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Tibet's environmment after the Chinese occupation
The Chinese Effect

"Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten." Cree Indian Prophecy

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WILDLIFE DECIMATION: Prior to the Chinese invasion, there existed a strict ban on the hunting of wild animals in Tibet. The Chinese have not enforced such restrictions. Instead, the trophy hunting of endangered species has been actively encouraged. Rare Tibetan animals, such as the snow leopard are hunted for their pelt and sold for large sum of money in the international market. A permit to hunt a rare Tibetan antelope is US$ 35,000, an argali sheep US$ 23,000. Large number of antelope, gazelle, blue sheep and wild yak are being poached by hunters to supply meat to markets in China, Hong Kong and Europe. China is monopolizing international attention and is using the giant panda to earn hard cash as well as to gain political leverage from influential countries. China gave two giant pandas to Hong Kong in 1997 to mark the change of sovereignty. Earlier, China gave two pandas to the then British Prime Minister, Edward Heath and a pair to the then US President Richard Nixon. There are now only about 1,000 giant pandas left in the wild. According to Li Bosheng (1995) a Chinese researcher, there are only 81 endangered species left on the Tibetan Plateau.

DEFORESTATION: Parts of southern and eastern Tibet boast some of the best quality forest reserves in the world. Large fertile forest belts having trees with an average height of 90 feet and girth of 5 feet or more are found in Tibet. These forest are now indiscriminately destroyed in the name of 'development' by employing more than 70,000 Chinese. The same condition prevails in other regions of Tibet, such as Markham, Gyarong, Nyarong and other areas in Kham and Kongpo regions. Tibet had sustained 25.2 million hectares of forests in 1959 and this has declined to 13.57 million hectares in 1985 alone, which means 46% destruction and this figure is dramatically increasing each day. In some areas, up to 80% of the forests have been destroyed. According to Radio Lhasa Report, the Chinese have removed over US$ 54bn worth of timber from Tibet between 1959-1985 alone.

SOIL EROSION AND FLOOD: Massive deforestation, mining and intensified agriculture patterns in Tibet contribute to increased soil erosion. Deposition of silt in rivers that flow from the Tibetan Plateau such as Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, Salween, Mekong, Yellow and Yangtse causes siltation in the downstream countries raising riverbeds to cause major floods. This in turn causes landslides and reduces potential farming land, thus affecting millions of people. Scientists associate frequent floods that devastate Bangladesh as being directly associated with deforestation upstream in Tibet.

AGRICULTUIRAL MISMANAGEMENT: During the 1960s, the Chinese imposed agricultural reforms on Tibetans which led to widespread famines. High altitude overgrazing and intensive agricultural production have resulted in the loss of many medicinal herbs and food plants, and has destroyed much of the winter food supply of wildlife. According to Chinese estimates, approximately 120,000 square km in China and Tibet have become desert as a result of human activity. Farmers are forced to buy and use fertilisers and insecticides.

POPULATION TRANSFER: One of the greatest threats to Tibetan people, culture and environment is the massive influx of Chinese civilians and military personnel into Tibet. Today, 6 million Tibetans are outnumbered by 7.5 million Chinese in Tibet. In Lhasa, the ratio between Chinese and Tibetan is 2:1. As a result, Tibetans are marginalised in economic, educational and social spheres and the rich Tibetan culture and tradition is rapidly disappearing and reduce them to second class citizens in their homeland. Thus violating the fundamental rights of the Tibetan people as guaranteed under the  UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT: The construction of a hydro-electric power station at the  Yamdrok Tso (Yamdrok Lake), about 100km southward of Lhasa is one of the China's most unsustainable and environmentally catastrophic 'development project'. But in 1993, all the fresh water springs in the area dried up and Tibetan villagers were forced to drink the water from the lake which resulted in diarrhoea, hair loss and skin diseases. Extraction of borax, chromium, salt, copper, coal, gold and uranium is being vigorously developed by the Chinese government as a means of providing raw materials for industrial growth. Seven of China's 15 key minerals are due to run out within a decade, so the rate of mineral extraction in Tibet is rapidly accelerating.

MILITARISATION OF TIBET: Tibet has been converted to a land for dumping nuclear waste. In 1994, China nuclear industry Corporation offered Western countries nuclear waste disposal facilities at US$1500 per kilogram. The reports suggested that around 4000 tonnes of such nuclear waste would be sent to China by the end of the 10th century. An estimated 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 troops of which 2,00,000 are permanently stationed in the so called Tibet Autonomous Region. The Chinese military presence in Tibet includes, 17 secret radar stations and 14 military airfields, 8 missile bases, and at least 8 ICBMs, 70 medium-range missiles and 20 intermediate range missiles.

