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Threads started with misleading titles and with the express intent of spreading false information and leveling libelous accusations at a party deserve to be deleted.

That fool "Dave" said Harmon was calling for tit for tat payback against Indians. A blatant LIE if you bothered to read the article. Nothing of the sort was said or even implied. "Dave" was attempting to incite.

And true to form, there were several low IQ Indo KKK fools blindly nodding their heads in agreement that there was some threat issued to Indians.

VishMahabir posted:

We had a little serious debate going on here about the LGE. Look like the Admin chose to delete the entire thread...without warning or explanation. Decency dictates this much...

How do you people expect to learn from each other?


Not sure why it was deleted. Maybe Admin was forced to comply with an order as per brown eyed boujie?

The Dave thread was mischievous!

Iguana posted:

Threads started with misleading titles and with the express intent of spreading false information and leveling libelous accusations at a party deserve to be deleted.

That fool "Dave" said Harmon was calling for tit for tat payback against Indians. A blatant LIE if you bothered to read the article. Nothing of the sort was said or even implied. "Dave" was attempting to incite.

And true to form, there were several low IQ Indo KKK fools blindly nodding their heads in agreement that there was some threat issued to Indians.

If the title of the thread was mischievous...then I will acknowledge the faux paus....I will be careful in the future when responding to such threads.

But here is my problem.

1) This information should have been coming from the Admin (maybe in a warning response with the comments deleted). 

Thanks for the info Iguana, but I am not sure, notwithstanding your moral judgment as to who in your mind qualifies as an Indo KKK (note the pejorative name calling), and your expression at censorship (are you part of the Admin team here?), it seems like the Admin responds to demands from others, as opposed to making that decision on his/her own.  That request, by the way, came from Ronan.

2) Its not fair when people take precious time to respond (I am never going to regain that lost time) to correct misconceptions and learn from others, to note that all of a sudden the thread disappeared, w/o warning. 

3) For the record, I was responding to Ronan who raised an issue where he questioned if the "blackman" does not have the right to campaign for the election...or words to that sort. I was going to say yes, but Harmon is part of the government, he is not Jagdeo, and he is obligated to set a higher standard, because as a government official he is representing ALL Guyanese.  

Anyway...lata for you knuckleheads.

VishMahabir posted:

If the title of the thread was mischievous...then I will acknowledge the faux paus....I will be careful in the future when responding to such threads.

But here is my problem.

1) This information should have been coming from the Admin (maybe in a warning response with the comments deleted). 

Thanks for the info Iguana, but I am not sure, notwithstanding your moral judgment as to who in your mind qualifies as an Indo KKK (note the pejorative name calling), and your expression at censorship (are you part of the Admin team here?), it seems like the Admin responds to demands from others, as opposed to making that decision on his/her own.  That request, by the way, came from Ronan.

2) Its not fair when people take precious time to respond (I am never going to regain that lost time) to correct misconceptions and learn from others, to note that all of a sudden the thread disappeared, w/o warning. 

3) For the record, I was responding to Ronan who raised an issue where he questioned if the "blackman" does not have the right to campaign for the election...or words to that sort. I was going to say yes, but Harmon is part of the government, he is not Jagdeo, and he is obligated to set a higher standard, because as a government official he is representing ALL Guyanese.  

Anyway...lata for you knuckleheads.

get over yourself you facts-challenged faker

regarding 1) . . . Ronan made no request to admin for deletion of the thread

learn to read properly, not skim . . . you'll make less of a fool of yourself

regarding 3) . . . discerning people are tired of this faux-earnest, sophomoric gibberish, again from you, already addressed in my comments on the (now deleted) thread

unctuous stupidity, like the undead, will rise again and again . . . unfortunately


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

We had a little serious debate going on here about the LGE. Look like the Admin chose to delete the entire thread...without warning or explanation. Decency dictates this much...

How do you people expect to learn from each other?


Not sure why it was deleted. Maybe Admin was forced to comply with an order as per brown eyed boujie?

The Dave thread was mischievous!

How was it mischievous? 


