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Marriage to Jagdeo never registered, Varshnie Singh says

Posted By Staff Writer On January 25, 2009 @ 5:42 am In Archives | 105 Comments

Former First Lady Varshnie Singh yesterday said her nine-year marriage to President Bharrat Jagdeo was never registered.


Varshnie Singh

Varshnie Singh

couple were married according to Hindu rites in 1998 and Singh told reporters that there were at least three attempts to register the union. She said on the first two occasions the President said he had lost the forms. By the time third attempt was made, he had assumed the presidency and had informed her that he could not be subjected to court proceedings and with that in mind she took the decision not to sign any legal documents. Singh initially did not think there was a wilful attempt to stall the process but admitted harbouring doubts in retrospect.

Singh does not have a lawyer but she is considering engaging a local firm to represent her. However, she noted that the law stipulates that in the division of property, a woman in a common-law marriage is entitled to a share of the property acquired during the marriage. She said she was a housewife during the years in the marriage before she began work with the children’s charity, the Kids First Fund.

The couple split in 2007 and have been working on a settlement since then. But last Tuesday Singh went public with complaints she did not receive proper maintenance or care during the marriage and said the Office of the First Lady was a “myth.” The previous day she had been locked out of State House on the instructions of the President and told reporters at the news conference that she had no clothing apart from what she was wearing at the time. “That was hardest thing I ever had to do in my life,” she admitted yesterday.

Singh will return to the UK on Tuesday to conduct fundraising activities for the Kids First Fund. She will return to the country in April, but met with reporters yesterday to clarify aspects of her statement.

She said her decision to go public was a last resort and emphasised that she is a “private person” but she did not see any other way. “I didn’t want to do what I ended up having to do,” she explained. “It wasn’t a joyful thing to bare your soul to the nation.” She added that she thought going public could have been avoided if the couple had agreed on an amicable parting. “I wanted to avoid conflict because he is powerful and I am an ordinary person and even if I know I tell the truth it can be spun around.”

Asked to react to critics who might say she participated in a “sham” by remaining in the union, she said, “I would say guilty as charged, but I didn’t know what else I could do. She added that she tried every single year of the marriage to get the President to agree “to call it a day” and agree to a settlement.

She dismissed the suggestion that the union was a marriage of convenience, arranged to enhance the then junior minister’s candidacy to assume the presidency. She recounted that she first saw Jagdeo when he was still Finance Minister and made his first budget presentation to the National Assembly. They met the next year at a party fundraiser in the UK and a friendship subsequently developed, she said, noting that they had similar ideas about the development of the country. She admitted that Jagdeo was “anxious” for marriage, noting that although she had suggested an engagement he insisted on marriage. “…They say women drag men up the aisle − it was the other way around,” she said, adding that she was convinced the relationship was sincere: “I thought we were in love… It was a normal relationship.”

She said the first week into the marriage she was locked out of the couple’s bedroom. She could not explain the President’s behaviour, saying he was angry and she did not know why.

Singh noted that she had returned to UK in 1999, a year after the couple were married, to further her studies. She said she had resolved not to return but had been asked by Jagdeo to attend his swearing in when he assumed the presidency that year. She recalled a kind of “pressure,” with the elections having been dubbed by the opposition as rigged. Singh agreed to attend and arrived on the morning of the swearing in, travelling directly from the airport to the ceremony.

The next year, the case that led to her creation of the Kids First Fund presented itself and she was unable to leave, although she had initially planned to hand over the organisation to someone else. “I kind of got stuck,” she said.

Explaining the decision to remove Singh from State House, President Jagdeo in a statement said it was expected that she would have left State House when they announced their separation. He pointed out that at the end of his tenure as president in 2011 he would also have to leave the residence. He explained that he was “forced” to make a “painful decision” and take steps to have Singh leave, since she refused to do so despite numerous promises.

In response to Singh’s charges that he denied her access to resources to support her charity work, the President said that he made it clear to her on more than one occasion that the resources of the state could not be used to support the work of a private charity. “…I sought to keep a certain distance from it so as to avoid accusations that the fund was benefiting from the patronage of the state because of the presence of my wife,” Jagdeo said, adding that it would be unethical for him to allow it. “She was therefore free to undertake her work with the clear understanding, as she acknowledges, that there were to be no special favours involved.”

