and ensuring that proposed legislations are in the best interest of the people engaging the government, as specified by the Constitution, in meaningful consultations on important appointments such as Chief Justice; and adequately representing, in the National Assembly and generally, the interests and concerns of citizens.

all he have to do is stop being a chicken he have two choice he can take his people on the street and let the government know they have to do their job the right way or he can sent his boys to rob some ministers in this case both way is the right way

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leader, David Granger, has indicated that the office of the Leader of the Opposition is still being starved of adequate state funding.


Granger himself had dubbed this year’s budgetary allocation of $14.8M for the Office of the Opposition Leader “wholly inadequate”.

Opposition's slashing of budget allocations will surely reflect on the amounts available to other areas of the Government.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leader, David Granger, has indicated that the office of the Leader of the Opposition is still being starved of adequate state funding.


Granger himself had dubbed this year’s budgetary allocation of $14.8M for the Office of the Opposition Leader “wholly inadequate”.

Opposition's slashing of budget allocations will surely reflect on the amounts available to other areas of the Government.

you is a ass

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leader, David Granger, has indicated that the office of the Leader of the Opposition is still being starved of adequate state funding.


Granger himself had dubbed this year’s budgetary allocation of $14.8M for the Office of the Opposition Leader “wholly inadequate”.

Opposition's slashing of budget allocations will surely reflect on the amounts available to other areas of the Government.

you is a ass

 office furniture for Dr. Ramsammy’s office, costing $402,000 was illegally paid to Starcomm using CDIP funds. The CEO who approved the payment explained that the Permanent Secretary submitted the request.


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