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For more information on the protection and restoration of Tibet's fragile environment, contact:
    Environment & Development Desk, Dept of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala. HP 176 215, India

Replies sorted oldest to newest


Tibet: Environmental Destruction: Part I

Logs from the hillsides being collected and transported along a river to their destination at lumber mills (Kham). [John Ackerly]

An example of damage caused by reckless clearcutting of Tibetan forests. It is estimated that approximately 50 percent of Tibet's forests have been cut down, with little or no attempt to restore the devastated land. Consequences include extensive erosion, flooding, and the silting of many Asian rivers that arise in Tibet (Kham). [John Ackerly]

An aerial view depicting the denuded hillsides along a river in Kham. This type of uncontrolled timber harvest leads to devastating landslides and floods. [John Ackerly]



Tibetan Environment      “Destruction of nature and natural resources results from ignorance, greed and the lack of respect for earth’s living things.” - His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 1993 The Tibetan Plateau is the largest and highest plateau in the world. It sustains a unique, yet fragile high altitude eco-system much of which remains unspoiled due to its remoteness and inaccessibility. However, human impact is now taking an unprecedented and devastating toll on the natural resources – the wildlife, forests, grazing lands, rivers and mineral resources are now at a point where they may never recover. ICT’s Environmental Rights Initiative is based on the belief that Tibetans have the right to be decision-makers over a range of issues critical to Tibet’s environment, including population resettlement, natural resource extraction, environmental stewardship, and sustainable development.  Wildlife Pre-1950 travelers in Tibet compared it to East Africa, so vast were the herds of large mammals. Today, the herds are all but vanished, wiped out mainly by Chinese soldiers shooting automatic weapons from trucks in the 1960s. Poaching by Tibetans and Chinese continues, threatening the survival of some species. One Tibetan nomad told Dr. George Schaller, the foremost Western specialist on Tibetan mammals, “If the officials obey the law and stop hunting, we will too.” Deforestation Forests in Tibet are the third largest in China’s present day borders and government lumber operations are cutting at an unprecedented rate. Reforestation is neglected and ineffective, leaving hillsides vulnerable to erosion. Rapid and widespread deforestation has life-threatening consequences for the hundreds of millions who live in the flood plains of the major rivers of Southeast Asia, many of which have their headwaters in Tibet. Clear-cutting also threatens the habitat of Tibet’s other residents – the rare giant panda, golden monkey, and over 5,000 plant species unique to the planet. Nuclear Activities The northern Tibetan Plateau was home to China’s “Los Alamos,” – its primary nuclear weapons research and development plant, and nuclear weapons were first stationed in northern Tibet in 1972. Today there are at least 3 or 4 nuclear missile launch sites in Tibet housing an unknown number of warheads. Nuclear waste from the research facility is feared to be dumped on the nearby plains where Tibetan nomads allege they have suffered illness and death from strange diseases consistent with radiation sickness. ICT’s ground-breaking report Nuclear Tibet, addresses this troublesome area. Desertification Government-encouraged population migration into the northern Tibetan plateau, now under control of Qinghai Province, has caused massive and irreparable environmental damage to huge tracts of fragile tableland. Experts attribute the deterioration to overgrazing, irrational land reclamation, and wanton denudation of surface vegetation. Agricultural Development Large-scale agricultural development projects are now being carried out in Tibet which are disrupting traditional practices and the ecological balance maintained by farmers for centuries. Motivated by the need to feed the growing Chinese population in Tibet and reduce the costly wheat imports, the projects may ultimately harm Tibetans more than help them. One of the projects, which is funded by the United Nations World Food Program , employs hundreds of Chinese and few Tibetans and is opposed by local Tibetans, ICT and other Tibetan organizations. Natural Resource Extraction The extraction of minerals and wood from Tibetan regions is largely done by, or at the direction of, newly arrived Chinese workers and administrators. Some meager benefit may accrue to local Tibetans, but more often than not, the land is left despoiled and traditional Tibetan livelihoods disrupted. Moreover, roads built to access uncut forests or untapped minerals usually result in an increase in local Chinese government administrators who may then assume more control over the local monastery, probably leading to greater restrictions on religious freedom. Implementation of family planning policies may also increase, which could involve coercive methods. Hydro-electric Construction Projects China has plans to build dozens of hydro-electric dams on Tibet’s rivers and export the electricity to Chinese cities such as Chengdu, Xining, Lanzhou and Xian. The most heated environmental issue in Tibet may be a hydro-electric construction project on Yamdrok Tso, a sacred lake between Lhasa and Shigatse. A correspondent for The Independent wrote, “environmentalists fear this giant project will create one of China’s worst ecological disasters of the 21st century.” - See more at:


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:

You should be proud of the GoG on this score.

