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Former Member

A coalition of the major political forces may be the best way forward


June 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
There has recently been a strong signal from the main opposition party of its willingness to form a united government with the ruling party.  I sincerely believe that this may be the very thing that Guyana needs at this time – a government which is seen to cater for all the various interests and has the support of our different groups, especially as these relate to racial and geographical location.

It is clear that there can be no end to the squabbling over how the affairs of our country should be administered in the present political dispensation, and I am sure most patriotic, right-thinking and generous-minded Guyanese will see the option of a united front as the best way forward.  I strongly feel that both the President and the Opposition Leader are men of this ilk, and would certainly agree if they are convinced of their party being fairly treated in any coalition.
It must now be obvious that any government which would be able to hold its own in this country, and truly rule in the best interests of all sections of our society, must not only possess the capacity for so doing, but must also be accepted by all the major groups of its sincerity and ability to succeed in this endeavour.  Just so, no matter how capable or earnest each party feels about itself, none on the contenders acting alone will be able to maintain the peace and pace of development that is now urgently required for the recovery of our nation.  To my mind then, the best solution to our political dilemma is that we resign ourselves to a unity of forces, albeit incongruent ones, and encourage the major parties to start adjusting their policies and mind-sets so as to be better able to fit in to such a coalition.

Added to this, no government that has a sizeable opposition as we have can hope to fulfil its responsibilities as effectively as it needs to.  From the lessons of history, men have now generally become distrustful of authority when they are not part of same.  We all know of the stories, whether based on fact or fantasy, that are being constantly peddled around of corruption in the highest echelons of the administration, and without doubt these must be the reaction of those aligned with the opposition.  A united government would patently remove this circumstance.

Another requirement of any government in a democracy is one that is evolving.  We find that in each aspect of modern life the individual is being called upon to accept greater responsibility for participating in the functions of administration.  This creates a structure in which each individual in this democratisation process has a bigger say in its management, and so the government must be able and willing to capture the interest and involvement of the great majority of its citizens, as well as accept each individual’s right to share in the decision-making processes.   We must agree that the present system does not lend itself to this being implemented, and we need to convince our people that their voice is being heard.
The extremists and diehard supporters of each of the parties in the executive and parliamentary arms of the administration would certainly raise their voices against any arrangement which involves surrendering their present position.  Also, when we look at the disparate positions on issues which the government and opposition have been representing, we can only surmise that the way to a united government may be a long and tortuous one.

But I strongly feel that a coalition of the major forces in our country is still absolutely viable and the best way forward, and I would like to posit that the supporters of the two major parties should pressure their leaders to think more of the good of the country, and less of maintaining party power, and start the process of forming a united front.  Otherwise Guyana is doomed to this perpetual division and discord, resulting in more and more regression in our affairs and fragmentation of our society and nation.
Roy Paul

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How will Brazzy be answerable? How will Bobby be more open with his bids? How will the Constitution be amended? Lots of HOWs.


I say, form a new movement and remove the whole lot of crookish politicians. Joining wid thieves is apt to make thieves of the whole lot.


The country needs a break from the PPP and PNC men and women in all forms(in all other political movements). Those croonies doan have a dry bone of vision.


Retire dem.


Is the AFC the break?  Some of them fellows in the AFC are all about who is more about Ma and Pa politics rather than seeking an independent political course of action. 


Ma and Pa from Ma and Pa politics always walked to the beat of their own political drums.  They never copied anyone else or were yes men and women for anyone else.  So follow their example and try to do the same.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by seignet:

How will Brazzy be answerable? How will Bobby be more open with his bids? How will the Constitution be amended? Lots of HOWs.


I say, form a new movement and remove the whole lot of crookish politicians. Joining wid thieves is apt to make thieves of the whole lot.


The country needs a break from the PPP and PNC men and women in all forms(in all other political movements). Those croonies doan have a dry bone of vision.


Retire dem.

I am glad that you raise these points.  Why do people think that marrying the corrupt and incompetent PPP with the corrupt and incompetent PNC will be the magic bullet to solve the problem?


Brazzington was a monster created by Hoyte and crowned as Lord Almighty by Jagdeo.