No more Mr. Nice Time”: APNU targets PPP supporters, NDCs that sabotage government- Harmon


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reviewing APNU’s performance in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands)

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has vowed that People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-majority local development councils and PPP supporters, who work in government agencies, would no longer be allowed to undermine the administration and discriminate against coalition support bases.

Addressing a Local Government Elections Thank You rally at ‘C’ Field Sophia playground, he said it was time for A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) to consolidate itself. He warned that central government would no longer tolerate the PPP-controlled Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), such as those in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands) that are neglecting villages that are government strongholds.

“The people are saying to us: Aren’t we in government? Well, I want you all to know that we are in government and that foolishness got to stop. No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that,” he said to loud cheers by many of the estimated 150 attendees.

The State Minister singled out PPP Campaign Manager for Grove, East Bank Demerara, Steve Rafeek, who was recently arrested for allegedly stealing fuel markers from the Guyana Energy Agency, as an example of the type of persons government would root out of the system. He said Rafeek was hired by GEA Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mahender Sharma. “We got to stop that foolishness. We are not going to accept that. They will understand this time it’ a serious government we are dealing with and everybody who facilitate the ‘thiefing’ and all of that, they got to go with them. It’ a simple matter. We have been very nice and easy going alongâ€Ķbut in the meantime what our people are saying on the ground is that they are suffering, that we have a lot of people there who are positioned there by the PPP, stymieing the work of this government, stymieing the services which are to come to people and they are still there. Well, no more of that, no more of that comrade, no more Mr. Nice Time business. We got to fix these things,” said Harmon.

Harmon, who is APNU’s Campaign Manager for Region Three, and other top party officials reviewed the performance of that political organisation at the November 12, 2018 Local Government Elections. The announcement by APNU that it plans to consolidate, reconnect and re-energise its base comes against the background of a 36 percent turnout countrywide in which the PPP picked up 386 of the 596 Proportional Representation seats countrywide compared to 188 by APNU.

At the regional level, in Region Five and Region Two, where the PPP commands a majority at the Regional Democratic Council, the Regional Executive Officers and their administrative officers who are appointed by Central Government have been executing decisions that have not always been made or approved by those regional councils.

Declaring that APNU+AFC campaigning for the 2020 general elections began Saturday night, he assured that government would deliver on its promises. Earlier in the meeting top executives of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) appealed to supporters. including youths to turn out in large numbers to vote for the incumbent coalition-led administration.

Dave posted:

No more Mr. Nice Time”: APNU targets PPP supporters, NDCs that sabotage government- Harmon


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reviewing APNU’s performance in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands)

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has vowed that People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-majority local development councils and PPP supporters, who work in government agencies, would no longer be allowed to undermine the administration and discriminate against coalition support bases.

Addressing a Local Government Elections Thank You rally at ‘C’ Field Sophia playground, he said it was time for A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) to consolidate itself. He warned that central government would no longer tolerate the PPP-controlled Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), such as those in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands) that are neglecting villages that are government strongholds.

“The people are saying to us: Aren’t we in government? Well, I want you all to know that we are in government and that foolishness got to stop. No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that,” he said to loud cheers by many of the estimated 150 attendees.

The State Minister singled out PPP Campaign Manager for Grove, East Bank Demerara, Steve Rafeek, who was recently arrested for allegedly stealing fuel markers from the Guyana Energy Agency, as an example of the type of persons government would root out of the system. He said Rafeek was hired by GEA Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mahender Sharma. “We got to stop that foolishness. We are not going to accept that. They will understand this time it’ a serious government we are dealing with and everybody who facilitate the ‘thiefing’ and all of that, they got to go with them. It’ a simple matter. We have been very nice and easy going alongâ€Ķbut in the meantime what our people are saying on the ground is that they are suffering, that we have a lot of people there who are positioned there by the PPP, stymieing the work of this government, stymieing the services which are to come to people and they are still there. Well, no more of that, no more of that comrade, no more Mr. Nice Time business. We got to fix these things,” said Harmon.

