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On the Trail of Mortgage Fraud

Queens has been harder hit by foreclosures than any other New York borough, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation believes it has found a culprit. Last July, the F.B.I. accused Edul Ahmad, a local broker, of a $50 million mortgage fraud, saying he lured fellow immigrants into subprime mortgages, inflated the values of their properties and concealed his involvement in deals that were ruinous for scores, if not hundreds, of borrowers. Mr. Ahmad pleaded not guilty, and posted $2.5 million bail. Now, according to court papers, as reported in The Times, he is plea-bargaining with federal prosecutors.

Whatever Mr. Ahmad did or did not do, one thing is sure: he did not act alone. The attention Mr. Ahmad has drawn highlights the relative lack of scrutiny of the big banks and their senior executives. Big banks created demand and provided credit for dubious mortgage loans, which they bundled into securities and sold to investors. If not for reckless lending and heedless securitizing, there would have been no mortgage bubble and no mortgage bust — and, in all probability, no Edul Ahmad.

There have been some prominent civil suits with settlements and fines, including the $550 million deal between Goldman Sachs and the Securities and Exchange Commission over the misleading of investors in a mortgage-backed investment. Bank of America, which bought Countrywide Financial in 2008, recently agreed to pay $335 million to settle a lawsuit by the Justice Department over Countrywide’s practice of steering black and Hispanic borrowers to subprime loans while similarly qualified white borrowers got better terms. But such cases have been narrowly focused and rarely name top executives.

What is needed is leadership by President Obama on this issue. He should form an interagency task force to investigate and pursue potential civil and criminal wrongdoing by institutions and people whose conduct in the mortgage chain had the greatest economic impact.

That would mean focusing on the large banks and their top echelons. The investigators would need to include the departments of Justice and Housing and Urban Development, the S.E.C. and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as bank regulators, with the formal co-operation of the most aggressive state attorneys general. The task force would need a leader with the impulses of a crusading prosecutor.

The investigations to date have not had this character. The Goldman Sachs settlement, for instance, was over one security and put the blame on a midlevel banker. When executives have been personally penalized, the fines have been a fraction of the wealth they amassed during the bubble. From 2000 to 2008, Angelo Mozilo, the chief executive of Countrywide, received total compensation estimated at $521.5 million; in 2010, without admitting or denying any wrongdoing, he paid $67.5 million to settle civil fraud charges brought by the S.E.C. The Justice Department, for its part, decided not to pursue a possible criminal case against Mr. Mozilo.

Lawsuits by state attorneys general, notably in Massachusetts and Nevada, may ultimately prove more revealing and helpful to wronged homeowners, because they tend to focus on foreclosure abuses by banks. New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, is building a comprehensive investigation of the mortgage chain from the origination and securitization of loans to banks’ foreclosure practices. That may lead to more actors in the system being held accountable for creating the mortgage crisis. Mr. Ahmad is accused of swindling naïve borrowers in Queens. There is more to the mortgage mess than that.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Anyway I am happy the The NY Times came out and hit the nail on the head. No one is defending Ed for his poor judgment however the big banks encouraged and promoted this type practice that enabled men like Ed to thrive.

This is another first for Ed, the man make the editorial page of NY Times ( GOOD OR BAD). The man name is mentioned along with the President of the USA.

Hope the plea bargain work in his favor just like how it worked for some of the big boys from Wall Street from Wall whom orchestrated this real estate and mortgage bubble.
Originally posted by Churchill:
Kari I learned from an informed source that others in the real estate and insurance fields would be picked up very soon....

" Dem ah watch we "..... Big Grin

Church, such investigations, prosecutions and (some) convictions come after a long period of time. Getting one another to talk on each other takes some time and persuasion when you have the goods on someone. You need one and then all doors open. It was clear that some of the ads in the go-go years were of a suspect nature. You are a felon - no problem; no job - no problem; the house is listed for $400,000 we'll give you a mortgage to cover your closing as well as 100% of the list (negotiated) price and we'll throw in a Bahamas vacation in the mortgage too. Got children? we'll add that college costs to the mortgage.

For Chief, one of the reason that spotlight TV stayed away from Real Estate advertising it was because of the above. A lot of people lost savings and I know it takes two to tango, but one party in the transaction always have the upper hand, and the gullible consumer who wants and knows he can't afford the American dream is always the lesser of the two evils - the other one is sworn by their profession to do otherwise.
Originally posted by creative:

AFTER the housing bubble blew up and those ads were radically different from the pre-crisis ads.

