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Only President can remove Minister Rohee - if commission of inquiry finds him responsible – AG during debate


Georgetown, GINA, July 26, 2012 -- Source - GINA


Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General Anil Nandlall making his presentation during the debate inn the National Assembly last evening.


Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs last evening, as the debate commenced on the Opposition’s no-confidence motion in the National Assembly against Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, reiterated that only the President can remove Minister Rohee from office and that Article 183 of the Constitution states on what grounds such an official can be removed.


The Attorney General said that he recognised that what transpired in Linden on July 18 last is a tragedy which is beyond disputation.


“The President, exercising powers which reside in him under the Commission of Inquiry Act, committed himself to the establishment of a commission to inquire into this tragedy…only the Commission of Inquiry could determine the Home Affairs Minister responsible,” the Attorney General said.


He explained that the motion in its entirety is one that pre-empts, prejudices and undermines the integrity of a process to which parties would have committed themselves, as the call is being made for Minister Rohee to resign and for the members of the National Assembly to vote that they have no confidence in him.


“The legal truth of the matter is that Mr. Rohee does not hold office due to the confidence of this Assembly…a Minister is appointed under the constitution by the President…he comes here as an elected official…therefore, only the President can remove him,” Minister Nandlall said.

He added that by making such a calling for the Minister of Home Affairs to go, indicates that there is a conclusion that he is responsible, however that decision is to be made by the Commission of Inquiry.

“We can speak here in this parliament from now till thy kingdom come but, the fact remains that the National Assembly has no power of removal of a minister,” the Attorney General stated.

President Donald Ramotar had announced that a full investigation will be launched into the fatal shooting of three Linden protestors and during a meeting with the opposition, Region 10 Chairman and the private sector, an agreement was reached to have a Commission of Inquiry investigate the July 18 events in the mining town.


“Article 183 of the constitution speaks to Ministers and it says how ministers are to be removed from office - a minister having been appointed by the President cannot be removed by the National Assembly…the National Assembly has no power to remove Minister Rohee…the National Assembly has no power in law or under the constitution to remove Minister Rohee from office,” the Legal Affairs Minister explained.


Further, Article 184 of the constitution is the only article within it that speaks about the no confidence of any official in the National Assembly, and that official is the leader of the opposition.


Relationship with Police

On the issue of the Minister of Home Affairs and his relationship with the police, Minister Nandlall explained that it is guided by Section 7 of the Police Act.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Extraordinary events lead to extraordinary measures.  As I told you before, go and talk to the many many victims of the onslaught and hear their stories.  Don't just sit behind a keyboard in NA and defend terrorism.


Guyana is now a much safer place as a result of the actions taken by special ops forces back then.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Extraordinary events lead to extraordinary measures.  As I told you before, go and talk to the many many victims of the onslaught and hear their stories.  Don't just sit behind a keyboard in NA and defend terrorism.


Guyana is now a much safer place as a result of the actions taken by special ops forces back then.

Where am I defending terrorism?


Are you agreeing with Drugb that Gagraj ordered the slaughter of the citizens?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Extraordinary events lead to extraordinary measures.  As I told you before, go and talk to the many many victims of the onslaught and hear their stories.  Don't just sit behind a keyboard in NA and defend terrorism.


Guyana is now a much safer place as a result of the actions taken by special ops forces back then.

Where am I defending terrorism?


Are you agreeing with Drugb that Gagraj ordered the slaughter of the citizens?

I'm not agreeing with anything or anyone, don't try the GR cheap trick of putting words.  All I say is extraordinary measures were needed due to extraordinary events.  It arrested the situation.


You guys are cheap political opportunists.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.


It may very well be that terrorist elements in the opposition ranks are responsible for the shooting of some protesters to incite racial strife.

Let an independent inquiry begin and release it reports since some media reports are indicating the bullets used by the police does not match some of the victims.


Interesting times ahead.............

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.


It may very well be that terrorist elements in the opposition ranks are responsible for the shooting of some protesters to incite racial strife.

Let an independent inquiry begin and release it reports since some media reports are indicating the bullets used by the police does not match some of the victims.


Interesting times ahead.............

until the findings of a commission are made public everything said or thought is sheer conjecture.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Actually, It was THE GREATEST BLESSING for the Guyanese People. We are NOW a vibrant Country instead of being reduced to Lawlessness.  THE RULE OF LAW WILL BE MAINTAINED IN OUR GREAT LAND!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Actually, It was THE GREATEST BLESSING for the Guyanese People. We are NOW a vibrant Country instead of being reduced to Lawlessness.  THE RULE OF LAW WILL BE MAINTAINED IN OUR GREAT LAND!!!!!

