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Former Member
Residents of Meten – Meer – Zorg (MMZ), West Coast Demerara were taken down memory lane on Monday evening of what life was like under the People’s National Congress (PNC) government by Executive Member of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Anil Nandlall.
During the PPP village meeting, Nandlall, who is also the country’s Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, reminded residents of rigged elections under the PNC government as he told them to guard against this occurring again.

“They rigged those elections by using largely the Army as the instrument…the Army used to go to the polling stations, remove the ballot boxes, take them to camp Ayanganna and different locations; take out your votes, throw it away and stuff those ballot boxes with their own votes.

“Ballot boxes used to be in the rivers, in the cane fields and all over the country just after the elections,” Nandlall told a crowd of approximately 60.

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It doesn't mean the same thing will happen again. The rules governing national elections are different from what obtained pre-1991. Desmond Hoyte himself changed the rules and that resulted in the 1992 PPP victory.

It must be remembered that Forbes Burnham started rigging elections in 1968 on the advice of the US Administration which didn't want the "communist" Jagan to win. President Lyndon Johnson, a personal friend of Burnham's, sent an expert team to Guyana to coach the PNC on rigging operations.

The US Administration today will not play a crucial role in Guyana's elections as it did during the Cold War.


While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.

name them!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.

name them!

Perhaps, you are unaware of those from the time of Llewellan John, David Granger, the numerous ones shown on a regular basis, etc., etc., etc..

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.

name them!

Perhaps, you are unaware of those from the time of Llewellan John, David Granger, the numerous ones shown on a regular basis, etc., etc., etc..

i know all about the octogenarian and nonagenarian? Llewellin John, Hammie Bilal, Oscar Clarke dem


David Granger is new to politics


like i said . . . name the 1950's/1960's era relics who are today "firmly in control" of the PNC/APNU


or else shut your disinformation peddling, liard ole ass up!

Last edited by Former Member

David Granger was intimately involved with politics for the PNC since in the 1970's and at the time when Desmond Hoyte lost the elections in 1992, David Granger was National Security Advisor to him-Hoyte.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:

"Nandlall told a crowd of approximately 60."


Only 60 people from MMZ suprising.

Django bai, dem coolie peeple bin gaan ah wuk.

look's like that or not interested in nandalala

region 3 wcd are ppp something wrang.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

David Granger was intimately involved with politics for the PNC since in the 1970's and at the time when Desmond Hoyte lost the elections in 1992, David Granger was National Security Advisor to him-Hoyte.

if you want to hang your hat on David Granger as a pre-1992 "PNC leading official," i say run your idiot arse with it


again, please list the "main force" ole men "firmly in charge" of the PNC/APNU today . . . the 3 i ID'd earlier do not count for all the obvious reasons

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.

name them!

This is a man making claims about persons he was once in the pocket of. When I exposed him recently he ran to admn. Now he ain't afraid to put the blame on his old PNC comrades.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.


Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.


Take your time to find out the names.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.


Take your time to find out the names.

You made the claim

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

David Granger was intimately involved with politics for the PNC since in the 1970's and at the time when Desmond Hoyte lost the elections in 1992, David Granger was National Security Advisor to him-Hoyte.

if you want to hang your hat on David Granger as a pre-1992 "PNC leading official," i say run your idiot arse with it


again, please list the "main force" ole men "firmly in charge" of the PNC/APNU today . . . the 3 i ID'd earlier do not count for all the obvious reasons

If you do not know, it is then your personal obligation to do your research / findings.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While one may state that the actions of the PNC; during its stay in office from 1964 to 1992; would be different now in 2015, it must be clearly understood that the main-force of the PNC leading officials during that period, and some as early in the 1950's are firmly in control of the PNC today-2015.


Take your time to find out the names.

You made the claim

If you do not know, take the time to find the answers.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

David Granger was intimately involved with politics for the PNC since in the 1970's and at the time when Desmond Hoyte lost the elections in 1992, David Granger was National Security Advisor to him-Hoyte.

if you want to hang your hat on David Granger as a pre-1992 "PNC leading official," i say run your idiot arse with it


again, please list the "main force" ole men "firmly in charge" of the PNC/APNU today . . . the 3 i ID'd earlier do not count for all the obvious reasons

If you do not know, it is then your personal obligation to do your research / findings.

You made the claim. The list please. Waiting ....

Last edited by Sparky

Hehehehee DG dem boys got you cornered again, is what goin on with you banna? You know DG, Iman about your age and I doan get dat kratchety with people and i doan try fo lie too much neither.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Obviously and definitely are have separate and distinct meanings.

By the way what "are have" means? Or do I have to go look dat up too?

 DG think we are lil children.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Obviously and definitely are have separate and distinct meanings.

By the way what "are have" means? Or do I have to go look dat up too?

"are" .. should not the there, and everyone do slip up at times.


For clarity, it should be ...




Obviously and definitely have separate and distinct meanings.



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Obviously and definitely are have separate and distinct meanings.

By the way what "are have" means? Or do I have to go look dat up too?

"are" .. should not the there, and everyone do slip up at times.


For clarity, it should be ...




Obviously and definitely have separate and distinct meanings.




""are" .. should not the there, and everyone do slip up at times."




Last edited by cain

To start with Chat3 has the gall to show his face in public, after his terroristic remarks and his demeaning of women, just like his boss, Jagdeo.


"Save yuh chirren from de fear yuh grew up in"- Shouldn't they be hiding their girl children when this guy shows up or he will find somebody to "knock them."


Why don't he talk about their record of thieving while the PPP Kleptos are in office?


Aren't people living in fear now?  Afraid to be out after 8:00 pm in the countryside?


Can you tolerate this guy's face for 5 more years?  You know how he loves to be on TV.  He was angling to be a Presidential Candidate but his cork duck forever with that tape being public.



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