You write in block letters and make an assertion. You know better about those ads, but you are just mischievous. But we expect this from a charlatan like you. Whom will you peddle for next?
Bhai Kari-he,you a complain of other pot black when you KAHI-HEE BLACK LIKE TAR.Never say Never-you are the lowest peddler around,do not forget you use to work for me,so you have the wrong Guy.
Originally posted by creative: use to work for me

?????????? ah whah story me hear hey, eh? Like yuh skuƛt drunk or what?

Where do you fit in in this chronology of my work places?
1976 - Maths Teacher at Central High
1980 - 84 - Foreign Trade Officer at GoG
1985 - 86 - Long Island dietary supplements establishment
1986 - 1998 - Product Development Manager at a garment company in Manhattan
1998 - present - IT director at a Wall St company.

Youse a real patacake
Originally posted by Kari:
1986 - 1998 - Product Development Manager at a garment company in Manhattan
1998 - present - IT director at a Wall St company.
Nuff respect... not many people can go in one step from selling clothes in midtown to IT director on Wall Street.
Originally posted by antabanta:
Originally posted by Kari:
1986 - 1998 - Product Development Manager at a garment company in Manhattan
1998 - present - IT director at a Wall St company.
Nuff respect... not many people can go in one step from selling clothes in midtown to IT director on Wall Street.

I was also a Novell Network Administrator art the garment company in my last 2 years. So you can see the progression in careers
Originally posted by Sunil:
I read that lots of folks in Florida are walking away from mortgages since the value of the house is now less than that of the outstanding mortgage.

...and no arrests Big Grin
need to get me a condo down there by the beach and look at GNzi girls frolicking in the sand. Big Grin
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by antabanta:
Originally posted by Kari:
1986 - 1998 - Product Development Manager at a garment company in Manhattan
1998 - present - IT director at a Wall St company.
Nuff respect... not many people can go in one step from selling clothes in midtown to IT director on Wall Street.

I was also a Novell Network Administrator art the garment company in my last 2 years. So you can see the progression in careers

From my tent in Wall Street I usually see Kari driving by in a big fancy limo Big Grin
Originally posted by TI:
From my tent in Wall Street I usually see Kari driving by in a big fancy limo Big Grin
are there showbiz personalities and NYC politicians usually accompanying him? Big Grin
Originally posted by Sunil:
I read that lots of folks in Florida are walking away from mortgages since the value of the house is now less than that of the outstanding mortgage.

Just back from big wedding bash in Ft. Lauder dale (you shoulda see Ksazma pan the dance floor wid he kerchef Big Grin ). In my estimation, the blasted house still over priced for some reason. The really cheap ones are cheap because no sane person will buy them in the first place.

The other problem is that the taxes etc high so why buy just wait and see the prices are falling and the banks are still holding a pile of bad mortgages.
Funny that you forget the days of M.ALLY,what happen to the outdated camera-is it an antique and invisable.You missing some important JOB and your timing can tell you -you hiding behind the camera.
Originally posted by TI:
What about the idiots who make minimum wage but insist on buying $600 thousand house and land? Whose fault they foreclosed?
they learn that trick from the guyana government mister ali i wonder if he read the big koran
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by TI:
From my tent in Wall Street I usually see Kari driving by in a big fancy limo Big Grin
are there showbiz personalities and NYC politicians usually accompanying him? Big Grin

Lady Gaga - but only in the Village. I did hang out with Denzel when he was filming "Inside Man" and Michael Moore in Stone St. Big Grin

No limo though. I man mot rich
Wait you hanging in THE VILLAGE??? partybanana partybanana
Originally posted by Kari:
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by TI:
From my tent in Wall Street I usually see Kari driving by in a big fancy limo Big Grin
are there showbiz personalities and NYC politicians usually accompanying him? Big Grin

Lady Gaga - but only in the Village. I did hang out with Denzel when he was filming "Inside Man" and Michael Moore in Stone St. Big Grin

No limo though. I man mot rich
Originally posted by Kari:
Lady Gaga - but only in the Village. I did hang out with Denzel when he was filming "Inside Man" and Michael Moore in Stone St. Big Grin

No limo though. I man mot rich
be careful you don't become like Ed Ahmad. it's not a pretty sight when mighty men fall. Big Grin
When did uncle Ahmad fall?
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by Kari:
Lady Gaga - but only in the Village. I did hang out with Denzel when he was filming "Inside Man" and Michael Moore in Stone St. Big Grin

No limo though. I man mot rich
be careful you don't become like Ed Ahmad. it's not a pretty sight when mighty men fall. Big Grin
Originally posted by warrior:
Please Wait. Your request is being processed...

when some people stop posting here we know they gone to jail with amad i wonder if NEHRU head that way
nehru is many things but not a con man or fraudster.
Some also stop posting because most posts always goes to the GUTTER.

