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‘Oh Satira’: Manickchand’s attack on US Ambassador is unforgivable – AFC

July 3, 2014 3:46 pmCategory: latest newsA+ / A-

Acting Minister of Foreign Minister Priya Manickchand and outgoing United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt sharing a toast shortly after her stinging attack.

Acting Minister of Foreign Minister Priya Manickchand and outgoing United States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt sharing a toast shortly after her stinging attack.




The Alliance for Change (AFC) believes the attack on the United States Ambassador to Guyana Brent Hardt by Foreign Affairs Minister (ag) Priya Manickchand was no doubt inspired by the old Guyanese folk song “Oh Satira”.

The Party in a statement said the Minister displayed behavior that even the most socially challenged citizens would be hard pressed to admit let alone defend and has distanced itself from the sentiments expressed.

Last evening (July, 02) during the US independence celebration at the home of Hardt, Minister Manickchand unleashed Government’s wrath on the Ambassador, calling his conduct ‘unprofessional and undiplomatic’; this did not sit well with those gathered and the Minister was booed throughout her speech and left in a hurry with Government’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira.

The AFC said it listened to and subsequently read with increasing horror the  language of Manickchand; adding that not only was the Republic embarrassed by the tone and sentiments expressed by the Minister but also the occasion and circumstances in which they were delivered were unforgivable.

“The Alliance For Change wishes, in the strongest possible terms to disassociate itself from the statements made by the Honourable Minister as they clearly do not reflect the sentiments of the people of Guyana who have continuously expressed their support and gratitude for Ambassador Hardt in his unfailing and persistent efforts to advance the quality and way of life of all Guyanese,” the Party added.

The AFC says it views the tenure of Ambassador Hardt’s posting to Guyana as extremely positive and beneficial to the national good and to expressedits thanks to him; wishing him the best in his continued professional progress.

In concluding the AFC suggested that perhaps the Minister should have taken note of the geography and circumstances in which “Satira” found herself when she opted to express her personal views on loss and despair.

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The Alliance For Change wishes, in the strongest possible terms to disassociate itself from the statements made by the Honourable Minister as they clearly do not reflect the sentiments of the people of Guyana who have continuously expressed their support and gratitude for Ambassador Hardt in his unfailing and persistent efforts to advance the quality and way of life of all Guyanese,” the Party added.


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