On the division of assets, Jagdeo said the issue was jointly discussed with his lawyer and he showed her copies of his declaration of income and assets to the Integrity Commission over the period that they were together. “I am prepared to meet all my obligations to her provided for by the laws of Guyana,” he declared, adding that he could not meet her demands to hand over government lands and other assets and provide duty and VAT-free concessions as part of the settlement. He said Singh could access these as any other eligible Guyanese citizen.

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TUC urges probe into Varshnie Singh allegations of ‘hi-tech’ domestic violence

Posted By Staff Writer On February 2, 2009 @ 5:08 am In Archives | 20 Comments

The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) is calling for a commission of inquiry to ascertain the validity of former first lady Varshnie Singh’s allegations of ‘hi-tech’ domestic violence against her by President Bharrat Jagdeo.

The allegations made by Singh should be of concern to all, Acting General Secretary of the GTUC, Norris Witter told reporters at a press conference last week.

He said the trade union body “demands, as a matter of urgency, the setting up of an independent and impartial commission of inquiry to ascertain the validity or not of the damning allegations”.

He declared that there are regional and international implications for the allegations and stated that Guyana is a signatory to a number of conventions and protocols as it relates to domestic violence among others. He said that the GTUC had been in contact with a number of “very strong” women’s groups in the Caribbean.

Singh had told reporters earlier this month, after being locked out of State House that she did not receive proper maintenance or care during the nine-year marriage and suffered ‘high-tech’ domestic abuse. She had later revealed that the marriage was never legally registered.

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President refuses to address legality of his marriage

Posted By Staff Writer On January 27, 2009 @ 5:30 am In Archives | 106 Comments

President Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday refused to respond to the allegation that his nine-year marriage to former First Lady Varshnie Singh was never registered, stating that all he wanted to say on the issue was contained in a statement he released after Singh went public last week accusing him of, among other things, ‘high-tech’ domestic violence.

Asked at a press conference yesterday to react to Singh’s claim last Saturday that their marriage was never registered, the President said: “Well I have reacted already by a statement and you should ask her [Singh] why, since she is the one who has been going to the press.”

President Jagdeo and Singh were married according to Hindu rites in 1998 and according to Singh she made at least three attempts to register the union. However, she said on the first two occasions the President said he had lost the forms and by the third attempt he had already become president and informed her that he could not be subjected to court proceedings. As a result she took the decision not to sign any legal documents. Initially she did not think there was a wilful attempt to stall the process, but she told reporters of harbouring doubts in retrospect.

Singh said she was considering engaging a local firm to represent her. She noted, however, that the law stipulates that in the division of property, a woman in a common-law marriage is entitled to a share of the property acquired during the marriage. She said she was a housewife during the years in the marriage before she began work with the children’s charity, the Kids First Fund.

Probed yesterday on the issue, which has occasioned widespread public discussion, the President staunchly refused to offer further comment, stating that though his former wife gave a “one-sided account of our whole history together,” he was not going to contest it.

“I am happy that finally we are moving on and that it is over and… All I have said and wanted to say is contained in my press release,” a smiling President Jagdeo said, adding that he was not going to feed the issue “and that is how I deal with the matter”.

When it was pointed out to the President that the issue was being publicly discussed, he said people could continue speaking, but he was not going to “feed the gossip columns and the Stabroek News” by saying anything further.

“I could have given my side of the story and then she could have given another side and then this would go on forever and then this becomes a major issue; the press can serialise it. I am not getting it. I am not into that,” he said.

The two announced a separation in 2007. But last Tuesday, Singh went public with complaints that she did not receive proper maintenance or care during the marriage. Last Monday, she had been locked out of State House on the instructions of the President and told reporters at a news conference that she had no clothing apart from what she was wearing at the time.

In his statement, Jagdeo said it was expected that Singh would have left State House when they announced their separation. He said that at the end of his tenure as president in 2011 he would also have to leave the residence and was “forced” to make a “painful decision” and take steps to have Singh leave, since she refused to do so despite numerous promises.