Guyana will NEVER get the type of government which is accountable to them until they learn how to hold the govt accountable.  If they continue with this notion of "we gun mek out", and "wha we gun do," when faced with irresponsible behavior on the part of the politicians, then why do we say "tings bad" and then blame the politicians?  


Look at our racial problems.  We blame the PPP and the PNC and yet blindly support them EVERY election!  So whose fault is it?  If you hand a politician carte blanche to do what he wants, why blame him when he exercises that right?



Guyana is the ONLY country in the Caribbean where the Minister of Finance can drive drunk, injure some one and flee the scene.  Look at Trinidad where a minister bused down a CAL cabin attendant, accidentally brushed her breast and he was HISTORY!,  And at least 2 other ministers have been fired since for similaraly inappropriate behavior.


Do you think that Kamla doesn't have the same instincts to circle wagons and protect her flock as Ramotar.  The fact is that Trinidadian people will NOT stand for this and will remember this at the polls.


Look at Patrick Manning.  he built himself a palace and crowned himself emperor.  Was arrogant enough to think that he could hold elections way BEFORE they were due, I guess because he wanted to capitalize on T&Ts booming economy at the time.  Trinis sent him packing with his tail between his legs to his humble abode in San Fernando.


Janet Jagan was a staunch Stalinist, and Burnham a fan of Prince Machiavelli, neither having respect for the right of the people to question their actions.  Guyana needs to move to a new model of thinking, and the onus is on the AFC to do so, and cease the ambulance chasing that it presently engages in.

Last edited by Former Member

NICIL was the creation of Hoyte.

Brassington is an appointee during the Jagans watch.


AFC models it party along socialism-similar to the PPP and PNC. Selection of leadership is a sham, it is a policy of ascension on RACISM. They have shifted, with Nagamootoo in the AFC, the party acts as though he must be afforded a SPECIAL PLACE-a contender for the Presidency. The AFC feels, he can get the Indian votes. I say get the man that can make a change and get Guynaese votes. Just to get the Indian votes, is the continuation of stagnant growth we've had since the 1950's. 


Put dem all out. Clean Parliament and write a new constitution-a citizens constitution.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

you mean the ppp and the pnc in bed what new,the ppp will sell their own mother to say in power

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

you mean the ppp and the pnc in bed what new,the ppp will sell their own mother to say in power

As long as it's the PPP in power, little else matters.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

you mean the ppp and the pnc in bed what new,the ppp will sell their own mother to say in power

That's what the PNC did. You must have had a head chair at congress place heh bai?

Originally Posted by seignet:

NICIL was the creation of Hoyte.

Brassington is an appointee during the Jagans watch.


AFC models it party along socialism-similar to the PPP and PNC. Selection of leadership is a sham, it is a policy of ascension on RACISM. They have shifted, with Nagamootoo in the AFC, the party acts as though he must be afforded a SPECIAL PLACE-a contender for the Presidency. The AFC feels, he can get the Indian votes. I say get the man that can make a change and get Guynaese votes. Just to get the Indian votes, is the continuation of stagnant growth we've had since the 1950's. 


Put dem all out. Clean Parliament and write a new constitution-a citizens constitution.

I will never bash Comrade Moses.  He is a good man with a good heart.  Some is these other guys who are shouting ma and pa should have their heads examined.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by seignet:

NICIL was the creation of Hoyte.

Brassington is an appointee during the Jagans watch.


AFC models it party along socialism-similar to the PPP and PNC. Selection of leadership is a sham, it is a policy of ascension on RACISM. They have shifted, with Nagamootoo in the AFC, the party acts as though he must be afforded a SPECIAL PLACE-a contender for the Presidency. The AFC feels, he can get the Indian votes. I say get the man that can make a change and get Guynaese votes. Just to get the Indian votes, is the continuation of stagnant growth we've had since the 1950's. 


Put dem all out. Clean Parliament and write a new constitution-a citizens constitution.

I will never bash Comrade Moses.  He is a good man with a good heart.  Some is these other guys who are shouting ma and pa should have their heads examined.

If I remember Wally, you also "loved" comrade Gadaffi!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by seignet:

NICIL was the creation of Hoyte.

Brassington is an appointee during the Jagans watch.


