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The PPP cabal stands to benefit from Gail Teixeira’s version of a reckless 10th Parliament




Dear Editor,
Ms. Gail Teixeira, the Chief Whip of the minority PPP stated on NCN-TV that the “Tenth Parliament will go down in history for absolute recklessness.” Many Guyanese will tend to agree with these sentiments.  However, Ms. Teixeira’s comments must be put into proper context by asking the question; which political entity is the beneficiary of this recklessness?





The Tenth Parliament is controlled by five key players – the Speaker, Gail Teixeira, Amna Ally, Sam Hinds and David Granger. For the record, nowhere in that mix is the AFC. This is an exclusive PPP/APNU arrangement with the Speaker acting as the Chairperson of that power team.


Therefore, if there is any recklessness in the 10th Parliament, it has to be sanctioned by this PPP/APNU power team that controls the agenda of Parliament. The APNU was even caught red handed singing the Teixeira tune on the 2012 National Budget and on the Linden Commission of Enquiry. Thus if the nation is being misled resulting in very little of the people’s business being address, then the taxpayers have to start sending their letters of complaint to Freedom House and Congress Place. This is where the delinquent power brokers reside.




Thus the“minority of one” (PPP) cannot continue to dominate the agenda of the majority (APNU/AFC). All right minded Guyanese in civil society and in the peasant and working class must add their voices to the AFC in exposing these anti-democratic actions of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal.



The only political beneficiary of this political recklessness and bullyism in the 10th parliament is the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal. So why the APNU, including the silent Dr. Rupert Roopnarine has aligned with Gail Teixeira and Sam Hinds in allowing them to dominate the agenda of the 10th Parliament so far resulting in it earning the title as the “DO NOTHING PARLAIMENT” is anyone’s guess.
We therefore call on Dr. Roopnaraine to end his secret alignment with the PPP and stand up for the people who elected and supported him during the last election. We hope that APNU Chairman Mr. David Granger will remind Dr. Roopnaraine of his obligations.

Fortunately, Speaker Trotman has had enough of this PPP bullism and has finally stamped the authority of his office on the 10th Parliament on Thursday November 22, 2012 by calling the bullies out and not consenting to their demands to muzzle the voices of the majority.  For that he has earned the wrath of Gail Teixeira but she is all bubbles and no substance. Her distortions of the facts have become unbearable for the people.

If one is to examine the public service records of Gail Teixeira since 1992, one will find a history of her abject failure at public policy and an obsession with partisan political control.  As Minister of Health, what did she deliver for the poor and the working class in Guyana?
·       It is under Teixeira’s leadership that there were several cases of two adults being forced to sleep on the same bed in the Georgetown Public Hospital because there were inadequate hospital beds for the poor and the working class.
·       It is under Teixeira’s leadership that the Regional Hospital system finally collapsed resulting in life for the rural poor and working class becoming extremely unbearable.
·       It is under Teixeira’s watch that Guyana experienced its highest rate of maternal deaths in the state hospitals, a clear testament of her poor and incompetent leadership in the health sector.
·       It is under Teixeira’s leadership that the state hospital and medical Boards were micro-managed and manipulated.  Rose and Singh are not making this up, just read the July 3, 1999 edition of SN where there is more than enough evidence revealing how she manipulated the work of the Abortion Advisory Board to substantiate these statement of facts.
·       But the bigger scandal in the Health Sector under her leadership involved issues of an improper nature and conduct with a Chief Medical Officer that became a clear and present danger to any professional progress in the Health Sector. Again, this is not a figment of the imagination of Rose and Singh, just consult any the health professional who was around in the late 1990’s to substantiate this statement of fact. Do not even get us started on her performance when she was at the helm of the Security Sector or as a member of the University of Guyana Council. It is time for Ms. Teixeira to stop crying like a baby and let Parliament get on with the people’s business. She does not have the “midas touch.”



So, how could such a person with such a reckless and irresponsible style of management earns any rights to lecture anyone on the point of recklessness.  Isn’t such inconsistency in public behavior bordering of political hypocrisy and deceit, if nothing else?
All this wild talk of recklessness has a motive. It is just a Freedom House custom-made strategy to “regain majority control” of the Parliament with political trickery, deception and propaganda.  Even Dr. Luncheon’s statement in Demerara Waves exposed this political mischief, where he mentioned that the PPP was “milking every opportunity” as part of a political strategy to regain majority control”.
If the PPP wants Guyana to progress, the path is not one of political mischief; it is one of inclusive democracy by capturing and including the points of view of civil society and the political majority in the tripartite committee in developing and executing a national economic development plan to bring betterment to the lives of the poor and the working class, especially the children and mothers of Plastic City. The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal must wake up and accept the reality of a new political dispensation in town; the people have withdrawn their authority on their reckless style of ruler ship including their abuse of law and order and their contempt for the people and the Constitution. It’s time to stop such lawlessness.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

The PPP cabal stands to benefit from Gail Teixeira’s version of a reckless 10th Parliament




Dear Editor,
Ms. Gail Teixeira, the Chief Whip of the minority PPP stated on NCN-TV that the “Tenth Parliament will go down in history for absolute recklessness.” Many Guyanese will tend to agree with these sentiments.  However, Ms. Teixeira’s comments must be put into proper context by asking the question; which political entity is the beneficiary of this recklessness?





