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2015 Election Day violence

Just one year after the 2015 Election Day violence in C Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown, the two victims are

One of the cars on fire in May 2015

One of the cars on fire in May 2015

again faced with another ordeal as they are being placed before the courts for possession of illegal firearms.
Bibi Farida Prasad, of Lot 589 Section C, South Turkeyen, and Narine Khooblall, along with his wife, of Lot 588 Section C South Turkeyen, were informed on Tuesday that based on advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), they would be charged with the offence of unlawful possession of firearm and ammunition as of May 11, 2015 and would have to appear before the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court today.
The homes of these two neighbours were stormed, vandalised, looted and their vehicles burnt by a large unruly mob of persons who claimed to be supporters of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition on the night of May 11, 2015.
According to their lawyer, Anil Nandlall, Prasad is and has been licensed to possess a .32 handgun since 1998, while Khooblall is a member of South Turkeyen Community Policing Group (CPG), the Chairman of Division C “2” Community Policing Group and the Vice Chairman of the National Community Policing Group of Guyana.
Nandlall noted that on the night of May 11 last year during the unrest, the Police requested that Prasad and Khooblall surrender their respective firearms and ammunition as well as copies of their firearm licences which were handed to the Police, duly examined and handed back to them. However, while the Police returned Prasad’s weapon the following day, Khooblall’s CPG weapon was kept by the State.
Nandlall pointed out that it was extraordinarily difficult to understand the basis of the criminal charges which his clients now have to face, noting that he was suspicious given the fact that these charges come exactly one year after the incident.
“My clients have been the victims of both political mayhem, as well as gross violation of their statutory duties and incompetence at the hands of the Guyana Police Force. They now feel that they are being persecuted and the criminal justice system is being used as an instrument of oppression against them. They do not discount the possibility of political interference as well,” he added.
The Attorney further noted that these bizarre charges would strenuously be challenged and when dismissed, malicious prosecution proceedings would be filed against those who instituted them as well as their superiors.
He also indicated his intention to sue the State for the damage and losses which his clients suffered on May 11, 2015, owing to the negligence of the Guyana Police Force since his clients were taken into Police custody that night and were told that their properties were under “Police protection”. However, upon their return home several days later, they found that their homes were burglarised.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pastor Khublall is a decent and committed community-oriented man. The Guyana Police force is now the State Oppressor.  They burn down the man home. Exactly one year after, the Police turn up with trumped-up charges of illegal possession of firearm and ammunition. It begs the question...after one full year, WHY only now they are being charged. Everyone  else found with guns are charged almost immediately.

Granger is showing great disregard for human rights, human dignity and national democracy.    PNC thugs are working for the Coalition.

I hope the Indian squaddie haters who wish death to Indians on this site are happy.  Your dreams are all coming through, one day at a time.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Bibi is 100 percent accurate. They burn down an Indo home and then charge him, just because he is Indo who does not tow the PNC line. The racist Burnham days are back. I hate to say that I told you so.


"Granger is showing great disregard for human rights, human dignity and national democracy. PNC thugs are working for the Coalition.

I hope the Indian squaddie haters who wish death to Indians on this site are happy. Your dreams are all coming through, one day at a time."

Last edited by Former Member

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

This is an orchestrated plan by PNC dead-enders to trigger an exodus of Indians and tilt the balance in favor of one race dominance over all others.  You could rest assure, this has the blessings of fairly high-ups.  I would not go so har as the head of state, but how much does he control anyway!!

ba$eman posted:

This is an orchestrated plan by PNC dead-enders to trigger an exodus of Indians and tilt the balance in favor of one race dominance over all others.  You could rest assure, this has the blessings of fairly high-ups.  I would not go so har as the head of state, but how much does he control anyway!!

It's not like Indos need a lot of tilting...they seem to have one foot out the door as it is

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

ba$eman posted:

This is an orchestrated plan by PNC dead-enders to trigger an exodus of Indians and tilt the balance in favor of one race dominance over all others.  You could rest assure, this has the blessings of fairly high-ups.  I would not go so har as the head of state, but how much does he control anyway!!

