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Former Member

Gordon Moseley
13 hrs ยท 

I see Prime Minister Nagamootoo's new walkie talkie, the Director of Public Information, Imran Khan who is one of the writers over at Guyana Mosquito is now using the Mosquito to attack the Guyana Press Association over its criticism of the Prime Minister's recent statement with regard to state media. 

I am not sure why he attempts to hide behind the Mosquito when everybody and their mother in the media knows of his style of cussouts and his regular use of GUYANA Mosquito to attack his critics. 

Imran should know that the GPA has always been very vocal over the years in its criticism of government control of media and efforts to muzzle the media. I encourage the GPA President Neil Marks and the executive to remain steadfast even as Imran sips his tea and proves that he is nothing more than Kwame 2.0

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Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Imran with his CUP.


Being labelled as Kwame 2.0 is rough!

I agree with you. This government could do better and give us someone we can respect and whose words would carry credibility and on whose reputation one can build a new media culture. This fellow is not my first choice for the job even if he was a very hard and crafty worker for the party.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The man is a Lipton Loyalist.

I think lipton is still a dollar for a hundred teabags so he is a frugal man. I do not think Lipton has those boutique teas like Tevana or even as the more pedestrian ones as Twinings or Bigelow

Where do you buy 100 bags of Lipton tea for a dollar? Must be at the dollar store you work at.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The man is a Lipton Loyalist.

I think lipton is still a dollar for a hundred teabags so he is a frugal man. I do not think Lipton has those boutique teas like Tevana or even as the more pedestrian ones as Twinings or Bigelow

Where do you buy 100 bags of Lipton tea for a dollar? Must be at the dollar store you work at.

As usual the moron in you comes to the fore. You are one of those dalits who lived one step from a logie who surprised that living in a real house was possible all along but miss that fact and and suddenly thinks you are a braniac and a prince. Sorry, you are still a moron and and your brain cannot produce much wealth if your would be the architect of the family wealth creation. 


I see Lipton and black tea in store the supermarket for pennies at the Giant up the street from me. I will take a picture of it for you next time I go if you need validation.


Politicsโ€ฆBharrat Jagdeo and the PPP/Cโ€™s

By Staff Writer On April 28, 2015 @ 5:07 am In Guyana Review

A Perspective

It took but a matter of days after President Donald Ramotar had made public the date for the holding of general elections for the country to realize that Bharrat Jagdeo would be the ruling Partyโ€™s engineer-in-chief in its bid for yet another term in office; and as the days went by it became clear that Mr. Jagdeoโ€™s profile at the hustings would probably surpass that of the Partyโ€™s presidential candidate. For much of the time that is how it turned out.

Up until then Jagdeo has managed to keep a low enough public profile though rumours continued to fly thick and fast about the position of authority which he held within the ruling hierarchy. Accordingly, it would have made sense to the PPP to embrace Jagdeo as their political talisman for the elections campaign, a larger than life figure whose role was to seek to win back the support which the party lost at the 2011 general elections and which, in the final analysis, was the primary reason for the truncated 10th Parliament and President Ramotarโ€™s forced decision to call early elections, bringing a premature end to his first term in office.



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