Harmon, who is APNU’s Campaign Manager for Region Three, and other top party officials reviewed the performance of that political organisation at the November 12, 2018 Local Government Elections. The announcement by APNU that it plans to consolidate, reconnect and re-energise its base comes against the background of a 36 percent turnout countrywide in which the PPP picked up 386 of the 596 Proportional Representation seats countrywide compared to 188 by APNU.

At the regional level, in Region Five and Region Two, where the PPP commands a majority at the Regional Democratic Council, the Regional Executive Officers and their administrative officers who are appointed by Central Government have been executing decisions that have not always been made or approved by those regional councils.

Declaring that APNU+AFC campaigning for the 2020 general elections began Saturday night, he assured that government would deliver on its promises. Earlier in the meeting top executives of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) appealed to supporters. including youths to turn out in large numbers to vote for the incumbent coalition-led administration.

This is the original report from the media. 

I add Tit for Tat which is a fact.

the decent PNC Guyanese call out Harmon on his statement on social media. Except Royston and Rona/ Redux.

baseman - he like monkey jumping on all tree. 



imagine . . . this is the Harmon quote that generated so much tsuris and nonsense from the race-addled idiot vipers and sundry PPP fellow travelers:

"No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.


ronan posted:

imagine . . . this is the Harmon quote that generated so much tsuris and nonsense from the race-addled idiot vipers and sundry PPP fellow travelers:

"No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.


You would have play another Rasta song if PPP Government Minister  say the same words. Haul you racist self in a pit latrine.  

Dave posted:
ronan posted:

imagine . . . this is the Harmon quote that generated so much tsuris and nonsense from the race-addled idiot vipers and sundry PPP fellow travelers:

"No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.


You would have play another Rasta song if PPP Government Minister say the same words. Haul you racist self in a pit latrine.  

pelting a cuss at me in lieu of a response says it all about vipers like you

the quote is there for decent people to judge

now crawl back into your hole and stay there . . . your sour smell offends

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Dave posted:

No more Mr. Nice Time”: APNU targets PPP supporters, NDCs that sabotage government- Harmon


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reviewing APNU’s performance in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands)

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has vowed that People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-majority local development councils and PPP supporters, who work in government agencies, would no longer be allowed to undermine the administration and discriminate against coalition support bases.

Addressing a Local Government Elections Thank You rally at ‘C’ Field Sophia playground, he said it was time for A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) to consolidate itself. He warned that central government would no longer tolerate the PPP-controlled Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), such as those in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands) that are neglecting villages that are government strongholds.

“The people are saying to us: Aren’t we in government? Well, I want you all to know that we are in government and that foolishness got to stop. No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that,” he said to loud cheers by many of the estimated 150 attendees.

The State Minister singled out PPP Campaign Manager for Grove, East Bank Demerara, Steve Rafeek, who was recently arrested for allegedly stealing fuel markers from the Guyana Energy Agency


This is the original report from the media. 

I add Tit for Tat which is a fact.

the decent PNC Guyanese call out Harmon on his statement on social media. Except Royston and Rona/ Redux.

baseman - he like monkey jumping on all tree. 


Wasn’t you the one that used to cuss out BJ mercilessly over some family business issue.  Now you all in head over heels.

If the thread was not deleted you would have noted I criticized Harmon for using language which could be misinterpreted on the street.  However, I also said the PPP (and PNC) have to be responsible for all communities within the jurisdiction the won.  I believe this was what the complaint was about. 

Unlike you, I don’t just jump all in on any so I will find the need to call out all three from time to time.  None of them are infallible!!  

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Dave posted:

No more Mr. Nice Time”: APNU targets PPP supporters, NDCs that sabotage government- Harmon


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reviewing APNU’s performance in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands)

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has vowed that People’s Progressive Party (PPP)-majority local development councils and PPP supporters, who work in government agencies, would no longer be allowed to undermine the administration and discriminate against coalition support bases.

Addressing a Local Government Elections Thank You rally at ‘C’ Field Sophia playground, he said it was time for A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) to consolidate itself. He warned that central government would no longer tolerate the PPP-controlled Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), such as those in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands) that are neglecting villages that are government strongholds.