This is copied form the Burnham's era racist Book on how to harass, humiliate and run Indos out of Guyana.

Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).

This is a Quote by the Captain of the Fish Committee!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).

I have been silent on this matter but since the Sophia Incident, I now believe that those statements are official political positions now in place to chase, humiliate, rob and murder Indos.

The Burnham days are back in full swing.

Last edited by Former Member

And they are busy now with Jubilee celebrations.  Watch what happens after May 26th.  Or rather after June 12th.  Half of the cabinet including Granger and Naga are going to be in New York raising money and telling investors to return home.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).

This is a Quote by the Captain of the Fish Committee!!!

Who added "(by exterminating the Indians)"? A cursory search of this site shows the original quote. Wheel and come again.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).

This is a Quote by the Captain of the Fish Committee!!!

You stinking up this BB,with your edited post.

Gilbakka posted:

The name calling never ceases in GNI Political. One PPP poster says Susan is a "coolie hater". Another PPP poster says Susan is "kumbaya people". Let me talk straight: being a supporter of APNU+AFC or an opponent of the PPP does NOT make any of us a "coolie hater" or "kumbaya people". I am happy to offer Susan and Django my full solidarity. In this forum we have survived such labels as "Cuffy lovers" and "chamars" and we shall survive whatever other labels are assigned to us.

With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP after reading the posts of PPP supporters in GNI Political. 

FULL DISCLOSURE: Gilbakka has black relatives through marriage on his father's side, mother's side and father-in-law's side. I have found them to be upright and decent unlike some of my coolie relatives.

"Coolie hater" and "kumbaya people" | Guyana News and Infor

Last edited by Django

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Bibi Haniffa
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Keep reading the National Enquirer.

Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).

This is a Quote by the Captain of the Fish Committee!!!

Who added "(by exterminating the Indians)"? A cursory search of this site shows the original quote. Wheel and come again.


Mr. Sparkless.  In the written English language, words that not in quotation marks are not the exact words of the original writer.  You and the other Fish Committee members with low IQs and poor education would not know this.  You all are a disgrace to your follower Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.  He was a scholar when it comes to the oral and written language and would have been ashamed of all of you.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Do Indian people die of cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., like everyone else? 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration.

Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP after reading the posts of PPP supporters in GNI Political. 

Last edited by Django
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Do Indian people die of cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., like everyone else? 

Bibi... will say nope good genes.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mars - don't play stupitttt now!!  You and I both know what Fish man was talking about.  This forum is a political forum.  It is not a center for terminal diseases!!!!!

And do only Indian people die from such diseases if we are to assume that your argument is correct, which we all know is not the case!!!

You still deh pun

Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Do Indian people die of cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., like everyone else? 

Mars - don't play stupitttt now!!  You and I both know what Fish man was talking about.  This forum is a political forum.  It is not a center for terminal diseases!!!!!

And do only Indian people die from such diseases if we are to assume that your argument is correct, which we all know is not the case!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mars - don't play stupitttt now!!  You and I both know what Fish man was talking about.  This forum is a political forum.  It is not a center for terminal diseases!!!!!

And do only Indian people die from such diseases if we are to assume that your argument is correct, which we all know is not the case!!!

I'm not playing anything. You're twisting the man's words to suit your own stupid agenda. The man stated that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. When Indian people die from diseases, that contributes to the Indian population diminishing. To suggest that he meant by the extermination of Indians is simply ludicrous.   

Last edited by Mars
Django posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Do Indian people die of cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., like everyone else? 

Bibi... will say nope good genes.

Django posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Do Indian people die of cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., like everyone else? 

Bibi... will say nope good genes.

Good genes but dysfunctional brains.  Or were you just born a hater?

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mars - don't play stupitttt now!!  You and I both know what Fish man was talking about.  This forum is a political forum.  It is not a center for terminal diseases!!!!!

And do only Indian people die from such diseases if we are to assume that your argument is correct, which we all know is not the case!!!

