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On political cabals and criminals

Friday, 14 February 2014, Source


RELATIVE to the news report captioned: ‘NY Mafia bust uncovers Guyana cocaine plot,’ the U.S. ambassador must be gloating over this, patting himself on the shoulder saying PPP not only will look incompetent but corrupt too, without taking into consideration that it is the people whom he supports who are driving crime in Guyana.Guyana will be blacklisted not for money laundering only but being a drug transshipment point also; such a shame and total disgrace to know Guyana is now on the world map for all the wrong reasons, after Dr Bharrat Jagdeo had put us on the world map for all the right reasons. These drug cartels don’t operate on their own with their loved ones, but they need real big ones in very high offices to carry out and ply their deadly trade.

Drug barons need people with authority in high places like passport office, immigration office, customs office and airport personnel, police and army to get their goods to enter and exit this country; and everyone knows whose supporters proliferate in these places.

Blame must fully go to the ruling party PPP/C because they are the ones who are doing the hiring of these people in those places.

Innocent, hard-working educated people will not take these jobs, so the Government has no other choice but to hire Opposition supporters who know they have the backing of crooked top brass and Opposition top lawyers if caught.

Guyanese are waiting for Minister Rohee and his SWAT Team to take action now.

If the ordinary Guyanese knows who these cartels are, then it is more than likely the security services know them also.

Another issue I want to raise is Cathy Hughes, of Fip Motilall fame, saying that only three breathalyser kits are functioning. Cathy Hughes didn’t get this information out of thin air, or had a dream to ask these questions, so this clearly shows there are police feeding her these information so she can bring it to parliament to boil, then roast and toast PPP/C Minister Rohee and make the AFC look good.

On the suggested amendments to the money laundering bill these people are so transparent even the blind can see through them.

Let us say Government agrees with PNC/APNU to give Police, Customs officers and the Anti Narco Unit these powers PNC want for their people to stop, search and seize, will the Opposition agree that Government should pick the Police officers, Custom officers and the Anti Narco Unit team?
PNC over the past twenty-one years has placed themselves in a position to now govern Guyana through threats and blackmail, holding the nation to ransom.

Police, Army and the majority of Government workers vote overwhelmingly for PNC, despite they are all well paid and well fed by this administration, when they were starving and homeless under PNC administration. They should compare the way they live now to how they starved and wore rags under PNC misrule for 28 long, hard, suffering years.

They don’t care if their people get ‘white yaaz mouths’ and ‘swell belly’ from being malnourished, or sleep in the streets; all they want is a PNC ruler.

I am no political guru but I think the Government should not attach any other bill the Opposition is asking for to the money laundering and terror bill. I am all in favour of compromise on any issue, but you cannot compromise with the PNC, and when I say PNC that includes the AFC.

The PPP will be destroyed if they attach any Opposition bill to the money laundering and terror bills, and they need to ensure that Ramjattan does not get anything out of this, because he will soon go by the way side like their ruler in waiting, Nigel Hughes.

Hughes is pegged to take over from Ramjattan, because no one; and I say this with authority, no one votes for Ramjattan. The first time around, disgruntled PNC supporters voted for former diehard PNC member Raphael Trotman. Second time around disgruntled PPP supporters voted for Nagamootoo; but he talks a good talk – latest is that he called President Ramotar’s bluff to call elections.

That is real bluff from a drowning man. Kick the bluffmaster when he is down so that the current of his wicked acts pull him deeper under the water until he drowns.

Once Ramjattan says he is calling a bluff that’s the end of him. I am a gambler and I know when a man is on the ropes, so let him choke himself slowly now on his sins against Guyana. If the Government gives in to any of Ramjattan’s threats they will build his stature; but on his own he has no support base.

The Government does not listen to the cries of the honest citizens of Guyana. GDF ranks have been going AWOL for years, but a PPP Government has to understand that the GDF was formed, not to defend Guyana from invasion by its powerful neighbours, the UN will take care of that in the event it happens; but the GDF and other para-military organisations were formed to keep Burnham and the PNC in power in the event of an East Indian uprising, because the UK -US- Burnham co-conspirators and the entire world knew that Dr. Cheddi Jagan could not lose any free, fair and transparent election.

President Ramotar must be asked bluntly if the GDF can stop Brazil or Venezuela from invading and taking over Guyana, and he should tell Guyanese what purpose the high-maintenance GDF is serving. Guyanese are constantly reminding the Government that these people are joining the police and army for their own agenda. To put it bluntly, some are joining the police force just to get power, authority, a uniform, a badge and licenced guns to commit criminal acts.

The authorities should see what traffic police are doing to innocent motorists on the streets of Guyana, especially in Georgetown and the highways.

The criminals join the GDF to get weapons training and some military planning on how to lock down a major public road, like they did twice on the East Bank public road – once for slaughtering people and once for beating, robbing, and sexually molesting citizens. Why do you think they were masked?

The President said “…those who stay away from their duty without just reasons are imperiling the future of the Army and affecting the security of the country, while at the same time shortchanging taxpayers whose money was spent to train them”. Mr. President, what about those who report for duty, only to commit criminal acts instead?

The joint Opposition has a many-pronged strategy to defeat the PPP Government, and among them is the newly-minted blackmail through the courts to get taxpayers’ money, or frighten away investors through the same methodologies; such as the case of the beauty queen former Princess Hotel employee, who is seeking large compensation from her former employer; with next on the agenda being Nigel Hughes seeking $100M through a fabricated sodomy allegation.

This thing is becoming a joke now: Big baton in a criminal’s anus and now this beauty queen is looking for her dues too; and guess who is the lawyer in all their cases? Employers got to be on full alert now in hiring PNC supporters; and the Police must videotape everything they do now when arresting PNC supporters.

Government and the security services, as well as employers must always remain one step ahead of criminal lawyers and supporters of some political parties.

Written By TED KING


On political cabals and criminals

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Dear Editor, Is there anything that the PPP can do without committing racketeering?  Skeldon Factory—fraud; Kingston Hotel — fraud, Fip vis a vis the Amaila Road – fraud; Specialty Hospital – fraud; procurement of medical supplies  — fraud and now the alleged investment by Minister Webster’s daughter into a Ghost recycling Company called Natural Globe, Inc. We have been reliably informed that its CEO, Mohamed Osman has embellished his qualifications and work experience in order to get the contract. This is another major failure at due diligence by Roger Luncheon and his corrupt PPP cabal. Like Fip Motilall who did not have any experience in road building but was given a US$15 million to build the Amalia Falls road, the same is true for Mohamed Osman who has no experience in the technical aspects of recycling. We have also been reliably informed that Mohamed Osman and some of his friends in Toronto were a major contributor to the PPP in the 2011 elections. So what Roger Luncheon and his crooked friends at the Robb Street big house have done is to pay back their friend with a huge contract at the expense of the poor and the working class. This is a blatant form of corruption and we call on all the members of the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce, and the ambassadors of the American, Canadian and European embassies to publicly condemn the PPP for this nefarious act.


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