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Former Member

I would like to hear your views on limiting the Guyana President position to one term (6 years).  I feel that it is a very difficult position that can turn any person into an overnight sick nut case. That combined with the fact that the position is always surrounded by yes men and yes women that tell you what your ego want to hear (mainly that you are the best thing to come along since the washing machine was invented) leads to a dangerous situation.  So in my opinion one term-6 years is the best solution.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Keep opinion to yourself.

Two terms as per the constitution are acceptable.


A third term should also be permissible.

Yesterday you wanted to hang all the whistleblowers at Guyana Revenue Agency.

Today you want to suppress Wally's freedom of expression.

I'm glad that visitors to GNI are seeing the type of people propagandizing for the corrupt PPP.

Originally Posted by Wally:

I would like to hear your views on limiting the Guyana President position to one term (6 years).  I feel that it is a very difficult position that can turn any person into an overnight sick nut case. That combined with the fact that the position is always surrounded by yes men and yes women that tell you what your ego want to hear (mainly that you are the best thing to come along since the washing machine was invented) leads to a dangerous situation.  So in my opinion one term-6 years is the best solution.

Wally, sorry I couldn't respond to this important thread earlier. I understand why you are floating the idea of a one-time 6-year-term presidency. The existing two-term presidency has been manipulated and abused Putin-Medvedev style. This is the exact model Jagdeo used to handpick his successor.

In my humble opinion, Wally, a 6-year term presidency is not going to be effective and productive. It takes more than one term for a president's vision to be realized, having regard to the slowness of things in Guyana, compared to the US or Canada.

Two-terms are reasonable. It's up to the voters to ensure the system is not abused, as Jagdeo did in 2011. Jagdeo handpicked Ramotar, gave him an advisory position at the Office of the President, took him along on official overseas visits, and finally campaigned vigorously for Ramotar in 2011. It's a pity the voters didn't recognize the trick.




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