“The people are saying to us: Aren’t we in government? Well, I want you all to know that we are in government and that foolishness got to stop. No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that,” he said to loud cheers by many of the estimated 150 attendees.

The State Minister singled out PPP Campaign Manager for Grove, East Bank Demerara, Steve Rafeek, who was recently arrested for allegedly stealing fuel markers from the Guyana Energy Agency


This is the original report from the media. 

I add Tit for Tat which is a fact.

the decent PNC Guyanese call out Harmon on his statement on social media. Except Royston and Rona/ Redux.

baseman - he like monkey jumping on all tree. 


Wasn’t you the one that used to cuss out BJ mercilessly over some family business issue.  Now you all in head over heels.

If the thread was not deleted you would have noted I criticized Harmon for using language which could be misinterpreted on the street.  However, I also said the PPP (and PNC) have to be responsible for all communities within the jurisdiction the won.  I believe this was what the complaint was about. 

Unlike you, I don’t just jump all in on any so I will find the need to call out all three from time to time.  None of them are infallible!!  

Why are you so mischievous!! calling out BJ has nothing to do with my support for PPP. 

I am a supporter of PPP and will always be. I never jump ship.

wasnt it mischievous to quote different time on JJ broadcast yesterday .. and Ronna call you out for the lies... that’s mischievous isn’t it baseman 

Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Dave posted:

No more Mr. Nice Time”: APNU targets PPP supporters, NDCs that sabotage government- Harmon


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reviewing APNU’s performance in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands)


This is the original report from the media. 

I add Tit for Tat which is a fact.

the decent PNC Guyanese call out Harmon on his statement on social media. Except Royston and Rona/ Redux.

baseman - he like monkey jumping on all tree. 


Wasn’t you the one that used to cuss out BJ mercilessly over some family business issue.  Now you all in head over heels.

If the thread was not deleted you would have noted I criticized Harmon for using language which could be misinterpreted on the street.  However, I also said the PPP (and PNC) have to be responsible for all communities within the jurisdiction the won.  I believe this was what the complaint was about. 

Unlike you, I don’t just jump all in on any so I will find the need to call out all three from time to time.  None of them are infallible!!  

Why are you so mischievous!! calling out BJ has nothing to do with my support for PPP. 

I am a supporter of PPP and will always be. I never jump ship.

wasnt it mischievous to quote different time on JJ broadcast yesterday .. and Ronna call you out for the lies... that’s mischievous isn’t it baseman 

Don’t change the subject.  I made I made a mistake on timing by 1/2 hours on an event 40 years ago. 

Now back to this issue.  Is it not true the intent of Harmon was the uneven treatment of communities within defined jurisdictions?   The fact that his choice of words was bad does not take away from the fundamental issue.  Now, if he is lying that’s another issue.  

Why was your thread deleted by admin?  Clearly the saw it as misleading.  

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Dave posted:

No more Mr. Nice Time”: APNU targets PPP supporters, NDCs that sabotage government- Harmon


Minister of State, Joseph Harmon reviewing APNU’s performance in Region Three (West Demerara-Essequibo Islands)


This is the original report from the media. 

I add Tit for Tat which is a fact.

the decent PNC Guyanese call out Harmon on his statement on social media. Except Royston and Rona/ Redux.

baseman - he like monkey jumping on all tree. 


Wasn’t you the one that used to cuss out BJ mercilessly over some family business issue.  Now you all in head over heels.

If the thread was not deleted you would have noted I criticized Harmon for using language which could be misinterpreted on the street.  However, I also said the PPP (and PNC) have to be responsible for all communities within the jurisdiction the won.  I believe this was what the complaint was about. 

Unlike you, I don’t just jump all in on any so I will find the need to call out all three from time to time.  None of them are infallible!!  

Why are you so mischievous!! calling out BJ has nothing to do with my support for PPP. 