Only a Katahar like you will be proud of the GOG in whatever they do,
even if they thief as well from the poor people of Guyana.

Scumbag like you, will always be proud of them.

Why dont you do yourself some good and take a long hike.


Hi antiman assjack, start behaving you might get what you craving.  Me ain't tekking no hike, you said that to me when you were pro-PPP in 2011, me still deh hey and you gaan daside.  Cyar yuh lil taliban self suh.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Baseman, Is what they say about empty Barrels and empty heads again?


Dem Bhias like dem gat grease pun dem

Dem bais must feel important, suh dem cuss dem mattie.  Typical coolie crabdhags.

I don't mind them Cussing me cause Uncle Nehru is a Cuss Bird when he ready.

Originally Posted by asj:

Some people would go all out to sell their wife and daughter just for a lil bit of piss to drink, and the corrupt PPP/C loves that.

They don't sell their wife and daughter. They sell the use of the women for sexual pleasure for a specific amount of time. But that is what poverty under the PPP has brought upon many Guyanese. Those at the top don't have to sell wife and daughter. They have to give it away for free.


An example of damage caused by reckless clearcutting of Tibetan forests. It is estimated that approximately 50 percent of Tibet's forests have been cut down, with little or no attempt to restore the devastated land. Consequences include extensive erosion, flooding, and the silting of many Asian rivers that arise in Tibet (Kham). [John Ackerly]

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Some people would go all out to sell their wife and daughter just for a lil bit of piss to drink, and the corrupt PPP/C loves that.

The PPP offers milk, that's why you "pissed", you were denied.  Stick with the PNC, they have a po of pee to serve you up.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Some people would go all out to sell their wife and daughter just for a lil bit of piss to drink, and the corrupt PPP/C loves that.

The PPP offers milk, that's why you "pissed", you were denied.  Stick with the PNC, they have a po of pee to serve you up.

He looks like a Piss drinker. No wonder he always bytching, it is the acid acting up.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Some people would go all out to sell their wife and daughter just for a lil bit of piss to drink, and the corrupt PPP/C loves that.

The PPP offers milk, that's why you "pissed", you were denied.  Stick with the PNC, they have a po of pee to serve you up.

He looks like a Piss drinker. No wonder he always bytching, it is the acid acting up.

you ass have the chinese raping guyana with the help of the ppp,and you call yourself guyanese,its just like when kwame raping yugi 

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, this is an important thread you started. Instructive and educational. And indicative of what environmental destruction rapacious and parasitic Chinese companies are capable of.

Thanks Gilly, dem boyz working hard overtime to derail it.


"Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned, Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will we realize that money cannot be eaten." Cree Indian Prophecy

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, this is an important thread you started. Instructive and educational. And indicative of what environmental destruction rapacious and parasitic Chinese companies are capable of.

These are not trifling things. One is accustomed to hear of them happening to other people and sensing the injustice. Now that it is happening to us one feels as if our own has kicked us in the gut. This PPP government and all its crooked acolytes have to go. There are a specific few I want to see in jail if they cannot explain how circumstance unfold under their watch. This is in the lap of that fake MBA. His behind needs to go to jail for letting this happen if he does not have a clear, concise and rational explanation.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, this is an important thread you started. Instructive and educational. And indicative of what environmental destruction rapacious and parasitic Chinese companies are capable of.

These are not trifling things. One is accustomed to hear of them happening to other people and sensing the injustice. Now that it is happening to us one feels as if our own has kicked us in the gut. This PPP government and all its crooked acolytes have to go. There are a specific few I want to see in jail if they cannot explain how circumstance unfold under their watch. This is in the lap of that fake MBA. His behind needs to go to jail for letting this happen if he does not have a clear, concise and rational explanation.

THIS is the kind of attitude i cannot understand,you want to jail the traitors,how about killing the mother *****ers,it simple we hang them or put a gun to their temple and pull the trigger.i can do that for free 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, this is an important thread you started. Instructive and educational. And indicative of what environmental destruction rapacious and parasitic Chinese companies are capable of.

These are not trifling things. One is accustomed to hear of them happening to other people and sensing the injustice. Now that it is happening to us one feels as if our own has kicked us in the gut. This PPP government and all its crooked acolytes have to go. There are a specific few I want to see in jail if they cannot explain how circumstance unfold under their watch. This is in the lap of that fake MBA. His behind needs to go to jail for letting this happen if he does not have a clear, concise and rational explanation.