Not all of us like to play with DIRT

Originally posted by warrior:
Please Wait. Your request is being processed...

when some people stop posting here we know they gone to jail with amad i wonder if NEHRU head that way
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by warrior:
Please Wait. Your request is being processed...

when some people stop posting here we know they gone to jail with amad i wonder if NEHRU head that way
nehru is many things but not a con man or fraudster.
i hope so,you have to watch out for these ppp bais,they into all kind of runnings
Originally posted by Abu Jihad:

Just back from big wedding bash in Ft. Lauder dale (you shoulda see Ksazma pan the dance floor wid he kerchef Big Grin ). .

Kaz whipping up a storm like hurricane season Big Grin
Kari-Hee you not counting the dates Hiding behind the Camera,you cannot remember your words "I am working for you Guys"YOU HANG OUT IN THE VILLAGE YEARS NOW,your knees are always BRUuuusssed,wear knee pads.
Let the guilty fall and fall hard. Last year ah had a japanese associate broker of mine who try fuh scam me outta some 6 figures. ah couldda put he ra55 in jail but meh pity he wife and 5 beautiful kids so, meh mek he sign wan declaration of intent to uphold real estate licensed ethic agreement, notarize and record it ra55 with dept state and demanded he do ethics courses every year for 5 years in lieu of jail time. Once he met these demands I fired his a55 so, I hope my demands and actions help one man to clean up his act and make the industry safer. People ra55 wan fuh get rich overnight. Wuh pi55 meh off with this guy is when he come to me in 2001 he was a delivery man teking fish to japanese restaurants and in 1 year meh mek de man wan super star producer earning 6 figures and all the while he watch meh hire and fire agents who did not comply with my company policy, that we will not rent nor sell property to anyone who is not financially qualified, nor will we deal with these hocus pocus mortgages. These f@cking bastards accuse me of taking food off dem table but I told them, I was in fact trying to keep them out of jail and cultivating good practice for longevity. It took me 30 years to get where I am today in this business but dem bais wan fuh get weh me deh, overnight.

Meh remember wan time, wan lawyer who use fuh own wan big remax office pun Liberty Ave, sat at 4 closings I did in one day and watched me walk away with $184,000. in commissions and he handed me dem checks with reluctance. After dat meh hear be buss off he law partners and start Remax then meh hear say he ah do cock wuk in mortgage and real estate wuk in RH . Meh down meh head and seh "what a shame dem bai ah rob dem own people and ah try fuh run fuh public office ".

Kari bai et al...the community is in dire need of ethics 101 schooling, from professionals to business community. I have never seen such rascality and skullduggery so rife in a community as small as ours and it is from tap to battam, from pediatric to geriatric, it is so f@cking sad and pathetic . Even nuff ah dem pandit ra55 and dem indo guyanese preacher man, with dem boutique lil church, ah rob people outta ah dem bread and butter .

Meh son was contracted by a famous Trini nite club owner some years ago to do their website for their caribbean radio/TV network . Dem wanted he fuh travel to T&T for conference and presentation and meh warn he ra55 nah fuh do business with guyanese and trinis, and if he does get contract signed, Finger print dem ra55 and get dem DNA recorded and monies placed in escrow but he tell meh he know dem people and dem nah gon rob he ...guess what ? dem rab he skvnt plus, tek he software program, tweak it and give he bounce check. Meh ask wuh he gwine do and he tell meh he nah do wuk for indo caribbeans. Meh offer de man fuh leh meh put some muscle pun dem ra55 which I would not hesitate fuh do but he seh he gone mek sure the media netowuk system fall flat which it did.

Since 2009, guyanese ah call meh ra55 everyday duh sell dem house or buy wan house but meh ah tell dem meh busy like ra55, use wan ah dem local bais in RH, OP and SOP ! meh rass bin doin business fuh thirty year now with a handshake and never ever did any ah meh clients try fuh f@ck meh ova, in fact sometimes dem ah send me pass fuh chopper to AC or plane & hotel to Vegas , Wan ah dem in the diamond business give meh wife two ring appaised at $80,000. fuh she birthday. De Brand New BMW meh ah drive today was gifted to meh by wan an meh clients fuh doing a record breaking sales results on his brand new condominium development. During holidays meh does give supers and handymen checks and family gifts and have been doing it since 1980. Meh business does donate to soup kitchens and orphanages and now meh gat customers and clients joining in on this social consciousness movement. This is how people who know and understand business does do business.We does get and we does give back. We respect and honor each other so that we last in business.