I am a supporter of PPP and will always be. I never jump ship.

wasnt it mischievous to quote different time on JJ broadcast yesterday .. and Ronna call you out for the lies... that’s mischievous isn’t it baseman 

Don’t change the subject.  I made I made a mistake on timing by 1/2 hours on an event 40 years ago. 

Now back to this issue.  Is it not true the intent of Harmon was the uneven treatment of communities within defined jurisdictions?   The fact that his choice of words was bad does not take away from the fundamental issue.  Now, if he is lying that’s another issue.  

Why was your thread deleted by admin?  Clearly the saw it as misleading.  

Yes Baseman, let’s stick to the topic.

admin is biased for deleting the topic without a complaint ( and I suspect is Royston/Iguana or Ronna) . There was worst choice of words by members on this site and admin turn a blind eye. 

Anyhow, you are a great guy and I respect you. Let’s not weaken the link. 


Peace brother!!

We are all guilty of drama at times. On sensitive matters like that I would post headlines as reported or close.  

It was legit to raise the insensitive and incite full nature of Harmon words.  But his issue is valid!

Baseman tries to be even handed (unlike Django 🙃).  I hope the PPP wins back in 2020 but I also hope they corrected their errors!!

Dave posted:

Yes Baseman, let’s stick to the topic.

admin is biased for deleting the topic without a complaint ( and I suspect is Royston/Iguana or Ronna) . There was worst choice of words by members on this site and admin turn a blind eye. 

Anyhow, you are a great guy and I respect you. Let’s not weaken the link. 

According to you admin deleted your thread without a complaint, but you "suspect" said complaint came from Iguana or Ronan. Do you ever read the utter GIBBERISH that you infest this site with, you DUNCE?!! Manufacturing aliases like 'royston' and assigning them to me don't hide what a foolish clown you are!

Fool, your thread was deleted because contrary to the article and Harmon's own words, you accused Harmon of openly calling for the targeting of Indians for discrimination and possibly worse.

That you had 5 other Indians here, supposedly "educated" and "rich" and "living in mansions" nodding their head in approval and blindly following your dutty, ignorant, dull, wastrel self down the hole you crawled out of speaks of how dangerous your remarks are in Guyanese society dominated by ignorant, woefully misinformed louts like you!

Kudos to the admin for deleting fodder for sedition!

Iguana posted:
Dave posted:

Yes Baseman, let’s stick to the topic.

admin is biased for deleting the topic without a complaint ( and I suspect is Royston/Iguana or Ronna) . There was worst choice of words by members on this site and admin turn a blind eye. 

Anyhow, you are a great guy and I respect you. Let’s not weaken the link. 

According to you admin deleted your thread without a complaint, but you "suspect" said complaint came from Iguana or Ronan. Do you ever read the utter GIBBERISH that you infest this site with, you DUNCE?!! Manufacturing aliases like 'royston' and assigning them to me don't hide what a foolish clown you are!

Fool, your thread was deleted because contrary to the article and Harmon's own words, you accused Harmon of openly calling for the targeting of Indians for discrimination and possibly worse.

That you had 5 other Indians here, supposedly "educated" and "rich" and "living in mansions" nodding their head in approval and blindly following your dutty, ignorant, dull, wastrel self down the hole you crawled out of speaks of how dangerous your remarks are in Guyanese society dominated by ignorant, woefully misinformed louts like you!

Kudos to the admin for deleting fodder for sedition!

Bai, dem gah nuff hifalutin cake-eaters pon this site!  Some dem nah even know why pinkney dozz walk barefoot in Guyana.  Dem seh, why dem mumma nah juss buy wan lil push-toe!!  Ow me gaud, tek am easy nuh!!

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

imagine . . . this is the Harmon quote that generated so much tsuris and nonsense from the race-addled idiot vipers and sundry PPP fellow travelers:

"No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.


You would have play another Rasta song if PPP Government Minister say the same words. Haul you racist self in a pit latrine.  

pelting a cuss at me in lieu of a response says it all about vipers like you

the quote is there for decent people to judge

now crawl back into your hole and stay there . . . your sour smell offends

You ARE a RACIST DOG. You no wonder condone the 2 ugly fish sellers and probably as "PRETTY " as they are. No winder you defended them so forcefully!!



