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One by one, the kleptocrats are being caught in the US

November 28, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
One of the PPP editorials on November 27th, 2014 said “Give dialogue a chance.”  But what the PPP leadership clearly does not understand and care to know is that their selfish and deceitful political actions and their reckless and childish behavior between 2011 and 2014 has killed all good intentions and opportunities for any serious dialogue with the opposition. They ought to know that the opposition APNU and the AFC are weary of their empty promises, their silly behavior and being bullied by a regime that does not care about the country and the people, especially the poor and the working class. The PPP cabal has always put their financial interests first and those of the people and the country last. Now that they have prorogued Parliament and is ruling by decree, the Stalinist dictators have surrendered themselves to spread propaganda and distort the truth for their inept actions. How can the president prorogue Parliament then write to the leader of APNU begging for a meeting on terms and conditions dictated by him and in the same breath cussing down the opposition?
But what else can the people expect from this president who has publicly stated that the AG has done nothing wrong despite his vulgar and obscene that was heard on a tape that was released by Kaieteur News.
The dictators are becoming more desperate as the clock on elections ticks away. It should be made very clear that any member of the opposition who holds secretive talks with this brutal and boorish PPP regime will not only become a political liability to his/her party but also will be committing political suicide. The people will certainly massacre them at the polls. The time for dialogue with the bullies is over; but it is the time for a general meeting with the people at the ballot box. Despite what the less schooled General Secretary has repeatedly stated at his weekly press conferences that the PPP is ready for elections, the public does not believe his propaganda because they know that the PPP cabal is scared to death to call elections anytime soon.
Now another scandal has been revealed concerning Khamraj Lall, the pilot and owner of the Lear Jet that was seized by the FBI for having US$620.000 that was not declared to customs. It seems to us that Pilot Khamraj Lall has political connections at the highest level of the government which accorded him the privilege to travel to and from Guyana without going through immigration and customs like every passenger.  Not only that, based on reports from Kaieteur News and confirmed by Minister Robeson Benn and the CEO of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport Ramesh Ghir, Pilot Khemraj Lall was given special permission to build a private hanger at the airport where his passengers are permitted to take their baggage to the plane without security checks. Further, we were informed that both presidents Ramotar and Jagdeo have on several occasions used Lall’s Lear Jet to travel to various destinations.
And the Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon who seems to know almost everything what the government does is now behaving as if he is dumb by saying that he is not aware of Pilot Khamraj Lall’s operations at CJIA or whether his Lear Jet was used by the president.
This Ramotar administration is 1000 times more corrupt, more evil, more brutal and more deceptive and crooked than all the countries in the Caribbean. Guyanese have never before experienced this level of corruption and crookedness and the large number of kleptocrats in the regime since independence.
But in the US, anyone who steals from the government and the public will be caught as in the case of EZ JET BOSS in Florida who now faces up to 40 years in prison. One by one, the PPP kleptocrats are being caught not by the corrupt and dictatorial regime in Guyana but by Uncle Sam.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

This Ramotar administration is 1000 times more corrupt, more evil, more brutal and more deceptive and crooked than all the countries in the Caribbean. Guyanese have never before experienced this level of corruption and crookedness and the large number of kleptocrats in the regime since independence.


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