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Last Thursday I spent all day in court as support for a young family. The husband suffered a mental breakdown contributed by overworking and having a controlling mother who visited his home and treated him as an object, all she cared for was her religion. She wants him to pray all day long and for he and the family to go to the Mosque. She would tell the kids to stop watching the tv, they should be praying etc.

This guy had his court case one month ago when he first showed signs, I was unable to attend due to me being out West but his Mom showed up. He was let out on bail and on leaving the courtroom, his mom started her crap on him about being a good Muslim, saying his prayers and questioning him about his wife on her mode of dress (pants, t shirt, no head wear) obviously this couple are not devout Muslims.The guy turned around and ran back into the court asking to be placed into his cell, he preferred that to going with his mother. He spent the next  month in a mental health facility and thankfully things worked out fine for him, he would assist the staff with some of their chores as he started feeling better.

On Thursday he was again released, he now has certain stipulations and strange enough he was told if he had to smoke some of his 'erb he could but it had to be prescribed by a doctor.

You think this guy gonna get any virgins when he passes on?

Religion sucks.

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Mr.T posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

It's not against islam to smoke dope. It's alcohol that can't be taken.

You must be related to Haile Selassie.

The local mosque is round the corner from me. The local muslims are smoking skunk and selling it. The Afghans, Somalis, etc. say it is not forbidden in the quran.

Intoxicants are prohibited, period!


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