My last few words on this topic...since I started it.

If there is one thing that is clear about responses on this site...

1) The venom and hatred comes from all sides. When it starts there is no rational response...simply a defense of wonder people get turn off from this supposedly discussion board and move on...I believe Carib made this point in one of his thread.

I don’t believe Guyanese in Guyana behave like you knuckleheads least I did not see anything of the sorts when I was there in April (except for the lone Afro brother near Demico arguing with another Indo that the caste system cause Indians to be racists)....its like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. 

2) Sometimes precedents are not a good way to establish rules. My grievance here is that Admin did not provide any warning a priori deleting an entire thread...this may have been the way it was done in the I said, a simple footnote and a deletion of the inciteful language would have suffice (and a warning to the poster).  So it seems to me that the complaints came from Ronan or Iguana (one of them said it should be deleted...Ronan, the Japanese samurai, claims it wasn’t him (it wasn’t Shaggy either!). 

So, I have wasted precious time reading the information and taking the time to post my responses, when I could have been reading the Guyana dailies to learn about what’s going on there.

Admin should not take advise from posters, including myself.

3) What is inciteful, and what seems to inflame passions more here is the use of the language used to respond to each other...not an Harmon’s narrative (the subject of the original, now deleted post) Re: PPP, was pale compared to the abuse from each other.

Now watch Ronan go into his usual rant and accuse me again of sophistry.

VishMahabir posted:


My last few words on this topic...since I started it.

If there is one thing that is clear about responses on this site...

1) The venom and hatred comes from all sides. When it starts there is no rational response...simply a defense of wonder people get turn off from this supposedly discussion board and move on...I believe Carib made this point in one of his thread.

I don’t believe Guyanese in Guyana behave like you knuckleheads least I did not see anything of the sorts when I was there in April (except for the lone Afro brother near Demico arguing with another Indo that the caste system cause Indians to be racists)....its like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. 

2) Sometimes precedents are not a good way to establish rules. My grievance here is that Admin did not provide any warning a priori deleting an entire thread...this may have been the way it was done in the I said, a simple footnote and a deletion of the inciteful language would have suffice (and a warning to the poster).  So it seems to me that the complaints came from Ronan or Iguana (one of them said it should be deleted...Ronan, the Japanese samurai, claims it wasn’t him (it wasn’t Shaggy either!). 

So, I have wasted precious time reading the information and taking the time to post my responses, when I could have been reading the Guyana dailies to learn about what’s going on there.

Admin should not take advise from posters, including myself.

3) What is inciteful, and what seems to inflame passions more here is the use of the language used to respond to each other...not an Harmon’s narrative (the subject of the original, now deleted post) Re: PPP, was pale compared to the abuse from each other.

Now watch Ronan go into his usual rant and accuse me again of sophistry.

Vish, I took a peek into the bushes to see wuh going on.  Listen Banna, don’t take it personal. Admin do their thing, sometimes it works in your favor, sometimes not.  Just roll with it!!  And don’t think everything on this site is for real.  

VishMahabir posted:


My last few words on this topic...since I started it.

If there is one thing that is clear about responses on this site...

1) The venom and hatred comes from all sides.

I don’t believe Guyanese in Guyana behave like you knuckleheads 

IGUANA: You are constantly belittling posters and calling them knuckleheads. You are the wrong person to complain about tone fool. And no, I ain't buying yuh lousy explanation that it's a term of endearment. I bet you don't use it with yuh family. 

2) Sometimes precedents are not a good way to establish rules. My grievance here is that Admin did not provide any warning a priori deleting an entire thread...this may have been the way it was done in the I said, a simple footnote and a deletion of the inciteful language would have suffice (and a warning to the poster).  So it seems to me that the complaints came from Ronan or Iguana (one of them said it should be deleted...Ronan, the Japanese samurai, claims it wasn’t him (it wasn’t Shaggy either!). 

a. IGUANA: Iguana has NEVER complained to any admin. And they have my permission to post here whether I ever did. I've had 2 posts deleted due to complaints from a cow shit eating holy man. I don't like when my posts are deleted thus I never report any post. I simply respond to it in my usual fashion.

b. IGUANA: Recently the pattern here by "Dave" and his bunch of clowns is to post language which incites. He does this purposely. Incitement which can go viral to FB and other sites. The admins have full time jobs. Deleting his stupid, inciting threads sends this clown "dave" the proper message.