AFC models it party along socialism-similar to the PPP and PNC. Selection of leadership is a sham, it is a policy of ascension on RACISM. They have shifted, with Nagamootoo in the AFC, the party acts as though he must be afforded a SPECIAL PLACE-a contender for the Presidency. The AFC feels, he can get the Indian votes. I say get the man that can make a change and get Guynaese votes. Just to get the Indian votes, is the continuation of stagnant growth we've had since the 1950's. 


Put dem all out. Clean Parliament and write a new constitution-a citizens constitution.

I will never bash Comrade Moses.  He is a good man with a good heart.  Some is these other guys who are shouting ma and pa should have their heads examined.

If I remember Wally, you also "loved" comrade Gadaffi!

Nice one base.  I also like some members of your family who are related to me.  So does that make me a bad guy.


On the question of Gadaffi. I like the man for two reasons. 1. He did many things for poor people. 2. The man was like the backbone in the fight against apartheid.  A system that reduced our people (not Gadaffi's people) to sub- human status.


Did the man waste much money fighting stupid wars. Absolutely, but he did some good also.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

Baseman this is good news.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

Leaving the government to the whims of elites would be a shift from one model of oppression to another more oppressive state because  there would be more crooks at the nations teat. A government of national unity has to be limited in scope and  for  finite period until the conditions for a functioning democracy are satisfied.


This means that within a period of six months or so, the national unity government's sole objective is to iron out a methodology where race is never a political driver and where broad based decentralized, deliberative  democracy can be architectured. Lacking that, a government of national unity will be a government by elites.


This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

you mean the ppp and the pnc in bed what new,the ppp will sell their own mother to say in power

That's what the PNC did. You must have had a head chair at congress place heh bai?


sorry wrong again,i was one of the indian Burham had a warrant out for.i was a PYO member until RODNEY come on the scene

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

Rite! If pigs could only whistle. Change of government means change of addresses for the THIEVES-JAIL.

No change of Govt, just change of governing model.  Threats and intimidation get you nowhere.  We will have national reconciliation through dialogue and amnesty for all. It's the way forward.  Granger and Ramu will work it out.

Leaving the government to the whims of elites would be a shift from one model of oppression to another more oppressive state because  there would be more crooks at the nations teat. A government of national unity has to be limited in scope and  for  finite period until the conditions for a functioning democracy are satisfied.


This means that within a period of six months or so, the national unity government's sole objective is to iron out a methodology where race is never a political driver and where broad based decentralized, deliberative  democracy can be architectured. Lacking that, a government of national unity will be a government by elites.


This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

You all would do good to take a leaf out of the late Mandela's book.  The change will be within a framework that addresses issues methodically step by step and logically.  Tit for tat brings nothing to anyone, not for long anyway.  There are very big issue to address, not insurmountable, but big.


Change will come to Guyana, but you have to accept to move away from vile derogatory and demeaning reference to the other side.  We have to move away from "abie pon-tep", "dem pon-tap" and put Guyana pon-tap.


Some of the language coming for the fringe political party(ies) and those professing to be members does not serve this purpose.  In fact, they are counter-productive by pouring "acid" in an already distasteful environment.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

You Caribj need to stop pandering to these extremist.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

the ppp have to bugger in jail

You need to stop craving the sexy bodies of Indian men.

the only thing i want to do with them indian sexy ministers is hang them,but it okay you is kwame bitch

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

the ppp have to bugger in jail

You need to stop craving the sexy bodies of Indian men.

the only thing i want to do with them indian sexy ministers is hang them,but it okay you is kwame bitch

It ain't gon happen, dem bais gon stay right deh till we seh they out.  Until then, you have to make do with your cravings.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

the ppp have to bugger in jail

You need to stop craving the sexy bodies of Indian men.

the only thing i want to do with them indian sexy ministers is hang them,but it okay you is kwame bitch

It ain't gon happen, dem bais gon stay right deh till we seh they out.  Until then, you have to make do with your cravings.

not long more the writing is on the wall,you is blind by your racist tendencies to see it.all dictators  think their are immortal 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

the ppp have to bugger in jail

You need to stop craving the sexy bodies of Indian men.

the only thing i want to do with them indian sexy ministers is hang them,but it okay you is kwame bitch

It ain't gon happen, dem bais gon stay right deh till we seh they out.  Until then, you have to make do with your cravings.

not long more the writing is on the wall,you is blind by your racist tendencies to see it.all dictators  think their are immortal 

The PPP is not a dictatorship, they have been duly elected by the people to form the GoG.  The fact that they are not perfect does not mean they are a dictatorship.  They will not be bullied out of power.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

they have been duly elected by the people to form the GoG. 

