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Oldendorff hails Berbice River ‘a most advanced port’ as bauxite expansion plans lurk


Georgetown, GINA, April 12, 2012


Oldendorff, Carriers (Guyana) Incorporated, the company contracted by the Russian Bauxite Company of Guyana Incorporated (BCGI) for trans-shipment of bauxite from Aroaima, regards its position in the river as a prime spot.


Presdient Donald Ramotar greets staff of  Oldendorff Carriers (Guyana) Inc on the  St Andrews Loading base located North of the Berbice River


Officials of the company accompanying President Donald Ramotar to its marine base located at the mouth of the Berbice River today for a first time tour told the Head of State about its unparallelled nature.

After meeting officials and staff of the Guyana branch of Oldendorff Carriers Inc., on Esplanade Road, New Amsterdam, the Head of State was taken by sea to the St Andrews Loading base which is also a storage point for bauxite deposits.


The base, which can be seen from the Berbice River Bridge, ships approximately 30,000 tonnes of bauxite but, with BCGI’s plans for expansion, the carrier is bracing itself for more rigorous hours of work.

During discussions with President Ramotar and his visiting team, onboard the St Andrews Loading base, Captain Zakaria El Dib said, were the shipment to increase capacity to 70,000 tonnes, the fleet of carriers will be augmented to about  six per month.


Captain Zakaria El Dib of  Oldendorff Carriers (Guyana) Inc, St Andrews Loading base giving President Donald Ramotar and Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn a tour of the facility


“We will need more trucks, more people, possibly a second loading base if it’s needed and more barges if I am to have a stockpile,” El Dib said.


Onboard the Loading base is a crew of local and expatriate employees who work on a shift system but with the expansion plans in the making, more employment opportunities are likely.


The company has invested in training to equip a cadre of qualified workers in the field of mechanics and operations and, according to Senior Supervisor Lionel David; it is the source of employment for hundreds.


Among them are mechanics, welders and loading operators who President Ramotar met briefly. He was accompanied by Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn and Chairman of Region Six Permaul Armogan.


Captain Zakaria El Dib (second from right) of Oldendorff Carriers (Guyana) Inc, St Andrews Loading base in discussion with President Donald Ramotar, Minister of Public Works Robeson Benn and Chairman of Region Six Permaul Armogan


El dib admitted that the decision to invest in operations on the local shores was worthwhile as it takes about 19 hours for bauxite from Aroaima to reach the trans-shipment point.


“We started out as a project… now we are our own company which belongs to the mother company and I think that we have a project that is so successful here that many other companies around the world are saying ‘can you help us to get a project here,” El dib said.

Save for the last two years when bauxite production was low, El dib said the operations have been successful and have been given good ratings by captains of vessels which dock for loading.

“We think that is a big victory for our work force and I am very proud… in my eyes it is the most advanced port in the North of South America and it will be the biggest,” El dib said, predicting spin off benefits for the Region Six area as well.

“New Amsterdam… will be a beautiful city,” El dib said, pointing to the growth already evident in population size, accommodation and fast food services.

Minister Benn regards the success of the locally operated company as reward for the tireless effort made in the past to salvage operations at Aroaima and, a sign that diligent efforts should be made to continue the progress way into the future.


One of several barges used by Oldendorff Carriers (Guyana) Inc for stockpiling bauxite from RUSAL’s Aroaima operations


As the company explores its future prospects, President Ramotar advised the officials to consider establishing a link with the Manganese Company (Reunion Manganese) operating in the North West District and which has invested heavily in the reopening of the mine. It is expected that by next year commercial operations will begin.

Given that a significant quantity of raw sugar is obtained from the Berbice area, President Ramotar said Oldendorff Carriers can be of great assistance in the loading of larger volumes.

The Head of State regarded his visit as an eye opener to the great potential which Guyana possesses for marine services and, the impending development particularly in the Berbice area with the plan to expand bauxite.

He said the confidence investors have shown in the operation vindicates the government’s argument that the business climate in Guyana is sound, stable and attractive.

Oldendorff Carriers, one of the world’s leading private shipping companies has been awarded the long-term bauxite transportation operation with BCGI in Aroaima, Upper Berbice River. Operations commenced in January 2006, under an 11-year contract with BCGI.

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