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Former Member
February 7


This Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Shalimar Hack has BLATANTLY VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION OF GUYANA; has shown utter CONTEMPT for its LAWS in her Abuse of Power against the former NBS CEO Maurice Arjoon and Managers Kent Vincent and Kissoon Baldeo. This was done with the assistance of NBS Chairman Moen Mc Doom, then VC Nanda Gopaul, Dep CEO Nizam Mohamed and others from the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) as well as certain lawyers & judges who are willing to "sell their souls" for position & money! Note that when Pres. Jagdeo was written to with PROOF of then acting DPP's blatant ILLEGAL actions provided, he quickly confirmed her as DPP, then increased her powers!

NB: ALL of the above AND the following Illegal/Unethical/Evil actions by the DPP can be PROVEN in an Independent Investigation (major portion already PROVEN in court; other documented evidence in posts below of Sep & Oct etc !)
On January 20, 2007, the DPP attended a meeting at the CIOG with her husband Moen Ul Hack the CEO of CIOG, the NBS Dep CEO Nizamodeen Mohamed, and Dr Zinool Safi , husband of NBS account holder Bibi Shamila Khan and it was "decided" to “say” that $32M - (of $69M withdrawn) was unauthorized !. (NB: Arjoon countersigned cheques totalling $32M! "They" later changed the unauthorized amount to $69M to include the 2 Managers- all 3 of whom only signed the cheques in accordance with NBS Systems!)
- In April 2007, based on investigation Arjoon informed NBS Board that he received credible information that Zinool Safi also collected proceeds of the cheques issued by NBS from the account (thus NO fraud!).
Chairman Moen Mc Doom said he will contact the DPP but instead attended the meetings held at the CIOG which included CIOG Executives where it was decided to use that “opportunity” to take over the NBS by charging Arjoon, Vincent and Baldeo –INSTEAD of those involved[Safi, Bacchus, Mohamed etc]
- In May 2007, when Arjoon repeated his request to NBS Board for the Private Investigator as the police were not acting on EVIDENCE given, Mc Doom held more meetings at CIOG then also at Freedom House! As NBS Ext. Auditor Ronald Alli later confided (without admitting he was also at the CIOG meetings), “they”took 3 days to devise the plan on how to charge the CEO and 2 Managers!
- On June 1st 2007, as concocted in their plans at CIOG the DPP sent a letter to the NBS Board that she had "OVERWHELMING AND COMPELLING EVIDENCE!” – then instructed the police to charge the CEO & 2 Managers (The Police later confided to the victims that they NEVER had any evidence, but that "Gopaul and Mc Doom help the DPP to place the trumped up charges").That morning the Board called the 3 men to at meeting and assured them that the Board was aware of their innocence but Mc Doom & Gopaul said that "the police say they have evidence" !
- On June 2nd a muslim lady from West Demerara phoned 2 of the victims (taped) and confided that she was told 2 DAYS BEFORE at her MOSQUE by an Executive of CIOG that the DPP was going to charge the 3 innocent officers but she did not inform them as she could not believe the DPP would do that! She then went on to talk about the meetings held at CIOG by Moen Mc Doom, then at Freedom House to get permission!
- On June 2nd at a forum at the High Court, when asked by many lawyers/judges, the DPP also LIED to them that she had "overwhelming and compelling evidence"!
- Dr SAFI , yes, Dr Safi himself met with certain lawyers seeking a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR but Gopaul insisted on Hookumchand (his relative) who later confided that "the FILE EMPTY but he was paid G$1.2M by NBS to DELAY the matter, which he did for 4 1/2 years and NEVER provided any evidence why the 3 Top Officers were charged!! NB: Although NO fraud determined, and PROOF that Dr Safi collected proceeds of the cheques issued, he & his wife were quickly repaid by the Board and months later they fled the country!
- The DPP blatantly manipulated the Courts process. She allowed arguments for over 2 months to occur over whether to have a summary trial or a PI, then, after the Magistrate ruled for a summary trial, invoked her power to have a PI.(or the matter would have ENDED then as the DPP NEVER had anything against 3 victims!)
- Months later, when the presenter of the POA- Legall alias Compton Chase was caught by another police, and Legall signed a statement confessing his and the involvement of others- Bacchus, Shahibideen et al) the DPP dropped the charges against the 3 Top Officers but then CHARGED THEM TOGETHER WITH THE GUILTY ONES ALTHOUGH NO LINK WHATSOEVER!!
- So Arjoon & Baldoe went to the high court and the DPP objected to the judge who she said knew Arjoon! She WROTE Ch. Carl Singh (ag) that "The facts of the case are that initial investigations were done by the police from January to June 2007 in relation to a fraud at NBS which revealed strong compelling evidence against Maurice Arjune, Kent Vincent and Kissoon Baldeo”..etc- but did NOT state that in court as Carl Singh should have advised!
- Ch. Carl Singh gave the DPP 2 weeks to show cause and the matter WOULD HAVE ENDED THEN AS THE DPP COULD SHOW NO CAUSE, but she NEVER did and Ch CARL SINGH did NOTHING nor did Lawyer Nandlall who helped in delaying actions! Instead "they" held back the criminal matter for more than a year unless the victims withdrew the high court matter and then the prosecutor himself said that if they withdrew the high court matter in weeks the criminal matter will be completed, but the delay continued, lasting a long 4 1/2 years until the prosecutor himself asked for dismissal and without EVER providing a shred of evidence of why Arjoon, Vincent and Baldeo were charged!! And the guilty ones, Legall, Bacchus et al? Theirs was also dismissed as the prosecutor did not submit the available evidence of their involvement!
-Arjoon sued the DPP & lawyers at the AG office confided “Mr Arjoon will win the case as when they asked the Prosecutor for information to file their defense he said that there was NOTHING; the FILE WAS EMPTY!” (Another post later of why that judge dismissed the case although ZERO defense provided by the AG)
We are sure EVERYONE who believes in Decency and Justice will agree that the DPP SHALIMAR HACK, [AND THE BOARD OF NBS etc]MUST BE MADE TO STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELY AND BE PROSECUTED

