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It is time Guyanese reject snake oil peddled by David Hinds

Dear Editor,
At the risk of being characterised as “absurd”, “nonsensical”, and “foolish”, I would like to address the deficiencies in Dr David Hinds’ article captioned, “It is the role of Government in Guyana to directly and indirectly create employment for its citizens”.
Hinds anchors his arguments in the “thinking of Jagan’s PPP, Burnham’s PNC and Rodney’s WPA”. Guyanese must be thankful to the CIA and British for their machinations in removing Jagan because Guyana would have been reduced to a Cuban style dictatorship. While Burnham wreaked havoc on the Guyanese economy experimenting with nationalisation, price controls, etc, Jagan deemed it “old wine in new bottle” and offered “critical support”. Rodney was the ideological twin of Robert Mugabe. His death [whether by his mishandling of explosive or treachery] saved Guyana from the faith of becoming another Zimbabwe-style disaster.
Hinds seeks to liberate Guyanese from “four centuries of economic and political bondage” and advocates Government determining “who gets what, when and how”. Replacing massa with Government does not liberate Guyanese from “economic and political bondage.” Not massa but Government will take care of everything. Instead of liberation, Hinds institutionalises the dependency mindset of the plantation slave.
Hinds fails to grasp the complexities of the Guyanese economy. Accordingly, he believes that Guyana is a “mini-private sector that is mostly engaged in “buying and selling” and does not have a “thriving and diverse private sector”.
On his way to Buxton, Hinds should take a detour to Ogle. He will see the nascent Guyanese aviation sector. Furthermore, Hinds is clearly oblivious to all the construction that has taken place around the country, totally disregards the mining, timber, hotel, rice, sugar, bauxite, etc. Instead, he wants Government to determine “who gets what, when and how”. Guyanese will do well to remember the privation that they experienced with socialism. The ETB, co-op stores, KSI did not deliver for the Guyanese populace.
Hinds, at his most dangerous, advocates the economic equivalent of “crack cocaine” – that is cash transfer to the poor. While this proposal sounds appealing, it reinforces the very dependency that he so desperately wants to overcome. Hinds should take a refresher in primary school proverbs – Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. The Government of Guyana should focus on education – build schools, award scholarships to study abroad; invest in hospitals; build roads, sewer systems, electricity grids, water, etc. Doling out cash is not the role of Government.
It is time Guyanese reject the snake oil peddled by Hinds and his ilk.

Roger Ally
Fort Lauderdale


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Excellent BUT I already exposed that closet racist Hinds!!!

Why is he racists? The man feels for his own that is not racists. He has compassion. If you were still in India, bhai you would have been an enforcer of keeping the Untouchables in dem proper place.

Baseman posted:

Roger that!!

Cribby, Ronan and the rest in hiding.  Only Django show up fuh licks.  Poor Django, he behaving like Nagamootoo!

What licks you talking about ? alyuh like hawks ready for the kill , i man still standing whopping ayuh.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Roger that!!

Cribby, Ronan and the rest in hiding.  Only Django show up fuh licks.  Poor Django, he behaving like Nagamootoo!

What licks you talking about ? alyuh like hawks ready for the kill , i man still standing whopping ayuh.

I admire your grit.  Even with a bloody nose, you still manage to put on a smile 😃!!

Chief posted:

Where is Carib J?

You don't like Hinds because he exposes PPP/Indo racism.  Ironically his plans would benefit poor rice farmers and former sugar workers but you are too blinded by hypocrisy to see this.

Baseman posted:

Roger that!!

Cribby, Ronan and the rest in hiding.  Only Django show up fuh licks.  Poor Django, he behaving like Nagamootoo!

Its amazing.  This thread started a mere 2 hours ago and already you scream that you are missing me.   I have a life which involves clients and others so am not always available the minute that you all Indo KKK scream.

Chief posted:

Where is Carib J?

Our buddy the carib knows about economics.  Cuba just does not work.  David Hinds goes to Arizona, an overwhelmingly white state to put butter on his bread every year. 

Prashad posted:
Chief posted:

Where is Carib J?

Our buddy the carib knows about economics.  Cuba just does not work.  David Hinds goes to Arizona, an overwhelmingly white state to put butter on his bread every year. 

What Hinds suggests is done in Norway and Alaska.  Yes two very white places so this will now be OK with you.

Now I know that the more that is paid out to Guyanese the less will be left for Jagdeo to steal.  No wonder he is enraged at such a suggestion.  He knows that his PPP base will suck wind once they can scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".  2015 showed them that such yelling might be premature.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Where is Carib J?

You don't like Hinds because he exposes PPP/Indo racism.  Ironically his plans would benefit poor rice farmers and former sugar workers but you are too blinded by hypocrisy to see this.



DAVID HINDS AND CLIVE THOMAS ARE THE BIGGEST disgrace OF AFRO INTELLECTUALS.  They are shameless in their double standard with a vicious slant against Indians and the PPP. They have no credibility and are there only to look out for personal benefits!!! No different than the Neemack Neemac Nee Mackaram!!!!!

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Where is Carib J?

You don't like Hinds because he exposes PPP/Indo racism.  Ironically his plans would benefit poor rice farmers and former sugar workers but you are too blinded by hypocrisy to see this.


I thought he is your buddy...the writer that is!  I agree that Hinds seemed to have defected to the dark side of the force. Indeed, government should not be seen as the agency of producing employment. They are hired to manage the state such that it is favorable for the boot straping of business and industry of all sorts. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He is like those black muslims in NYC subway that preaches hate but have nothing really to offer Black people.

Lots of people preach brown, white and even orange! All of those does nothing for any human whatever their crayola designation. 

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
Chief posted:

Where is Carib J?

Our buddy the carib knows about economics.  Cuba just does not work.  David Hinds goes to Arizona, an overwhelmingly white state to put butter on his bread every year. 

What Hinds suggests is done in Norway and Alaska.  Yes two very white places so this will now be OK with you.

Now I know that the more that is paid out to Guyanese the less will be left for Jagdeo to steal.  No wonder he is enraged at such a suggestion.  He knows that his PPP base will suck wind once they can scream "ahbe pan tap, black man time done".  2015 showed them that such yelling might be premature.

I was going to tell D2 that white ppl are innovative in creating employment. Before, I was going to, I decided to check other comments. Then I saw yours and I think it was going to be okay to express my views.

I think dark skin ppl have a problem so they need government assistance in getting started. Governments of Asian countries do whatever it takes to build the middle class, and  that involves making accessible loans, logistic, inexpensive infrastructure and the placement of human resources.

The Government of Guyana should assist those wanting to venture. Such individuals are few and so many odds against them, the thieves, the police, the courts, the banks and the thieves that works for the banks.

Any home based Guyanese wants to do business is not faint at heart. 


Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

He is like those black muslims in NYC subway that preaches hate but have nothing really to offer Black people.

Them black Muslim fellas got navy bean pie to offer. One of them told Prashad only 2 US dollars a slice. They pointed out that Prashad ancestors use to eat navy bean pie instead of pork.

Last edited by Prashad
Stormborn posted:

, government should not be seen as the agency of producing employment. They are hired to manage the state such that it is favorable for the boot straping of business and industry of all sorts. 

And yet if we have a recession and hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs next year you and your friends will be running around screaming that Trump is to blame.

It is government's role to secure an environment where there is job creation, especially in a society where the private sector is only interested in fast food chains and multiplex cinemas.


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