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Shahabuddeen donates book collection to local libraries


Posted By Staff Writer On April 10, 2014 @ 5:13 am In Local News | 


At the behest of former attorney general Dr Mohamed Shahabuddeen, his son Sieyf Shahabuddeen yesterday formally handed over a vast collection of law books and journals to the University of Guyana on behalf of his father.

In a small ceremony chaired by UG Librarian Gwyneth George in the foyer of the library Shahabuddeen handed over the vast collection of law books and journals to Deputy Vice-Chancellor Phillip DaSilva.

In remarks, Shahabuddeen said he was delighted to have the honour to present the collection on behalf of his father,

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Phillip DaSilva [left) formally receiving the collection from Sieyf Shahabuddeen while UG Librarian Gwyneth George looks on.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Phillip DaSilva (left) formally receiving the collection from Sieyf Shahabuddeen while UG Librarian Gwyneth George looks on.

who was also a former deputy prime minister. He said it’s a difficult thing to part with such a prized collection but it is his father’s hope that these books will nurture the minds of the students of the university and wider country.

The books donated yesterday are said to be valued at approximately $2 million, but according Shahabudden are priceless, especially since many of them are no longer in publication.

Dr Mohammed Shabudeen, 82, currently retired and living abroad was an eminent judge of the International Court of Justice, recipient of the Order of Excellence, the Order of Roraima and the Cacique Crown of Honour from Guyana, Bachelor of Laws, Master of Laws, Doctor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Science in Economics, lawyer, public servant and diplomat.

He was awarded his Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1970 and Doctor of Laws Degree in 1986 as a result of his research on constitutional development of Guyana. He has made a major impact on his discipline, on the public life of the region and on the regional and international stages as a Judge on International Court of Justice and of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia among other Tribunals and for his role in the determination of nuclear weapons abolition, citing his arguments as β€˜the most persuasive rebuttal’ to the Court’s professed inability to rule on the lawfulness of threat and use in an extreme circumstance involving the very survival of a state.


Shahabuddeen had donated just last week, a set of non-legal books to the National Library and a collection of French novels to the Alliance House in Queenstown.


Comments on SN re Mr Shabudeen.


Mr KASSIMB'Dr Mohammed Shabudeen, 82, currently retired and living abroad' . Not keen to live under his and Burnham Constitution?
That is for all you people I got what I want. That's life.


BIG DADDY: "Another highly qualified Guyanese who used his professional skills in service of the PNC dictatorship for personal aggrandizement. He went "with the flow" not to survive, but to thrive. That's life, even under the PPP!"


Mr T_Khemraj: "There is no way these books can wipe off the deficit of the Burnham Constitution."

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, get yourself a new woman. This gyal ah wan neemakaram pickney.

yO cOBRA, sHOW RESPECT TO MY hOMAN!!!!  WE are different Politically and are ALIKE in every other way.

Join me Sunday@ Starlite Pavillion. (it's Free) I'll be there from 3:00 PM. After, we can drink two beers. Jagdesh Mohunlall serve the Guyanese community for 20 years. Let's go and pay our tribute to him.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, get yourself a new woman. This gyal ah wan neemakaram pickney.

yO cOBRA, sHOW RESPECT TO MY hOMAN!!!!  WE are different Politically and are ALIKE in every other way.

Join me Sunday@ Starlite Pavillion. (it's Free) I'll be there from 3:00 PM. After, we can drink two beers. Jagdesh Mohunlall serve the Guyanese community for 20 years. Let's go and pay our tribute to him.  

I will see but that is a bad time.  I first have to ask JB permission.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, get yourself a new woman. This gyal ah wan neemakaram pickney.

yO cOBRA, sHOW RESPECT TO MY hOMAN!!!!  WE are different Politically and are ALIKE in every other way.

Join me Sunday@ Starlite Pavillion. (it's Free) I'll be there from 3:00 PM. After, we can drink two beers. Jagdesh Mohunlall serve the Guyanese community for 20 years. Let's go and pay our tribute to him.  

I will see but that is a bad time.  I first have to ask JB permission.

Yu a wan rale low class daaaaag!! Leave de lil gyal alone. Yu juss like dem PPP dunce minista.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Nehru, get yourself a new woman. This gyal ah wan neemakaram pickney.

yO cOBRA, sHOW RESPECT TO MY hOMAN!!!!  WE are different Politically and are ALIKE in every other way.

Join me Sunday@ Starlite Pavillion. (it's Free) I'll be there from 3:00 PM. After, we can drink two beers. Jagdesh Mohunlall serve the Guyanese community for 20 years. Let's go and pay our tribute to him.  

I will see but that is a bad time.  I first have to ask JB permission.

Yu a wan rale low class daaaaag!! Leave de lil gyal alone. Yu juss like dem PPP dunce minista.

Thank you for the compliments!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

So many low class indo men. Skeldon, Mr Nehru, Worm. 

Looks like you just finished a half bottle bush rum that was in the cognac bottle that you paid 1900.00 usd.

Envy eh. My mamoo brought back a $2100 United States dollar bottle of cognac from Florida. I will take a shot this weekend with my 6ft 3 in Hindu man from TT. I don't tolerate low class short men like you. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

So many low class indo men. Skeldon, Mr Nehru, Worm. 

Looks like you just finished a half bottle bush rum that was in the cognac bottle that you paid 1900.00 usd.

Envy eh. My mamoo brought back a $2100 United States dollar bottle of cognac from Florida. I will take a shot this weekend with my 6ft 3 in Hindu man from TT. I don't tolerate low class short men like you. 

You mamoo brought you back moonshine in a cognac bottle. As for you boyfriend, he is a lagu bhagu who we call a night bus traveller. No one knows where he is from..could be a choke and rob specialist.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

So many low class indo men. Skeldon, Mr Nehru, Worm. 

Looks like you just finished a half bottle bush rum that was in the cognac bottle that you paid 1900.00 usd.

Envy eh. My mamoo brought back a $2100 United States dollar bottle of cognac from Florida. I will take a shot this weekend with my 6ft 3 in Hindu man from TT. I don't tolerate low class short men like you. 

You mamoo brought you back moonshine in a cognac bottle. As for you boyfriend, he is a lagu bhagu who we call a night bus traveller. No one knows where he is from..could be a choke and rob specialist.

Whatever make you feel better old man.


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