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Sorry if you guys read this before. I am reading it now and think it speaks to what we all suspect....these are some arrogant dastardly people

Disgusting corruption and theft of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars reported by witness

Georgetown, Guyana: November 10, 2012 – Citizens of Guyana are in awe at the brazen lies being told by the racist and corrupt PPPC officials, Minister Leslie ‘friend of drug dealers‘ Ramsammy and the shameful Anil ‘not very bright‘ Nandiall. Nandiall has taken to the government airways this week to bellyache about some ‘alleged’ expense of $1.7 GY racked up in the pursuit of justice against the inept and murderous Clement Rohee. Meanwhile, PPPC government acolytes like Robert Persaud, Irfaan Ali, Gopaul, Ashni Singh, and others like the lowly and under-educated Neil Kumar continue to rape the taxpayer treasury for hundreds of millions of dollars which could be better spent on improved housing; improved water, roads and electrical


infrastructure; improved delivery of government services; improved schools and hospitals and an overall improvement to the plan for the development of Guyana.
OVNN was recently made aware of the reasons why Donald Ramotar cannot [not will not] but CANNOT fire Clement Rohee. Further development of this topic will be saved for a later publication, suffice to say Ramotar was the architect of many nefarious plans which Rohee was forced to carry out. In fact, OVNN has learned that Clement Rohee would NEVER have given the order to shoot live rounds at protesting citizen without the EXPRESS approval of President Donald Ramotar.

Those who still do not understand the depth of PPPC’s treachery and betrayal of the Guyanese people only need to read the statement of then secretary to Minister of Labor, Dr. Nanda Gopaul. A secretary who risked her life to reveal to the public, the massive corruption of the PPPC government. This secretary, in fear for her life was forced to seek asylum in North America after making her revelation public.

Secretary’s Statement
I was also privy to many transactions that were suspected to be illegal; I saw the Permanent Secretary and the Minister’s along with their drug cartel friends convert the country’s resources and treasury to their own personal use. Dr. Gopaul from time to time would tell these contractors that everyone would have to get their cut.

While working in Dr. Gopaul’s office I was instructed to dictate letters for his signature to the Guyana Revenue Authority approving Duty Free letters of Waivers for taxes and imported equipment and vehicles. On many occasions, I was asked to contact the accounting office within the Office of the President to fast track payments for Dr. Gopaul’s friends such as Brian Tiwari, Vishnu Bandhu and Aumaroo who were awarded contracts from the Office of the President. The payments were sent over to our office so that I would give it to him or he would sometimes have me pay them when they come.

During my tenure there, Mr. Gopaul has personally acquired over ten house, using other people’s names. He frequently used the accounting system in the Office of the President to issue checks to pay various bills related to his newly acquired real estate holdings.

Every month different people came to the office, dropping off packages containing money for Dr. Gopaul who would then take it to President Bharat Jagdeo. I have personal knowledge of many instances where contracts were done to facilitate various business people under false pretenses and these said businessmen would collect monies from the office without valid supporting documentation. One such case is “Prestex” which is managed by Ryan Allen. Dr. Gopaul was instrumental in having a contract issued in this Company’s name .”

It is laughable that PPPC agents are today running around spewing their lies and insulting the intelligence of Guyanese citizens while they continue to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from future generations of Guyanese. The citizens of Guyana must pray for Donald Ramotar to call a ‘snap’ election soon. Although OVNN believes that even if the people were able to get a reprieve from the lying, thieving, corrupt PPPC today, it would still take many many years for Guyana to recover, and for the new government to repossess the government properties stolen, the people’s money squirreled away in hidden bank accounts and private hiding places, the many gold bars and raw diamonds in safety deposit boxes in banks all over the world and the prime ancestral lands paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of former slaves and now stolen from their poverty stricken descendants for little more than a pittance. Truly, the PPPC government has much for which for which they must answer.


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