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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Ow man, Gergard and them AFC boys are not racist.


Thanks to Gergard for stating he still with the AFC.  He was only rubbing GRanger balls for a few seconds.


At the end of the day, he know where was home.

Mr Ramsaroop is not a racial man. You is a racial man and Mr Jalil and some more in AFC me mamoo and pappy know. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Perhaps, partition would be a good thing if the votes continue to go according  to race.

And where will we put all those mix people and Amerindian

That will depend on the partition line. I suppose they can stay where they are or choose to move with the party of their choice. If the populace are voting according to race, why even have a platform to address issues?


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