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1. Both Opposition and Coalition agree to extend life of Parliament beyond 90 allow for necessary election preparations (I guess that means having 2/3 support in Parliament to do so.

2. In the interim, all major parties sign an agreement to support the winner of the election...BUT...the winning party agree with the losing party to collaborate on Constitutional Reforms.

3. The ABC countries play an integral role in making sure parties stick to Constitutional Reforms. The ABC should threaten to withhold aid if the parties cannot agree to play nice.

4. The New Constitution should set specific institutional reforms for changes so that institutions and society reflect the population of the country (economy, police, army, Government Boards ...etc) 

5. Constitutional Reform and a new Constitution must be approved within a year of the new government being in power.

6. New elections should be held in the year after under the New Constitution and the constituency system (this eliminates the No Confidence problem as an issue), limit power of Presidency, etc.

So this process can be done in 2 years.

The rationale? ...This is a good opportunity to get the major parties to work together...and avoid the underlying racial animosity that guides peoples decisions and opinions. Despite what is being peddled here, a PNC win or a PPP win, as situation stands will leave one side triumphant and the other side shaking their heads in disbelief....not a good precondition for the economic development of the country....


I am sure Big Lips Bibi will have something "smart" to say about this... 

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Let me respond to this.

1. The PPP knows that they will win the election because they know that the PNC base is frustrated with their party and will show up in lower numbers than will the PPP base. They will not support any extension,  because this might well let the Coalition to come to their senses and restructure bringing in younger, vibrant and intelligent leaders.

2. Both the PNC and the PPP function as elected dictatorships so love the Burnham constitution. The only issue that might force this is if ANUG and the Amerindian party between them get 5 seats, and the PPP and the Coalition split 30 seats each.  Then  these small parties call the shots as there will be no majority party.

3.  Guyana is a sovereign nation (despite the fact that many here see it as an ABC colony) so they will not interfere.  The Ambassadors will recommend and their respective gov'ts will ignore because, face facts, anyone assigned to be ambassador to Guyana isnt that important.

4/5/6.  You cannot solve Guyana's ethnic issue with a top down approach.  You need to examine why these sentiments occur. When the PPP was in power and a black person tried to get a professional job in some companies they were declined, with some even touching their hair and saying "is not Burnham time now".  So the ethnic composition of the various state entities doesnt deal with these feelings of ethnic exclusion.


Two actions need to be taken.

1. An analysis of the CONTEMPORARY roots of our feelings of ethnic exclusion.  Folks will be shocked to hear that it isnt just a "PPP" or a "PNC" thing.

An Afro Guyanese woman comes to Guyana and INDEPENDENTLY starting classes in various aspects of technology.  People are checking to see the ethnic composition of these classes and querying her qualifications and her motives to do so. That has EVERYTHING to do with our ethnic issues and NOTHING to do with the PPP or the PNC.

2.  A Constitutional review committee be established consisting EXCLUSIVELY of civic society.  The recommendations will then be tabled for debate in parliament and then be subject to referendum.


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