So, I have wasted precious time reading the information and taking the time to post my responses, when I could have been reading the Guyana dailies to learn about what’s going on there.

a. IGUANA: In turn you have wasted posters' "precious time" here asking nonsensical questions, starting debates which you never return to and in general behaving like an ass while "posing".

b. IGUANA: You responded to pure fake SHIT. If you're that DUNCE that you can't see the lack of merit in what was posted and chose to "respond" to posts with no substance then you're the idiot and not admin. 13 paragraphs of shit to respond to shit. 

What you should opine about is the preferential treatment shown some posters who openly state they are willing to pay for info and track people. The same posters have their libelous, defamatory threads deleted by an admin to protect them. Those are far greater infractions.

VishMahabir see my response in bold red above.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

imagine . . . this is the Harmon quote that generated so much tsuris and nonsense from the race-addled idiot vipers and sundry PPP fellow travelers:

"No NDC, because it’s controlled by the PPP, will take government money and just spend it on PPP areas. It’s got to stop and we are going to work and fix that. We are not going to accept that.


You would have play another Rasta song if PPP Government Minister say the same words. Haul you racist self in a pit latrine.  

pelting a cuss at me in lieu of a response says it all about vipers like you

the quote is there for decent people to judge

now crawl back into your hole and stay there . . . your sour smell offends

You ARE a RACIST DOG. You no wonder condone the 2 ugly fish sellers and probably as "PRETTY " as they are. No winder you defended them so forcefully!!

yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:

a. IGUANA: Iguana has NEVER complained to any admin. And they have my permission to post here whether I ever did. I've had 2 posts deleted due to complaints from a cow shit eating holy man. I don't like when my posts are deleted thus I never report any post. I simply respond to it in my usual fashion.

VishMahabir see my response in bold red above.

Is we talking 'bout we resident cow-batty Brahmin?

ronan posted:
Nehru posted:
ronan posted:

pelting a cuss at me in lieu of a response says it all about vipers like you

the quote is there for decent people to judge

now crawl back into your hole and stay there . . . your sour smell offends

You ARE a RACIST DOG. You no wonder condone the 2 ugly fish sellers and probably as "PRETTY " as they are. No winder you defended them so forcefully!!

yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores

Is why you so obsessed, suffering from a yeast infection??

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Nehru posted:
ronan posted:

pelting a cuss at me in lieu of a response says it all about vipers like you

the quote is there for decent people to judge

now crawl back into your hole and stay there . . . your sour smell offends

You ARE a RACIST DOG. You no wonder condone the 2 ugly fish sellers and probably as "PRETTY " as they are. No winder you defended them so forcefully!!

yuhknow, i think i’ll just rake back and let dah bai “Nehru” pull down he panty lilll bit more

hold yuh breath and watch the pus oozing from the open sores

Is why you so obsessed, suffering from a yeast infection??

you don’t have the chops banna . . . tek a seat

Baseman posted:
Iguana posted:

a. IGUANA: Iguana has NEVER complained to any admin. And they have my permission to post here whether I ever did. I've had 2 posts deleted due to complaints from a cow shit eating holy man. I don't like when my posts are deleted thus I never report any post. I simply respond to it in my usual fashion.

VishMahabir see my response in bold red above.

Is we talking 'bout we resident cow-batty Brahmin?

...cow shit eating holy man had my posts deleted in less than 5 minutes. Both were responses to him and had abbreviations of the eff word. Never saw admin move so quickly. He's got one of them in his stable and this is perhaps his conduit to dredging up personal info on posters. Nasty lil prick! Always whining, bytching, complaining, moaning and groaning.

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