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Oil money must not be used to line pockets of the privileged while small man collects crumbs – Ram

By Kiana Wilburg

Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

Kaieteur Nes – In Papua New Guinea, almost US$467M in oil money is lost annually to corruption.
The politicians who siphoned off the nation’s wealth live like kings and queens, while approximately 39.9 percent of the population live below the national poverty line.
In spite of its massive oil resources, Papua New Guinea is considered to be one of the poorest countries in the Pacific.
Sadly, this country is not alone in the basket of those that have failed to manage the industry to the maximum benefit of its citizenry. Uganda, another African nation that is rich with oil, has lost more than US$600B to corruption. Because of this level of theft, it remains among the list of poorest countries in the world.
Even Nigeria, Africa’s largest oil producing nation, lost at least US$600 billion dollars in oil money to corrupt officials since 1960 while its people live in poverty. In fact, 40 percent of the people in Nigeria live in poverty.
As for Guyana’s South American neighbour, Venezuela, it has also lost significantly. This Spanish-speaking nation has actually lost more than US$350B to corruption and due to economic sanctions from the US; poverty levels have surged to 90 percent.
When one considers the extent to which these countries have suffered or ended up worse off with the discovery of oil, international and local stakeholders have said that Guyana has to begin urgent reforms of its anti-corruption systems or the consequences could be ten-fold.
Chartered Accountant and attorney-at-law, Christopher Ram, is one who emphatically agrees that Guyana must strengthen its governance systems to keep corruption at bay.
During a recent interview on Kaieteur Radio’s Guyana’s Oil and You, Ram said: “…Guyana did not need oil to become corrupt. Guyana is a seriously corrupt place and obviously, oil with its vast number of digits has corruption on a considerably different scale. But I don’t think there has been a sufficient effort to tackle the question of corruption…”
The lawyer added: “…We can have all types of mechanisms for addressing corruption but if there is not the serious will and if the leadership of the country, whether in terms of politics, government, opposition, churches, and businesses…if we don’t get serious about corruption, and stemming the tide of corruption, if we don’t pay people proper wages…then there will always be a strong inducement to engage in corruption.”
Ram stressed that if the nation’s leaders are truly serious about developing the country and the sector, it would have to ensure that the wealth from the sector will not be used “to line the pockets of a few privileged persons while the persons at the bottom just gets crumbs.”
He concluded that the acceleration of the development in the oil-rich Stabroek block, without question, warrants urgent steps towards tough anticorruption mechanisms.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana governments track record indicated, that those in government accumulated a lot of wealth while in office. If a similar corrupt situation should occur in Guyana, that took place in Papua New Guinea, Uganda and Nigeria. It will be devastating for future generations of Guyanese and possible make the country worse than it is presently.  


Guyana has to begin urgent reforms of its anti-corruption systems or the consequences could be ten-fold.

@Tola posted:

Guyana governments track record indicated, that those in government accumulated a lot of wealth while in office. If a similar corrupt situation should occur in Guyana, that took place in Papua New Guinea, Uganda and Nigeria. It will be devastating for future generations of Guyanese and possible make the country worse than it is presently. 

I agree!  For once you said something right.

Chris Ram is cautioning the Politicians to be aware of the consequences if corruption continues. 

I want to believe that similar corruption will not happen due to oil revenue because Tota is watching. 

@Tola posted:

You are strange. How come you laughing at your own post ?

I wonder if Rama ever had a stroke? Seriously. He sounds a bit "not there" if you know what I mean. That's why I started laying off him.

@Former Member posted:

I wonder if Rama ever had a stroke? Seriously. He sounds a bit "not there" if you know what I mean. That's why I started laying off him.

Rama did write some unusual things, that could put him in that category. He is too serious and needs to balance his writing with some funny stuff.

Not too many Guyanese here, but I have an African friend here from Linden. If I tell write him about shovelling his snow into a wheel barrow, he will respond with a long humorous letter, but Rama takes it seriously.   


Didn’t Christopher Ram say Guyana will owe Exxon over $20 billion?

It looks like Guyana is paying for everything and Exxon is reaping the benefits. At least, Guyana should have control of the assets if they have to pay for the cost. They should have a greater say in how the industry is run. Not that they have the experience but they can appoint someone with considerable knowledge.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It looks like Guyana is paying for everything and Exxon is reaping the benefits. At least, Guyana should have control of the assets if they have to pay for the cost. They should have a greater say in how the industry is run. Not that they have the experience but they can appoint someone with considerable knowledge.

We wait to see who will do an oil spill clean-up. After fish export is banned from Guyana, including internal consumption. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

It looks like Guyana is paying for everything and Exxon is reaping the benefits. At least, Guyana should have control of the assets if they have to pay for the cost. They should have a greater say in how the industry is run. Not that they have the experience but they can appoint someone with considerable knowledge.

Yuh blue eyed bowgie negotiate this in 1999. Rat Man and Fat Man seh they were going to "renegotiate" it. Nothing happened. Guh talk to dem.

@Tola posted:

Rama, what civil manners did the Ashram teach you ?

You should have gone to the Temple if you want to know. I learned everything about civility in Primary school.

Please do not sweat the small stuff.

@Former Member posted:

Yuh blue eyed bowgie negotiate this in 1999. Rat Man and Fat Man seh they were going to "renegotiate" it. Nothing happened. Guh talk to dem.

It's water under the bridge now.  There is a new Sheriff in town. You should worry about what he is doing not what he said. He is doing a lot of good for the country.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You should have gone to the Temple if you want to know. I learned everything about civility in Primary school.

Please do not sweat the small stuff.

By the display of your attitude, its obvious you have not learned anything about about being civil.

@Ramakant-P posted:

They are like salt. They put their mouths into everything.  You are still not civilized. I should teach you some manners.

Is this the manners they teach you at Cove and John ashram, where women are not safe ? 

@Tola posted:

Is this the manners they teach you at Cove and John ashram, where women are not safe ?

You don't know the meaning of the word ashram.

I am not going to waste my time with you.   

I going to ride my stationary bike in my basement.

Have a nicer day.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You don't know the meaning of the word ashram.

I am not going to waste my time with you.   

I going to ride my stationary bike in my basement.

Have a nicer day.

Don't get hit by a car on the bike in your basement, use hand signals.

Have a good day, Ralph.

@Mitwah posted:

Uncle Rama, I must tell you that you are being crotchety but humorous at the same time.

Uncle Rama deserves the annual forum award for being the bravest member against the opposition. Django should arrange the Annual Award Contest.       

@Tola posted:

Agreed, for the award, we should give Uncle Rama a coconut branch broom to sweep his snow. So he don't have to shovel it in a wheel barrow and put it in his garbage can. 

Your ignorance is bliss.


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