I'm not playing anything. You're twisting the man's words to suit your own stupid agenda. The man stated that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths. When people die from diseases, that contributes to the Indian population diminishing. To suggest that he meant by the extermination of Indians is simply ludicrous.   

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????  He was the one used the word Indian.  If he had said the population was diminishing through deaths that would have been a different story.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted
Django posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration."

Do Indian people die of cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, etc., like everyone else? 

Bibi... will say nope good genes.

Good genes but dysfunctional brains.  Or were you just born a hater?


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mars - don't play stupitttt now!!  You and I both know what Fish man was talking about.  This forum is a political forum.  It is not a center for terminal diseases!!!!!

And do only Indian people die from such diseases if we are to assume that your argument is correct, which we all know is not the case!!!

I'm not playing anything. You're twisting the man's words to suit your own stupid agenda. The man stated that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths. When people die from diseases, that contributes to the Indian population diminishing. To suggest that he meant by the extermination of Indians is simply ludicrous.   

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????

Noboby is suggesting that Numpty. The man specifically said that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily though deaths and emigration. He never suggested anything about exterminating Indians like your warped mind has decided to conclude.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Mars - don't play stupitttt now!!  You and I both know what Fish man was talking about.  This forum is a political forum.  It is not a center for terminal diseases!!!!!

And do only Indian people die from such diseases if we are to assume that your argument is correct, which we all know is not the case!!!

I'm not playing anything. You're twisting the man's words to suit your own stupid agenda. The man stated that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths. When people die from diseases, that contributes to the Indian population diminishing. To suggest that he meant by the extermination of Indians is simply ludicrous.   

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????  He was the one used the word Indian.  If he had said the population was diminishing through deaths that would have been a different story.

He's giving reasons why the PPP will not win and referring to the Indian voting base which the PPP owns. Why would he refer to non-Indians when he's referring to the majority base of the PPP? Damn, you really scatterbrained.

Last edited by Mars
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Here is the deal. The brown bai KKK daily paint crime in Guyana as blacks killing Indians, as party of a PNC inspired Indian eradication program. 

On this site blacks are described as jungle animals, and people advocate ethnic separation, so that "innocent" Indians, who have done nothing to contribute to this mess, are separated from "savage" blacks, who 100% to blame for all that ails Guyana. 

Bibi says NOTHING about this, and in fact usually agrees with those who make these accusations.  So her cries that she isn't a black hating racist, ring false.

The main issue is that the most fervent PPP supporters on this site also correlate 100% with those who are black hating racists. Clearly this reflects the type of conversation that goes on within the PPP, so they feel very comfortable engaging in this primitive bigotry.

NONE of the people who confront this brown bai KKK cabal display anti Indian attitudes, yet we are accused of being racist. Because they cannot cite evidence of our anti Indian racism, the invent hysterical cries that we advocate the death of Indians.   They are lucky that we aren't litigious, because advocating violence, even anonymously is ILLEGAL, and to accuse people of doing this, even when anonymous, is libel.

 During the Jagdeo era there was a growth of private militias. A growth of illegal gun trafficking, as well as a growth of contract murders.  A nasty vicious culture developed.

The accusations ought to be that the PPP failed to install the institutional mechanisms to curb crime, and the coalition gov't has been inept at developing a plan to fight crime, even though they have had a year to do so.

But instead its Indian eradication by savage blacks, even as Indians are directly, or indirectly, involved in crime, and many non Indians are also victimized.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration.

Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP after reading the posts of PPP supporters in GNI Political. 

It is becoming increasingly clear with each day that the only solution is the creation of an independent country for East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the Guyanese East Indian people.

Prashad posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"With every passing day I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration.

Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP after reading the posts of PPP supporters in GNI Political. 

It is becoming increasingly clear with each day that the only solution is the creation of an independent country for East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the Guyanese East Indian people.

There might be massive starvation.

0Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????

Noboby is suggesting that Numpty. The man specifically said that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily though deaths and emigration. He never suggested anything about exterminating Indians like your warped mind has decided to conclude.

