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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Day in and day out we hear AFC/PNC supporters speaking ill of Guyana.


Guess what, I love Guyana.


Turncoats always post negative things about Guyana. They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.


Shame on the AFC/PNC. They are out to destroy our beautiful Guyana.


Are you a turncoat ? Or do you love Guyana ?

if you love it why you helping to destroy it you stupid collie hypocrite 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Day in and day out we hear AFC/PNC supporters speaking ill of Guyana.


Guess what, I love Guyana.


Turncoats always post negative things about Guyana. They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.


Shame on the AFC/PNC. They are out to destroy our beautiful Guyana.


Are you a turncoat ? Or do you love Guyana ?

You are a dumbass.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.





Did you say anything positive about Guyana when Burnham was ruling?

During Burnham days, Indians were almost exterminated. Elections were rigged and frigged. Not TV and opposition newspapers were NOT allowed. Foodstuff that Indo Guyanese ate were banned.


Indo Guyanese women were raped. Kickdown the door bandits roamed. People lined up for food and gas, Blackout was the norm.


Guyana was bankrupt.


You are a true racist and PNC dinosaur.

Last edited by Former Member

yuji, people are paid to be traitors and curse the land of their birth. They often spoke highly of Suriname and Trinidad, but always managed to put Guyana down. When one speak ill of their country is bad news. They always willing to avoid job creation in Guyana, or derail any topic that meant to be good news from the PPP administration. They support the politicians that blocks everything that is good for the people of Guyana.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Day in and day out we hear AFC/PNC supporters speaking ill of Guyana.


Guess what, I love Guyana.


Turncoats always post negative things about Guyana. They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.


Shame on the AFC/PNC. They are out to destroy our beautiful Guyana.


Are you a turncoat ? Or do you love Guyana ?

President Ramotar say

"we must not cover up Corruption"...


So in addition to Buggery...

What more is Batty-poke U-Gee



We all know the difference between

loving Kwame.....and....loving Guyana.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I don't believe anyone speak ill of their country. It is those who are vested in governing the country that the criticism is directed to.
The title of this thread is misleading,

Absolutely right, Sheik.

Deploring the PPP is in no way, shape and form deploring Guyana.

The PPP is not Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

yuji, people are paid to be traitors and curse the land of their birth. They often spoke highly of Suriname and Trinidad, but always managed to put Guyana down. When one speak ill of their country is bad news. They always willing to avoid job creation in Guyana, or derail any topic that meant to be good news from the PPP administration. They support the politicians that blocks everything that is good for the people of Guyana.


Well said Bhai.


Many of the turncoats will show up at this thread and try to derail it or whine and make excuses. Fact remains that only evil people speak ill of their country.




Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I don't believe anyone speak ill of their country. It is those who are vested in governing the country that the criticism is directed to.
The title of this thread is misleading,

In Guyana, people are still living, eating and having a great time. There are exceptions where some people are not that fortunate. Guyana has it's fair share of problems like any other country. I don't claim that the PPP are the best or worst, nether do I think that the opposition are the best or worst for Guyana. In terms of speaking ill of one's country, it happen with a great degree of hatred for the PPP administration without any form of balance or discretion. There are good and bad news that comes out of Guyana everyday and there is a group of posters on this board get fixation on the bad news and entertained it to the max. They resort themselves to cursing and name calling. All of them lack the respect for every member of the PPP administration. When you put another country above your own, that is speaking ill of your country. When you can't find one thing good to say about Guyana, that is speaking ill of your country regardless of politics.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

I don't believe anyone speak ill of their country. It is those who are vested in governing the country that the criticism is directed to.
The title of this thread is misleading,

Absolutely right, Sheik.

Deploring the PPP is in no way, shape and form deploring Guyana.

The PPP is not Guyana.

We who speak out,  do care for our country. We are the true patriots.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Day in and day out we hear AFC/PNC supporters speaking ill of Guyana.


Guess what, I love Guyana.


Turncoats always post negative things about Guyana. They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.


Shame on the AFC/PNC. They are out to destroy our beautiful Guyana.


Are you a turncoat ? Or do you love Guyana ?

Get off your ignorant high horse and do not presume you are an authority as to what are patriotic imperatives or what constitute unwarranted criticisms of ones country. Criticisms of the PPP by no way reduces to criticisms of ones country. The are administrators not sovereigns.


The PPP are not gods messiah  even if you are a disciple to their messianic creed that they represent the truth, I say you have been profoundly deceived. I say that only to afford you a modest excuse.


Support for the PPP represents a support for their anti democratic stance, their pursuit of totalitarian power and their need to pillage our state. Speaking to that is a civic duty. Pretending that these kleptocrats are gods is the blasphemy.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Day in and day out we hear AFC/PNC supporters speaking ill of Guyana.


Guess what, I love Guyana.


Turncoats always post negative things about Guyana. They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.


Shame on the AFC/PNC. They are out to destroy our beautiful Guyana.


Are you a turncoat ? Or do you love Guyana ?

Get off your ignorant high horse and do not presume you are an authority as to what are patriotic imperatives or what constitute unwarranted criticisms of ones country. Criticisms of the PPP by no way reduces to criticisms of ones country. The are administrators not sovereigns.


The PPP are not gods messiah  even if you are a disciple to their messianic creed that they represent the truth, I say you have been profoundly deceived. I say that only to afford you a modest excuse.


Support for the PPP represents a support for their anti democratic stance, their pursuit of totalitarian power and their need to pillage our state. Speaking to that is a civic duty. Pretending that these kleptocrats are gods is the blasphemy.

And who the damn hell are you to write about a country that you left when you were still running "shuttail" in the streets? Are you the expert on Guyana? Flush your putrid hogwash down the tiolet. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.





Did you say anything positive about Guyana when Burnham was ruling?

During Burnham days, Indians were almost exterminated. Elections were rigged and frigged. Not TV and opposition newspapers were NOT allowed. Foodstuff that Indo Guyanese ate were banned.


Indo Guyanese women were raped. Kickdown the door bandits roamed. People lined up for food and gas, Blackout was the norm.


Guyana was bankrupt.


You are a true racist and PNC dinosaur.

I see so if Indians feel oppressed they dont have to be "patriotic" (which according to you means blind support for the ruling party), but when black people feel oppressed they must accept it.


YOU are the racist who is applying different standards based on the race.  I will suggest to you that you are NOT black, and you also hate blacks, so you lack the minimum ability to say anything about what they think.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Day in and day out we hear AFC/PNC supporters speaking ill of Guyana.


Guess what, I love Guyana.


Turncoats always post negative things about Guyana. They should show some class and post some positive things about Guyana.


Shame on the AFC/PNC. They are out to destroy our beautiful Guyana.


Are you a turncoat ? Or do you love Guyana ?

Get off your ignorant high horse and do not presume you are an authority as to what are patriotic imperatives or what constitute unwarranted criticisms of ones country. Criticisms of the PPP by no way reduces to criticisms of ones country. The are administrators not sovereigns.


The PPP are not gods messiah  even if you are a disciple to their messianic creed that they represent the truth, I say you have been profoundly deceived. I say that only to afford you a modest excuse.


Support for the PPP represents a support for their anti democratic stance, their pursuit of totalitarian power and their need to pillage our state. Speaking to that is a civic duty. Pretending that these kleptocrats are gods is the blasphemy.

And who the damn hell are you to write about a country that you left when you were still running "shuttail" in the streets? Are you the expert on Guyana? Flush your putrid hogwash down the tiolet. 

if kari will lend me his line i will say to you shut your patta cake,how much of a expert you have to be to call the ppp cronies a thief 


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