In response to Singh’s charges that he denied her access to resources to support her charity work, the President said he had made it clear to her on more than one occasion that the resources of the state could not be used to support the work of a private charity. “…I sought to keep a certain distance from it so as to avoid accusations that the fund was benefiting from the patronage of the state because of the presence of my wife,” Jagdeo said, adding that it would be unethical for him to allow it. “She was therefore free to undertake her work with the clear understanding, as she acknowledges, that there were to be no special favours involved.”

On the division of assets, Jagdeo said the issue was jointly discussed with his lawyer and he showed her copies of his declaration of income and assets to the Integrity Commission over the period that they were together. “I am prepared to meet all my obligations to her provided for by the laws of Guyana,” he declared, adding that he could not meet her demands to hand over government lands and other assets and provide duty and VAT-free concessions as part of the settlement.

Singh goes back to the UK today to conduct fundraising activities for the Kids First Fund. She will return to the country in April.
When she met reporters on Saturday to clarify aspects of her statement, she had said that her decision to go public was a last resort, emphasising that she is a private person but did not see any other way. “I didn’t want to do what I ended up having to do,” she explained. “It wasn’t a joyful thing to bare your soul to the nation.” She said going public could have been avoided if there had been agreement on an amicable parting. “I wanted to avoid conflict because he is powerful and I am an ordinary person and even if I know I tell the truth it can be spun around.”

In her statement Singh had said in the first week into the marriage she was locked out of the couple’s bedroom. She could not explain the President’s behaviour, saying he was angry and she did not know why.

Singh then returned to UK in 1999, a year after the marriage, to further her studies. She said she had resolved not to return but had been asked by Jagdeo to attend his swearing-in when he assumed the presidency that year. She recalled a kind of “pressure,” with the elections having been dubbed by the opposition as rigged. Singh agreed to attend and arrived on the morning of the swearing-in, travelling directly from the airport to the ceremony.
The next year, the case that led to her creation of the Kids First Fund presented itself and she was unable to leave, although she had initially planned to hand over the organisation to someone else. “I kind of got stuck,” she said.

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They Hypocrite Jagdeow refused to deal with his HIT TECH abuse but this LOW LIFE WIFE abuser now want to lecturer East Indians about the LONG DARK DAYS, when he is the main enforcers of these long dark days on the women of Guyana?



Originally Posted by KishanB:

They Hypocrite Jagdeow refused to deal with his HIT TECH abuse but this LOW LIFE WIFE abuser now want to lecturer East Indians about the LONG DARK DAYS, when he is the main enforcers of these long dark days on the women of Guyana?



You sound bitter deh bai.


Bwoy when last you been to Guyana.  The Black bwoys are workshipping the East Indian.  What Burnham failed to do, under the PPP, was achieved.


NUFF NUFF dougla children - the Mixed population in Guyana is now 18%.


With the Amerindian 10%, within 5 years they will be the biggest consitutency.  NO MORE CRULLIE and BLACKMAN.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

They Hypocrite Jagdeow refused to deal with his HIT TECH abuse but this LOW LIFE WIFE abuser now want to lecturer East Indians about the LONG DARK DAYS, when he is the main enforcers of these long dark days on the women of Guyana?




I will tek lil hi-tech abuse anyday over dem regular PNC low tech rapes and assaults and robberies and beat downs any day.


Just sehin


Look when I went to Mandir the other day, there was this black bowy in KURTA with the child in his hands while his HINDU wife worshipped.


He supports her 100%.


Then at nights he give her the bext sex she would ever have in her life.


The CRULLIE man, rum shop, drunk rum, beat wife, cannot get a stanse (tent) and snoring in his drunking state leaving the woman unfulfilled.


Check out the sugar estates on how many of them women given them Crullie man BLOW.


The East Indians man is loosing this game.


And you know, once them girl turn, no more for NEHRU.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look when I went to Mandir the other day, there was this black bowy in KURTA with the child in his hands while his HINDU wife worshipped.


He supports her 100%.