There is a sinister plan at works in Guyana.  The goal here is to diminish the Indian population and ensure minority status.  This plan has been around since the 60's when Indians were over 50%.  The fact that the PPP has increased its non-indian appeal and there was no mass exodus after May 2015 adds urgency to do something, thus the stepped-up attacks.  

ba$eman posted:
0Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????

Noboby is suggesting that Numpty. The man specifically said that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily though deaths and emigration. He never suggested anything about exterminating Indians like your warped mind has decided to conclude.

There is a sinister plan at works in Guyana.  The goal here is to diminish the Indian population and ensure minority status.  This plan has been around since the 60's when Indians were over 50%.  The fact that the PPP has increased its non-indian appeal and there was no mass exodus after May 2015 adds urgency to do something, thus the stepped-up attacks.  

The plan is in your head, perhaps.

ba$eman posted:
0Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????

Noboby is suggesting that Numpty. The man specifically said that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily though deaths and emigration. He never suggested anything about exterminating Indians like your warped mind has decided to conclude.

There is a sinister plan at works in Guyana.  The goal here is to diminish the Indian population and ensure minority status.  This plan has been around since the 60's when Indians were over 50%.  The fact that the PPP has increased its non-indian appeal and there was no mass exodus after May 2015 adds urgency to do something, thus the stepped-up attacks.  

Thanks for explaining. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sparky posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Meanwhile a certain elder statesman who served in the Guyana government along with his father for over 50 years was crying out last night that his home has no lights and water.  And he doesn't live in the cheap part of town!!!!  Dem gat so much money, they gave Cheddi land at almost no cost to build the Jagan home in Bel Air.

Let dem brace for impact!!!  The express train is coming faster than they think.

Who exactly on this site is advocating for the deaths of Indians? Inquiring minds would like to know.

"I am becoming more convinced that the PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths". (by exterminating the Indians).

This is a Quote by the Captain of the Fish Committee!!!

stop repeating something that is false against another poster...where exactly is he advocating for the deaths of Indians

Prashad posted:

It is becoming increasingly clear with each day that the only solution is the creation of an independent country for East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the Guyanese East Indian people.

And yet Indians flee the Indo "paradise of the Corentyne", where they are over 80% of the population, for Region 4 where they are outnumbered by blacks.

I really don't think that this Indesh, that you dream of, is really going to happen.

ba$eman posted:

There is a sinister plan at works in Guyana.  The goal here is to diminish the Indian population and ensure minority status.  This plan has been around since the 60's when Indians were over 50%.  The fact that the PPP has increased its non-indian appeal and there was no mass exodus after May 2015 adds urgency to do something, thus the stepped-up attacks.  

In 1991 Indians were 49% of the population.  By 2001 it had dropped to 43%, and now suggestions are that it was 40% by 2012.

May I inform you that the PPP was in power for almost all of this period.  The PPP did a good job in making Indians a minority group.

In addition, where is your evidence that the PPP has a large non Indian base, aside from the Amerindians, whose votes they bought when they had power? 

If the PPP still has appeal to non Indians, why is Lethem now run by APNUAFC, and not by the PPP.  Why didn't the PPP thrash APNU AFC in Mabaruma, where the fully black population isn't that large?  Why did the Independents win MORE seats in G/T than did the PPP?

Granger is making inroads into the Amerindian voting bloc.  Just now he is even going to claim that he is part Amerindian.

Last edited by Former Member
Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
0Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

So only the Indian voting base is diminishing through deaths.  The rest of the people live forever????????????

Noboby is suggesting that Numpty. The man specifically said that the Indian voting base is diminishing steadily though deaths and emigration. He never suggested anything about exterminating Indians like your warped mind has decided to conclude.

There is a sinister plan at works in Guyana.  The goal here is to diminish the Indian population and ensure minority status.  This plan has been around since the 60's when Indians were over 50%.  The fact that the PPP has increased its non-indian appeal and there was no mass exodus after May 2015 adds urgency to do something, thus the stepped-up attacks.  

The plan is in your head, perhaps.

Bibi and basemen get their jollies by imagining scenes of Indian Eradication.


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