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Old people love Christmas but not dem li’l boys

Dec 23, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ut-not-dem-lil-boys/

This is de time when old people should keep off de road because li’l boy like to mek fun of old people. Now-a-days dem social organization seh is cruelty. Of course, when dem boys was young dem use to have a ball at dem old people expense.

Dem use to tie money to a string and pull it across de road when an old person passing. Was joke to see de old person following de money and when it look like if dem gun get it, dem boys use to laugh because dem pull de string suh fast that de old person in reaching fuh de money would fall down.

Another thing that dem boys use to do at this time was to throw squib behind old people.  An old man gun be walking home to pee when dem boys gun throw de squib behind him. By de time de man meet home he pants front wet.

But outside of de wicked things that dem boys use to do dem would try to mek some people feel nice. Dem use to get old tin and comb and foil paper and mek masquerade music. Dem was nice days. Everybody use to collect a small piece and dem didn’t have to use a gun to rob nobody.

Times different now. Dem boys get big and dem replacement is a far cry from wha people use to be. Dem boys get big and suddenly dem realize that retribution is something that don’t wait till you dead. It does come when you very much alive. Dem facing retribution right now. Dem can’t walk de road in peace because dem expect to get a lash from a gun.

Whatever de case dem boys know that is Christmas and is de time when old people got to stay in dem corner.  This is de time when dem got to enjoy Christmas carols and feeding senior citizens. Dem boys know that this is also de time when dem got to give thanks because some of dem friends gone to de jumbie land.

Talk half and keep out of young people way.

Old people love Christmas but not dem li’l boys

Dec 23, 2017 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ut-not-dem-lil-boys/

Another thing that dem boys use to do at this time was to throw squib behind old people.  An old man gun be walking home to pee when dem boys gun throw de squib behind him. By de time de man meet home he pants front wet.


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