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Once again the development of Guyana's indigenous people is being attacked by the opposition, this time AFC leader Khemraj Ramjattan filed a motion in which he proposes to cut $300M in supplementary funding for several Amerindian projects. The $500M supplementary funding was tabled by Minister of Finance Dr. Ashni Singh on November 7 and is expected to be debated in Parliament today.

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The plight of the Amerindians should not be used as a political football, the joint opposition's sinister motives are being exposed, in most of the Amerindian villages the AFC/APNU are greeted with cold shoulders.

That should be your mantra to the PPP who has saught every means to marginalize them and deny them of their natural patrimony. I believe dist 8 have you in court for their land that you are intent on denying them. I am sure the AFC did not fabricate the 2006 act which might as well be their version of the Nuremberg laws. It is a monument to the PPP's desire to make us aliens in our own land.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is yet again trying to exploit and literally take bread away from the indigenous folks, not so long ago one can recall GR made the news when an Amerindian family was severely under paid from working on his  farm.

Takinf their land is denying them bread. The AFC did not refuse the wai wais the right to have contiguous tribal lands. It was the PPP who creat of their palimony bantustans.


This GR harangue is simply to a dark arts trick. It wont work. We know what barama did at baramita with full knowledge of the PPP....bulldoze a village and trampled on the sacred places of the people. We also know the PPP let the Chinese pedophiles from the chinese lumber company leave the country after impregnation close to a dozen of our kids...a few as young as eleven. No, you are the evil staring us in the face. Then there is the Chinese drug crew that trafficked our kids and when caught sought to hide them with full knowledge of the PPP. They ended up being paid off and transported to the interior. The PPP is our boogieman these days

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is yet again trying to exploit and literally take bread away from the indigenous folks, not so long ago one can recall GR made the news when an Amerindian family was severely under paid from working on his  farm.

Prem,  you stink. Priya said if they don't like it, they should quit.


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