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Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP refuses to fix its problems, and that is evident from who they have in parliament.  Its Jagdeo and his 31 dwarfs, little people with no following.

Last I heard, they represent nearly 50 percent of the Voters. Can we say that they have no following and be correct? though mr knowledge is limited in this area, the PPP decides for itself what it will do and does not follow the advice of those on this site  who offer it so freely.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP refuses to fix its problems, and that is evident from who they have in parliament.  Its Jagdeo and his 31 dwarfs, little people with no following.

Last I heard, they represent nearly 50 percent of the Voters. Can we say that they have no following and be correct? though mr knowledge is limited in this area, the PPP decides for itself what it will do and does not follow the advice of those on this site  who offer it so freely.

Remove the racial panic issue and look at the following that each of the 31 MPs have as INDIVIDUALS and then get back to me with your comment.  Imagine them running on their own merits.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP refuses to fix its problems, and that is evident from who they have in parliament.  Its Jagdeo and his 31 dwarfs, little people with no following.

Last I heard, they represent nearly 50 percent of the Voters. Can we say that they have no following and be correct? though mr knowledge is limited in this area, the PPP decides for itself what it will do and does not follow the advice of those on this site  who offer it so freely.

Remove the racial panic issue and look at the following that each of the 31 MPs have as INDIVIDUALS and then get back to me with your comment.  Imagine them running on their own merits.


These idiots mistake a vote for the PPP as a vote for these low class coolie louts. A vote for the PPP is done for any one or more of several general reasons:


1. Fear of Black domination

2. Fear of Indian victimization at the hands of the PNC

3. The PNC's past beat/kill nuff coolie policies

4. Personal dislike of Black people


Though No. 4 seems to be the major pre-occupation of GNI coolies, I doubt that's the case for the typical Indian. They typical Indian is simply voting against the PPP. Just look at the 202,000 PPP voters and how many of them showed up to protest their loss at GECOM. Not a single spontaneous PPP protestor showed up. Only Presidents, Ministers, and a handful of hungry belly coolies (looked like mostly poor old Indo women) lookin fuh a "free food."


Under the PPP, the average Indian gets katahar and a bullet in the head. Under the PNC, the average Indian gets katahar but may keep his life to enjoy curried katahar.


As long as the PNC avoids victimizing ordinary Indians like last time, they can expect "quiet" from them and perhaps cooperation.


What is this about the PPP, this and the PPP that?


It is the PNC who is now in office and it is the PNC who cannot run the cake shop.   Granger and his boys are in the driver's seat.  they lack the ability to create jobs for the boys so they have to fire the Indians and replace them with blacks. After 60 days, nothing is happening in the country.   They spend over 2 billion dollars to create an impression that something is being down, but in actual fact nothing is.   there are threats and there are threats which look like terrorism in highest degree.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

What is this about the PPP, this and the PPP that?


It is the PNC who is now in office and it is the PNC who cannot run the cake shop.   Granger and his boys are in the driver's seat.  they lack the ability to create jobs for the boys so they have to fire the Indians and replace them with blacks. After 60 days, nothing is happening in the country.   They spend over 2 billion dollars to create an impression that something is being down, but in actual fact nothing is.   there are threats and there are threats which look like terrorism in highest degree.

Uncle Rama - you do have a point here.  The PPP is not in power any more and the new Government has to fix the mess they left behind.  But at least give the people some time NUHHH?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

4. Personal dislike of Black people


Though No. 4 seems to be the major pre-occupation of GNI coolies,

What Amna Ally will have to do is to foster debate around ethnic identity.  Because this is where the problem exists.


Guyana doesn't have a problem of social racism, which I define as intense inter ethnic hatreds.  Yes this does exist, but it isn't the norm. 


Nor does it have a problem with inter ethnic ignorance.  Except maybe in locations like Linden and the Corentyne, where a particular group might totally dominate, Guyanese of all ethnicities have to engage each other on a daily basis, regardless as to what their views might be.  The result is that there is a high degree of cultural interchange. 


No Guyanese party can have only food of a single ethnic group.  There will be some combination of Indian, Chinese and Creole food, plus maybe pepper pot (if the casareep is a available).  Nor will the music of only one ethnic group will be played.  Afro Caribbean music is enjoyed by all races, and Afro Guyanese are less resistant to chutney and tassa drumming than they used to be.



So let us focus on the real problem, which is institutional racism.  The degree to which the elites of a particular group use ethnicity to mobilize a vote, to exclude people, and to favor others for employment, contracts,  etc.  This can exist within a context where there is no aggressive conflict. 


So we hear Guyanese whine that "is only de politicians bring up dis race ting".  And yet they privately talk about how Indians have a hard time joining the police/army because of black people.  And how Indians are clannish and exclude every one else when they decide who they will hire, or do business with.


The last election also showed how Africans and Indians view their ethnicity and how it relates to their ethnicity.


The African sees himself first and foremost as a "Guyanese".  His ethnicity merely positioning him within the context of a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and a multi religious Guyana. 


He sees being Guyanese as "unity in diversity" with the implied cultural exchange, blending and operating on a cultural continuum.  That attitude is one which is opposed by most Indians, and the degree to which the PPP was able to mobilize the Indian vote, which was more an anti Nagamootoo than an anti PNC vote, is indicative of it. 


Moses lost his "Indian" credentials when he prioritized his Guyanese nationality over his Indian ethnicity.  The fact is  that most Indians were incensed by this, but most Africans were impressed by this, and were appalled by the Indian reaction (which they considered race baiting).  You will note that not one African politician overtly appealed to ethnic identity.



So until there is a conversation about how various ethnic groups in Guyana view how they relate to their ethnicity, and how this relates to a trans ethnic notion of being GUYANESE, we will have problems.


The African will say that those who don't prioritize being Guyanese are racists, and will see Indians as the biggest culprits.  The Indian will see the African on a rapacious drive to eliminate the Indian identity.  And they will circle the wagons and respond to a racist political campaign, even if they don't necessarily harbor intense animosity towards every individual African who they encounter.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Shut your silly mouth...what have you ever ran so you feel competent to offer advice? The PPP crippled us leaving us in a financial morass with their thievery and incompetence. The APNU has to claw us out of this quagmire.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Shut your silly mouth...what have you ever ran so you feel competent to offer advice? The PPP crippled us leaving us in a financial morass with their thievery and incompetence. The APNU has to claw us out of this quagmire.

Come in Nehru...answer the question,you ra...s got lot a

big mouth.

Last edited by Django

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