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Old age is not fuh sale!

Oct 13, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...age-is-not-fuh-sale/

Dem Boys Seh…

Kaieteur News – “How old are you?”

“How old are you, boy?”

“I am 19 years old.”

Yuh is 19 or 20?”

“I am 19 years old”

Dat means yuh finish 19 years and yuh in yuh 20th year. So why I can’t say yuh is 20 years.

“I am 19 years old.”

“Well one year or one day does not matter. Let me tell yuh a story: A man was dying of old age…. …and as he was on he death bed a delicious smell wafted into de room, a smell Jack knew all too well. ‘Oh, my loving wife, she knows I am dying and she’s cooking my absolute favourite, fresh chocolate chip cookies!’

Shaking badly, he rolls out of bed and lands on de floor, dislocating he shoulder. With a grunt of pain, he pulls heself to de stairs and slide down dem on he belly, he was feeling he muscles straining and cramping up and he was in excruciating pain.

Weakly, and slowly, he crawl toward de kitchen, de smell of de cookies bringing long dormant memories flooding he mind. ‘Oh, my loving wife, she’s cooked me so many cookies!’ Indeed, de countertops were covered in hundreds of chocolate chip cookies.

With a mixture of agony, nostalgia and joy, a trembling hand stretched out, tears streaming down he cheeks, Jack reach up to grab a cookie from de counter. Suddenly a wooden spoon smacks him sharply on he hands and hear he wife say: ‘THOSE ARE FOR THE WAKE!!’”

Talk half and remember yuh can’t carry yuh age with yuh!

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