Then at nights he give her the bext sex she would ever have in her life.


The CRULLIE man, rum shop, drunk rum, beat wife, cannot get a stanse (tent) and snoring in his drunking state leaving the woman unfulfilled.


Check out the sugar estates on how many of them women given them Crullie man BLOW.


The East Indians man is loosing this game.


And you know, once them girl turn, no more for NEHRU.


I'm sure insulting Indian men is the best way to ensure their votes for the Coalition.


Well Kishan, as an Indian I, Shaitaan, am naturally wan antiman so thank you for pointing that out. Now where can I vote Coalition?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Even Varshaie left DEAD DICK Bharat for the Army Chap.

How do you know that?  just asking!


I thought she was "uber-abused" and not "unter-sexed".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Look when I went to Mandir the other day, there was this black bowy in KURTA with the child in his hands while his HINDU wife worshipped.


He supports her 100%.


Then at nights he give her the bext sex she would ever have in her life.


The CRULLIE man, rum shop, drunk rum, beat wife, cannot get a stanse (tent) and snoring in his drunking state leaving the woman unfulfilled.


Check out the sugar estates on how many of them women given them Crullie man BLOW.


The East Indians man is loosing this game.


And you know, once them girl turn, no more for NEHRU.


I'm sure insulting Indian men is the best way to ensure their votes for the Coalition.


Well Kishan, as an Indian I, Shaitaan, am naturally wan antiman so thank you for pointing that out. Now where can I vote Coalition?

This is not insult, this is fact.


The black bwoy teking over the East Indian household.


The group that is really struggling is the Black woman.  They not find any man.


Well the East Indian man, he married to the run BACKLE (bottle).

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Even Varshaie left DEAD DICK Bharat for the Army Chap.

How do you know that?  just asking!


I thought she was "uber-abused" and not "unter-sexed".

Good question.


Maniram seh suh one night in the restaurant in Richmond Hill.  I hope you did not fuhget Manni?

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I'm sure insulting Indian men is the best way to ensure their votes for the Coalition.


Well Kishan, as an Indian I, Shaitaan, am naturally wan antiman so thank you for pointing that out. Now where can I vote Coalition?

This is not insult, this is fact.


The black bwoy teking over the East Indian household.


The group that is really struggling is the Black woman.  They not find any man.


Well the East Indian man, he married to the run BACKLE (bottle).

You must have come from a sick klan.


You are simple minded and ill-informed.  DV, neglect, etc is not a patent of Indian families.  It's a social issue which needs to be addressed as such, not a political issue.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I'm sure insulting Indian men is the best way to ensure their votes for the Coalition.


Well Kishan, as an Indian I, Shaitaan, am naturally wan antiman so thank you for pointing that out. Now where can I vote Coalition?

This is not insult, this is fact.


The black bwoy teking over the East Indian household.


The group that is really struggling is the Black woman.  They not find any man.


Well the East Indian man, he married to the run BACKLE (bottle).

You must have come from a sick klan.


You are simple minded and ill-informed.  DV, neglect, etc is not a patent of Indian families.  It's a social issue which needs to be addressed as such, not a political issue.

Nothing simple about this.


It is a a fact that RUM is destroying the East Indian family in Guyana and the black bwoys teking over.


Are you denying the fact that the mixed population is now 18% and it is driven mainly by the inability of the Indian man to be a MAN?


Alcohol consumption has been steadily increasing in Guyana and decreasing in developed countries since the 1980s. Of all the english speaking caribbean countries, this pattern of drinking to intoxication is most prevalent in Guyana today.




Why this is happen after 22 years of the PPP rule which was suppose to be LEAN, CLEAN and MEAN and to make the working class into the REAL MAN?


Go figure Baseman.  Your racism is getting the better of you.




Per capita consumption of alcohol increased by 106.7% over the 15-year period from 1997 to 2012.


The population is still 750,000 people.


I do not have the stats per race but you go and do a litmus test in the sugar and rice villages and see who really drinking this rum.


As the crullie get drunk, the black bwoys sexing up them dulahins.


