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Two issues.


1.  GECOM will have to be transformed to become more efficient and credible.


2.  A whole generation of Guyanese have never had LGE so will need to be educated on the entirety of it.



In addition it might actually not be a bad thing if the LGE was combined with the referendum on the constitution, killing two birds with one stone.  Which ever ministry is responsible for local gov't (Communities?) will have to play a role in supporting the municipalities in the interim.  As well as being instrumental in educating Guyanese about how LGE works.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Read the man Sir.


I want to go back for Christmas.


 Hope we have Elections before Christmas 2015.


Well look story hey.


Dis AFC antiman wants to avoid Guyanese elections because the APNU part of his Coalition likes to beat/kill nuff coolies as part of their campaign and post-election celebrations.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Read the man Sir.


I want to go back for Christmas.


 Hope we have Elections before Christmas 2015.


Well look story hey.


Dis AFC antiman wants to avoid Guyanese elections because the APNU part of his Coalition likes to beat/kill nuff coolies as part of their campaign and post-election celebrations.

How many did they beat and kill this past election?  I know that one AFC Indian and one APNU/AFC black were killed, presumably by the PPP.


I also do  know that AFC Indians are complaining about being abused by PPP Indians.  You "forgot" to mention that part.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Read the man Sir.


I want to go back for Christmas.


 Hope we have Elections before Christmas 2015.


Well look story hey.


Dis AFC antiman wants to avoid Guyanese elections because the APNU part of his Coalition likes to beat/kill nuff coolies as part of their campaign and post-election celebrations.

How many did they beat and kill this past election?  I know that one AFC Indian and one APNU/AFC black were killed, presumably by the PPP.


I also do  know that AFC Indians are complaining about being abused by PPP Indians.  You "forgot" to mention that part.

Caribj, don't play dumb, the stage was set to wreck havoc in GT and other places had the same narrow victory went in the PPP's favor.  Granger himself told people, he may not be able to contain his supporters should they lose.  Jimmy Carter "smell a rat" and left as he wanted to be no part of the "backfire".

Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, don't play dumb, the stage was set to wreck havoc in GT and other places had the same narrow victory went in the PPP's favor.  Granger himself told people, he may not be able to contain his supporters should they lose.  Jimmy Carter "smell a rat" and left as he wanted to be no part of the "backfire".

Why don't you rephrase this.


The PPP, fearing a loss, attempted to encourage violence in G/town by attempting to seize ballot boxes, and setting up a fake polling station in Sophia. Thanks to Granger, this didn't work, and he even had to rescue that malcontent Kwame from facing his true fate.


Carter dislikes the PPP and regrets being part of putting them into power. He is extremely happy that they are gone.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, don't play dumb, the stage was set to wreck havoc in GT and other places had the same narrow victory went in the PPP's favor.  Granger himself told people, he may not be able to contain his supporters should they lose.  Jimmy Carter "smell a rat" and left as he wanted to be no part of the "backfire".

Why don't you rephrase this.


The PPP, fearing a loss, attempted to encourage violence in G/town by attempting to seize ballot boxes, and setting up a fake polling station in Sophia. Thanks to Granger, this didn't work, and he even had to rescue that malcontent Kwame from facing his true fate.


Carter dislikes the PPP and regrets being part of putting them into power. He is extremely happy that they are gone.

The well thought out pretext to initiate the sacking.  Caribj, this is the 1960's playbook, it's as opaque as a jellyfish.


"Carter dislikes the PPP and regrets"...well, if that does not spell it all out, what does.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, don't play dumb, the stage was set to wreck havoc in GT and other places had the same narrow victory went in the PPP's favor.  Granger himself told people, he may not be able to contain his supporters should they lose.  Jimmy Carter "smell a rat" and left as he wanted to be no part of the "backfire".

Why don't you rephrase this.


The PPP, fearing a loss, attempted to encourage violence in G/town by attempting to seize ballot boxes, and setting up a fake polling station in Sophia. Thanks to Granger, this didn't work, and he even had to rescue that malcontent Kwame from facing his true fate.


Carter dislikes the PPP and regrets being part of putting them into power. He is extremely happy that they are gone.

The well thought out pretext to initiate the sacking.  Caribj, this is the 1960's playbook, it's as opaque as a jellyfish.


"Carter dislikes the PPP and regrets"...well, if that does not spell it all out, what does.

Based on their current behavior, even RUSSIA and CUBA dislikes the PPP today.

Originally Posted by baseman:

"Carter dislikes the PPP and regrets"...well, if that does not spell it all out, what does.

Carter urged the PPP to be ethnically and political inclusive, given Guyana;s history of ethnic exclusion.  The PPP refused to take his advice.  After the third visit to Guyana he vowed never to return.


Well he did this time, to see to it that the mistake that he made in 1992 is rectified.


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