Remeba bannas with all de talking bout dis and dat problem in the community yuh gatta start with ETHICS 101 nothing more nothing less. From private to public endeavors the pillars and foundations must be ethics , honor and respect !
Kidmost you are really giving wrong information to everyone on this site.You as a Broker have no authorithy to have your Associate Broker signed any such documents.This is something for MLS Board after the Zone Chair hear this Case.The other Garbage of your 4 closings and the Atty.who open a Re/Max office is all HAG-WASH.your BMW and $80,000 gift,you are a QUACK BROKER>
All Kid is trying to say, creative (initially I thought this was an oxymoron, but you're real creative in your baseless destructive writings here), is that he conducts his real estate business with ethical behavior uppermost. What he said about gifts from clients is meant as an attestation to the rewards of good ethical practices. Nothing more, nothing less - so talk of "HAG-WASH" or "QUACK BROKER" does not advance anybody's understanding of the topic of mortgage fraud. Your attempts at slander is already known and discounted, so why waste your breath?

and Kid BTW is an upstanding gentleman and family person, and he cares.
You Guys are Quacks just alike.Kari-Hee and Vish,the two of you use to worship and praise Ed.Vish got some rude runnings with Lee-Land because of his soup-mouth and Kari-hee got kicked to the curb with the TV program due to your double talking and cunning ways.
Originally posted by creative:
You Guys are Quacks just alike.Kari-Hee and Vish,the two of you use to worship and praise Ed.Vish got some rude runnings with Lee-Land because of his soup-mouth and Kari-hee got kicked to the curb with the TV program due to your double talking and cunning ways.

Creative, from your last post you just gave away who you are. Let's see who would say Vishnu Mahadeo and Kari "worship" Ed Ahmad? Who refused to respond to Vishnu's allegations when given the chance to do so by Spotlight TV one week after the Hut "hair-cut"? I worked with Ed in the New Concept Democratic Club - something you are very familiar with being a member at that time. My presence was to help lift our immigrant community by framing our positions in the Trevor Rupnarain campaign. Trevor's campaign lost its focus and the New Concept Club went into disarray. The real estate boom created a sense of wealth and arrogance among some, and well, you know te rest.

Lee-land - Ii like that one.

BTW I think it's cara-hee.... Big Grin
Wendy : There are state agencies and local association boards which are supposed to execize oversight however , when the consumer is on cohoots with the licensees to defraud then it goes unseen and unrecognized until there is a meltdown. If consumers do not come forward with evidence it is difficult to reprimand , suspend or prosecute.

Creative : 2 word " A55 HOLE " I had to choice to either prosecute the broker or have him commit to a mutual agreement. Most infractions do not have to go to court or a board hearing but can be resolved mutually . In the case of this guy, it was only because he had a wife and 5 young kids that I sought a resolution which would not harm the welfare and well being of his family . In case you are not aware most japanese and koreans commit suicide when disgraced. I dont have to prove the incident with the attorney since the media and law enforcment took care of him and exposed his corrupt conduct. AS for me being a QUACK BROKER I maybe a QUACK but an honest honorable one ...guys like you condone unethical conduct.

Vish - Guys like Creative are like the puss in the sore and cannot be ignored. It is guys like this who condone unethical conduct. I have been a broker since 1981 and I can tell you I have seen some of the most heinous inhuman conduct by lawyers , mortgage and real estate operators and sad to say many indo guyanese are part of the indo caribbean community's problem . Where is the great radio personality who was also in the insurance business who used to insure people and have them murdered to collect money? When maggots like these get away with small infractions they become empowered to commit bigger ones and so it becomes part of the culture . A few years ago I had a pandit come to complain to me that the couple who owned the mandhir wanted to squeeze him out so he wanted to start his own mandhir but what he did not know is I know he was tiefing from the mandhir.

Guys I gaat nothing against people who want to be crooks but dont make excuses for them when they get caught and hung out to dry . These guys were smug , cocky , arrogant and indifferent to the consumers they impoverished. I know over the years they made remarks about me because I would not join their clique but I chose friends and acquaintances very carefully. Not because I say hi and hello to people does mek dem meh fren . Not because I recognize and respect someone does mek dem meh fren . I dont hang with maggots and I wont apologize for maggots cause I know plenty coolie people who lass plenty cause of these lawyers , real estate agents broker mortgage folks contractors insurance etc people and even all dem johnny come lately pandits and preachers - is sheer rascality and skullduggeryb gwine on in the community.

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