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Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:

As they reached the top of the stretch a banna holler "a black man chasing you to beat yuh and rob yuh." The rest is history. Drugb ran away and left Nuff in the dust, mostly out of fear. 

One of old GNIers Andre was there, and he never said anything like that took place.

Dude, you must know that the big grin means that it's supposed to be a joke.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Originally Posted by cain:

Dat dam chiefsta he kratchety tarass man, hehehe

not Kracehety is just I do not want anyone to call Nuff a thief.

Did I call anyone a thief? Y'all can really blow things out of proportion. Besides that, it was a joke as you can see from the big grinning face emoticon. Get over yourself before I call you a few choice words.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Originally Posted by cain:

Dat dam chiefsta he kratchety tarass man, hehehe

not Kracehety is just I do not want anyone to call Nuff a thief.

Did I call anyone a thief? Y'all can really blow things out of proportion. Besides that, it was a joke as you can see from the big grinning face emoticon. Get over yourself before I call you a few choice words.

Chill Bro chill!!

It's saturdayBro take a deep breath Isaw your smiley face. 


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