The Tenth Parliament is controlled by five key players – the Speaker, Gail Teixeira, Amna Ally, Sam Hinds and David Granger. For the record, nowhere in that mix is the AFC. This is an exclusive PPP/APNU arrangement with the Speaker acting as the Chairperson of that power team.


Therefore, if there is any recklessness in the 10th Parliament, it has to be sanctioned by this PPP/APNU power team that controls the agenda of Parliament. The APNU was even caught red handed singing the Teixeira tune on the 2012 National Budget and on the Linden Commission of Enquiry. Thus if the nation is being misled resulting in very little of the people’s business being address, then the taxpayers have to start sending their letters of complaint to Freedom House and Congress Place. This is where the delinquent power brokers reside.




Thus the“minority of one” (PPP) cannot continue to dominate the agenda of the majority (APNU/AFC). All right minded Guyanese in civil society and in the peasant and working class must add their voices to the AFC in exposing these anti-democratic actions of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal.



The only political beneficiary of this political recklessness and bullyism in the 10th parliament is the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal. So why the APNU, including the silent Dr. Rupert Roopnarine has aligned with Gail Teixeira and Sam Hinds in allowing them to dominate the agenda of the 10th Parliament so far resulting in it earning the title as the “DO NOTHING PARLAIMENT” is anyone’s guess.
We therefore call on Dr. Roopnaraine to end his secret alignment with the PPP and stand up for the people who elected and supported him during the last election. We hope that APNU Chairman Mr. David Granger will remind Dr. Roopnaraine of his obligations.

Fortunately, Speaker Trotman has had enough of this PPP bullism and has finally stamped the authority of his office on the 10th Parliament on Thursday November 22, 2012 by calling the bullies out and not consenting to their demands to muzzle the voices of the majority.  For that he has earned the wrath of Gail Teixeira but she is all bubbles and no substance. Her distortions of the facts have become unbearable for the people.

If one is to examine the public service records of Gail Teixeira since 1992, one will find a history of her abject failure at public policy and an obsession with partisan political control.  As Minister of Health, what did she deliver for the poor and the working class in Guyana?
·       It is under Teixeira’s leadership that there were several cases of two adults being forced to sleep on the same bed in the Georgetown Public Hospital because there were inadequate hospital beds for the poor and the working class.
·       It is under Teixeira’s leadership that the Regional Hospital system finally collapsed resulting in life for the rural poor and working class becoming extremely unbearable.
·       It is under Teixeira’s watch that Guyana experienced its highest rate of maternal deaths in the state hospitals, a clear testament of her poor and incompetent leadership in the health sector.
·       It is under Teixeira’s leadership that the state hospital and medical Boards were micro-managed and manipulated.  Rose and Singh are not making this up, just read the July 3, 1999 edition of SN where there is more than enough evidence revealing how she manipulated the work of the Abortion Advisory Board to substantiate these statement of facts.
·       But the bigger scandal in the Health Sector under her leadership involved issues of an improper nature and conduct with a Chief Medical Officer that became a clear and present danger to any professional progress in the Health Sector. Again, this is not a figment of the imagination of Rose and Singh, just consult any the health professional who was around in the late 1990’s to substantiate this statement of fact. Do not even get us started on her performance when she was at the helm of the Security Sector or as a member of the University of Guyana Council. It is time for Ms. Teixeira to stop crying like a baby and let Parliament get on with the people’s business. She does not have the “midas touch.”



So, how could such a person with such a reckless and irresponsible style of management earns any rights to lecture anyone on the point of recklessness.  Isn’t such inconsistency in public behavior bordering of political hypocrisy and deceit, if nothing else?
All this wild talk of recklessness has a motive. It is just a Freedom House custom-made strategy to “regain majority control” of the Parliament with political trickery, deception and propaganda.  Even Dr. Luncheon’s statement in Demerara Waves exposed this political mischief, where he mentioned that the PPP was “milking every opportunity” as part of a political strategy to regain majority control”.
If the PPP wants Guyana to progress, the path is not one of political mischief; it is one of inclusive democracy by capturing and including the points of view of civil society and the political majority in the tripartite committee in developing and executing a national economic development plan to bring betterment to the lives of the poor and the working class, especially the children and mothers of Plastic City. The Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal must wake up and accept the reality of a new political dispensation in town; the people have withdrawn their authority on their reckless style of ruler ship including their abuse of law and order and their contempt for the people and the Constitution. It’s time to stop such lawlessness.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh.

Only KN will publish this garbage from  these 2 "run kum tek me night bus" fools. Why not ask Stabroek News or Demerara Waves to publish their garbage? Were they rejected? 

Dem prabably want minista an ambassada wuk an dem gat rejected. 




Go to Peru?


What has he done for sugar workers?


What has he done for public servants?


Starvation wages while he pays Gail Texiera and the PNC man Ondiga Lumbuma $12 million a year each plus benefits.


Plus his son gets $36 million a year plus benefits.


He is no better than you know who, the BIG tief - the BIG RAT - sorry Dr CUBED BIG RAT.




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