THIS is the kind of attitude i cannot understand,you want to jail the traitors,how about killing the mother *****ers,it simple we hang them or put a gun to their temple and pull the trigger.i can do that for free 

I am trying to temper my anger least I regress to a natural state and pull their bloody fingernails, toe nails, gouge their eyes and then flay their asses. It is me trying to be civilized.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Mits, this is an important thread you started. Instructive and educational. And indicative of what environmental destruction rapacious and parasitic Chinese companies are capable of.

These are not trifling things. One is accustomed to hear of them happening to other people and sensing the injustice. Now that it is happening to us one feels as if our own has kicked us in the gut. This PPP government and all its crooked acolytes have to go. There are a specific few I want to see in jail if they cannot explain how circumstance unfold under their watch. This is in the lap of that fake MBA. His behind needs to go to jail for letting this happen if he does not have a clear, concise and rational explanation.

THIS is the kind of attitude i cannot understand,you want to jail the traitors,how about killing the mother *****ers,it simple we hang them or put a gun to their temple and pull the trigger.i can do that for free 

I am trying to temper my anger least I regress to a natural state and pull their bloody fingernails, toe nails, gouge their eyes and then flay their asses. It is me trying to be civilized.

guyanese will lose it some day and ppp blood will run free  


DEFORESTATION: Parts of southern and eastern Tibet boast some of the best quality forest reserves in the world. Large fertile forest belts having trees with an average height of 90 feet and girth of 5 feet or more are found in Tibet. These forest are now indiscriminately destroyed in the name of 'development' by employing more than 70,000 Chinese. The same condition prevails in other regions of Tibet, such as Markham, Gyarong, Nyarong and other areas in Kham and Kongpo regions. Tibet had sustained 25.2 million hectares of forests in 1959 and this has declined to 13.57 million hectares in 1985 alone, which means 46% destruction and this figure is dramatically increasing each day. In some areas, up to 80% of the forests have been destroyed. According to Radio Lhasa Report, the Chinese have removed over US$ 54bn worth of timber from Tibet between 1959-1985 alone.


I am pretty sure by now, those who quietly read our posts from the shadows at the behest of the GOG must have notified their masters of the concerns being raised here concerning Bai Shan Lin. It would do the GOG a world of good to take heed before it's too late. Sadly, I don't believe any of this will happen. Therefore, as a consolation I would suggest that when these jackasses chop down a tree, they should plant one back instead.


AGRICULTUIRAL MISMANAGEMENT: During the 1960s, the Chinese imposed agricultural reforms on Tibetans which led to widespread famines. High altitude overgrazing and intensive agricultural production have resulted in the loss of many medicinal herbs and food plants, and has destroyed much of the winter food supply of wildlife. According to Chinese estimates, approximately 120,000 square km in China and Tibet have become desert as a result of human activity. Farmers are forced to buy and use fertilisers and insecticides.


SOIL EROSION AND FLOOD: Massive deforestation, mining and intensified agriculture patterns in Tibet contribute to increased soil erosion. Deposition of silt in rivers that flow from the Tibetan Plateau such as Indus, Sutlej, Brahmaputra, Salween, Mekong, Yellow and Yangtse causes siltation in the downstream countries raising riverbeds to cause major floods. This in turn causes landslides and reduces potential farming land, thus affecting millions of people. Scientists associate frequent floods that devastate Bangladesh as being directly associated with deforestation upstream in Tibet.


Piles of logs lay strewn along a stream next to denuded hillside. Unrestricted logging practices lead to erosion, landslides, and flooding. [John Ackerly]



If these Tibetans had engaged the Chinese in a hit and run Fidel/Che style international Guerrilla warfare and hit these brutes in every country that they can get their hands on them then they would have been in a better position today.  Now they face racial and environmental genocide at the hands of these brutes in their own land.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Guyana managing its natural resources much better than those nations.

Taking backhanders and flattening Guyana of its trees is not what one would call managing better.

Coming to Guyana soon:


Deforestation Forests in Tibet are the third largest in China’s present day borders and government lumber operations are cutting at an unprecedented rate. Reforestation is neglected and ineffective, leaving hillsides vulnerable to erosion. Rapid and widespread deforestation has life-threatening consequences for the hundreds of millions who live in the flood plains of the major rivers of Southeast Asia, many of which have their headwaters in Tibet. Clear-cutting also threatens the habitat of Tibet’s other residents – the rare giant panda, golden monkey, and over 5,000 plant species unique to the planet.



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