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You have to combat intelligence with non-intelligence because intelligence and education controls us and prevents us from seeing the lie which is needed to understand the plot against man. You are forced to be intelligent because you have to speak languages and understand money for buying and selling. Doctors and Teachers are under the control of the intelligence that uses the words which suppresses the mental powers so you are forced to talk to send a message. I guess you shouldn't underestimate the animals since they show minimal intelligence and are free from control. Intelligence is causing the crime of black men on whites and intelligence is causing economic control and this correlates with a college education or learning to play an instrument. Intelligence is causing the racism of whites and you should not blame the whites for this because they are also a slave to the system. In the back of my mind is the Jew; the mirror image of the Jew may be to blame and not the Jew as a body. Where would the mirror image manifest? I guess a gun should be used against the mirror image and not the body of a human being but this is all conjecture. 

Ronald Anthony Arjune
Ronald Anthony Arjune posted:

You have to combat intelligence with non-intelligence because intelligence and education controls us and prevents us from seeing the lie which is needed to understand the plot against man. You are forced to be intelligent because you have to speak languages and understand money for buying and selling. Doctors and Teachers are under the control of the intelligence that uses the words which suppresses the mental powers so you are forced to talk to send a message. I guess you shouldn't underestimate the animals since they show minimal intelligence and are free from control. Intelligence is causing the crime of black men on whites and intelligence is causing economic control and this correlates with a college education or learning to play an instrument. Intelligence is causing the racism of whites and you should not blame the whites for this because they are also a slave to the system. In the back of my mind is the Jew; the mirror image of the Jew may be to blame and not the Jew as a body. Where would the mirror image manifest? I guess a gun should be used against the mirror image and not the body of a human being but this is all conjecture. 

I would say that intelligence can be channeled in different directions towards different goals. There are intelligent killers, like Napoleon, Hitler, , etc., whose intelligence is channeled towards people manipulation and control.

Governments, and agencies like CIA and those in power realized that intelligence can be purchased as a service that promotes their own interests. So they hire the so called intellectuals or think tanks to build a philosophy and create a reality in which they expect us to dive in. They make these created realities attractive throughout propaganda and manipulation using the Movies, Radio, TV and internet, NGOs, etc.  The monkey in most of us learns by imitation, not by reflection. The want to be like those TV and movie heroes, want to look like them, speak like them.

There is an alternative to the realities others create for us. We can decide not to buy the bullshit they sell us, and to build our own reality based on true facts. Here comes in the Christian concept of wisdom, which is about channeling our intelligence in the direction of service for the good of others and for the good of everyone around us if we want to turn earth in a paradise. This is the real spirituality, to do good to others even to those who hate use an persecute us. The true fact behind this attitude is the certainty of death. If when we see that we all are going to die and come to terms with that then we can understand that this world is a fake one.



Lucas posted:

This is the reality of America.

Prejudice and hatred against black people run plentiful in the blood of white Americans.

I so not deny that but the fact you and I are here validates the reality that there are more white people who do not embrace hate than those who do.

The misguided fellow in Dallas tells us what happens when someone believes most white people are horrible. They instead becomes horrible.

Cobra posted:

Trump said if you don't like it here, you're free to leave. Who wants to live in Pakistan where there is no hatred for religious freedom? Anyone? 

Trump does not get to decide who should like what. Trump world is not a place anyone would care to be in. If that bombastic loudmouthed wind bag gets in office he will be the most hated president ever. I already know he would not like me....or you for that matter.


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