Sale of alcohol has been growing steadily in Guyana.  More than 80% of the liquor sold in Guyana is considered as hard liquor or distilled spirits showing that the majority drink beverages with a high concentration of alcohol.


And I not talking about the moonshine and bush rum.  This is the declared stuff.


Guyana has an increasing rate of drunkardness in the villages especially the East Indian village but this is resulting in a good outcome - explosion in the DUGLA population.


Burnham failed at creolisation of Guyana but the PPP succeed.



This has been their only successful social policy.


I want to see more black boys in the Hindu temple and let us chase out all them crullie drunkies.


Originally Posted by KishanB:

DDL Sales wnt up by more than G$500 million in 2014.


Total sales G$18 billion.


Do not try your racist dotishness with me.

Hi flour-bai, how you make that connection so fast from an annual report and domestic consumption.  How much relates to pricing and what volumes relate to export?


Now where is the racism in what I said.  I told you it's a social issue which transcends race, don't think black families don't have the same issues.  I saw black guy committing the same shyte when they get high, and this they did very often.  This is a social issue and not political, but alyuh catching at political straws with everything, little else to go on.


Banna your hatred of anyone who don't see your way is your achilles heel.  You need to examine your logic and re-think your approach.  As de boys used to say, you have issues but was a good anti-PPP cuss bird.

Originally Posted by KishanB:


I want to see more black boys in the Hindu temple and let us chase out all them crullie drunkies.


Hey hey, black boys at hindu temple have been "Indianized" and likely vote PPP.  After studying the Bhagat Gita, I doubt they will go out and loot and burn other people's property.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

DDL Sales wnt up by more than G$500 million in 2014.


Total sales G$18 billion.


Do not try your racist dotishness with me.

Hi flour-bai, how you make that connection so fast from an annual report and domestic consumption.  How much relates to pricing and what volumes relate to export?


Now where is the racism in what I said.  I told you it's a social issue which transcends race, don't think black families don't have the same issues.  I saw black guy committing the same shyte when they get high, and this they did very often.  This is a social issue and not political, but alyuh catching at political straws with everything, little else to go on.


Banna your hatred of anyone who don't see your way is your achilles heel.  You need to examine your logic and re-think your approach.  As de boys used to say, you have issues but was a good anti-PPP cuss bird.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


I want to see more black boys in the Hindu temple and let us chase out all them crullie drunkies.


Hey hey, black boys at hindu temple have been "Indianized" and likely vote PPP.  After studying the Bhagat Gita, I doubt they will go out and loot and burn other people's property.

you right turn all of them into chatree and sent them to shoot up the free press 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

DDL Sales wnt up by more than G$500 million in 2014.


Total sales G$18 billion.


Do not try your racist dotishness with me.

Hi flour-bai, how you make that connection so fast from an annual report and domestic consumption.  How much relates to pricing and what volumes relate to export?


Now where is the racism in what I said.  I told you it's a social issue which transcends race, don't think black families don't have the same issues.  I saw black guy committing the same shyte when they get high, and this they did very often.  This is a social issue and not political, but alyuh catching at political straws with everything, little else to go on.


Banna your hatred of anyone who don't see your way is your achilles heel.  You need to examine your logic and re-think your approach.  As de boys used to say, you have issues but was a good anti-PPP cuss bird.

Base man, where is your evidence that Black families got a rum problem?


The real issues in the Afro communities is they cannot keep their dick in their pants and they are making too many children that they cannot take care off.


I agree with Kishan, there is a serious RUM problem in the Indian villages.


I have also observed Basemen, he is BJ boy and he cannot caapet the fact that Guyana will have a BLACK President.  His racism cannot accept that.


So Kishan, leave him alone.  The Indo-centric racism oozing out of their pore these day.


It will calm down after the 12th of May.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


I want to see more black boys in the Hindu temple and let us chase out all them crullie drunkies.


Hey hey, black boys at hindu temple have been "Indianized" and likely vote PPP.  After studying the Bhagat Gita, I doubt they will go out and loot and burn other people's property.

Baseman, where is the evidence of where this mixed hindu family will be voting PPP.


You must cut your unintelligent crap Sir.


Do you have a high school education?


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