WRONG.  The PPP was elected to SHARE power with the opposition.




What they are doing is not unconstitutional and what the opposition is not unconstitutional.


Caribj stop being a demagogue.  The PPP has not been elected to "share" but they do have to "work with" the opposition.  The opposition hands are strong given their one-seat advantage.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

You Caribj need to stop pandering to these extremist.

Where is there extremism in asking for predetermined constraints to the authority of a non elected elite dominated government?


You are a little read, poorly educated and very stupid man. Elite accommodation is always dangerous because it is a dictatorship of elites.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

they have been duly elected by the people to form the GoG. 

WRONG.  The PPP was elected to SHARE power with the opposition.




What they are doing is not unconstitutional and what the opposition is not unconstitutional.


Caribj stop being a demagogue.  The PPP has not been elected to "share" but they do have to "work with" the opposition.  The opposition hands are strong given their one-seat advantage.

Hiding behind an authoritarian constitution for cover does not mean t heir grasp for power is not a grasp for power. It is patently unfair for a government to demand such authority under normal conditions. Being a minority government comes with additional burdens. The PPP and its low life sycophants cannot argue away that reality. The PPP is a one seat minority, Since when is t hat better than a one seat majority in a democracy? Go take a hike and lie to  your kids. They may be stupid as you to swallow that nonsense whole cloth.

Originally Posted by baseman:


What they are doing is not unconstitutional and what the opposition is not unconstitutional.


Caribj stop being a demagogue.  The PPP has not been elected to "share" but they do have to "work with" the opposition.  The opposition hands are strong given their one-seat advantage.

The opposition controls the legislature.  The ruling party the executive.  Given that these are BOTH branches of government there is some sharing going on.


This isn't "work with".

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by baseman:

There will be amnesty for all sides and the nation will start with a clean slate.  This is the word from my friends in OP.

the ppp have to bugger in jail

You need to stop craving the sexy bodies of Indian men.

the only thing i want to do with them indian sexy ministers is hang them,but it okay you is kwame bitch

It ain't gon happen, dem bais gon stay right deh till we seh they out.  Until then, you have to make do with your cravings.

not long more the writing is on the wall,you is blind by your racist tendencies to see it.all dictators  think their are immortal 

The PPP is not a dictatorship, they have been duly elected by the people to form the GoG.  The fact that they are not perfect does not mean they are a dictatorship.  They will not be bullied out of power.

The reality of their existence as perverse crooks is sufficient reason not to want them. The fact that a dictatorial constitution ( one they decried as a dictatorship in former times) affords them absolute authority over the state is galling enough.


The reality of their existence as a minority and their brazen call for the same authority as if they were the majority is a poke in the eye by a bunch of disgusting crooks. No one is bullying them.


They are being constrained from their crooked ways as best as possible. They will be leaving office and that is just a matter of time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

You Caribj need to stop pandering to these extremist.

Where is there extremism in asking for predetermined constraints to the authority of a non elected elite dominated government?


You are a little read, poorly educated and very stupid man. Elite accommodation is always dangerous because it is a dictatorship of elites.

You should also ask for that "pre-determined constraints" for the PNC also.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is never a good thing by itself since any government of national unity is  inherently a system for elite accommodation. These elites are the very one that bootstrapped their political access by despotic behavior. A national government remains identical as the previous construct since they will also be unfettered by checks and balances. Elite consensus is not good government.

You Caribj need to stop pandering to these extremist.

Where is there extremism in asking for predetermined constraints to the authority of a non elected elite dominated government?


You are a little read, poorly educated and very stupid man. Elite accommodation is always dangerous because it is a dictatorship of elites.

You should also ask for that "pre-determined constraints" for the PNC also.

Let me  reiterate what should be self evident to even a simpleton; a national government would inevitably be inclusive of the PNC.It follows deductively that they will be part of the unelected elites being accommodated to office. Logically if one asks for constraints on the lot they will be included!


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