Ramotar should replace Rohee with Gajraj and not show his weakness and willingness to hug a thug.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Or he can resign like the great Gajraj for the greater good of the nation after phantomizing the wicked elements financed by the opposition and overseas authors hell bent on destroying the Guyanese economy for political gain. 

This is a serious indictment of the PPP murdering its citizens.

Actually, It was THE GREATEST BLESSING for the Guyanese People. We are NOW a vibrant Country instead of being reduced to Lawlessness.  THE RULE OF LAW WILL BE MAINTAINED IN OUR GREAT LAND!!!!!


Gajraj and others made Guyana safe from PNC thugs and murderers. The PNC tried it's best to incite racial strife to bring down the PPP. It has tried this method many times in this past including the recent attempt in Linden.


Guyana must remain safe from PNC and AFC thugs. The Linden incident is the final chapter in the AFC. The AFC party is finished and will be wiped out from the political landscap from Guyana. We will begin to see internal strife as a first sign of their dismantling. Berbicians who supported the AFC are now expressing disgust at the AFC.


The PNC will be kept in their place. Guyana will now move ahead. A snap election will be in the best interest of the PPP for a political landslide. Guyanese want a safe and peaceful Guyana.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people have come to realize that they now have a voice thru the AFC.




Mitwah Bhai, the AFC is history. Bye Bye, Tata. They are finished politically. No more con job and snake oil. Next from the AFC, political infighting.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people have come to realize that they now have a voice thru the AFC.



How many people are represented by AFC? Do you believe that Guyana can survive with a tug-of-war going on? A power struggle and putting people against each other will only fuel fire that cannot be extinguished. I am giving you 12 months from today to see if you're on the same course.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people have come to realize that they now have a voice thru the AFC.




Mitwah Bhai, the AFC is history. Bye Bye, Tata. They are finished politically. No more con job and snake oil. Next from the AFC, political infighting.

Keep on dreaming.


The people never had a voice. Now they discover that they can rely on the AFC.

See how the strikers at Albion gravitating to the AFC.



Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people have come to realize that they now have a voice thru the AFC.



How many people are represented by AFC? Do you believe that Guyana can survive with a tug-of-war going on? A power struggle and putting people against each other will only fuel fire that cannot be extinguished. I am giving you 12 months from today to see if you're on the same course.

Bhaiji, I thought Ramotar was tough. See how he is willing to embrace and talk with the thugs?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The people have come to realize that they now have a voice thru the AFC.



How many people are represented by AFC? Do you believe that Guyana can survive with a tug-of-war going on? A power struggle and putting people against each other will only fuel fire that cannot be extinguished. I am giving you 12 months from today to see if you're on the same course.

Bhaiji, I thought Ramotar was tough. See how he is willing to embrace and talk with the thugs?

Those thugs are citizens and they too are part of the government. If the president cannot engage the thugs in dialogue, then we shouldn't give beggars money in the street. The president duty is to exhaust all peace means, and that shouldn't be use against his strength.


the only law the ppp crime family understand is the law of the guns,the people of guyana should line up the ppp ministers and cronies and shoot them down like dogs all they have to use is 4 shot gun shells and it will kill them all.

Originally Posted by warrior:

the only law the ppp crime family understand is the law of the guns,the people of guyana should line up the ppp ministers and cronies and shoot them down like dogs all they have to use is 4 shot gun shells and it will kill them allYou better keep looking through your window, they may stop by you first.

Originally Posted by baseman:


Guyana is now a much safer place as a result of the actions taken by special ops forces back then.

For you and your rich buddies who can afford to pay mercenaries. Even the police say that there is increasing gun violence involved in robberies.


You really ought to tell your rich friends to stop bringing guns illegally into Guyana.


How many people are represented by AFC?

To the extent that they work with APNU the answer is 51%. Many who voted for APNU are telling them that they arent in parliament to pal around with Indian dictators.  Why do you think that APNU suddenly found their mouth AFTER the protests?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Guyana is now a much safer place as a result of the actions taken by special ops forces back then.

For you and your rich buddies who can afford to pay mercenaries. Even the police say that there is increasing gun violence involved in robberies.


You really ought to tell your rich friends to stop bringing guns illegally into Guyana.

Nah bai, come and meet some ordinary folks in Annandale, Lusignan and other surrounding villages.  It's not as they would like, but sure as hell, the terrorism with impunity and dramatically reduced...apart from the Lusignan massacre.


Don't know any friends involved in the gun trade, yes they do have security, but not usual than any one else.

Originally Posted by caribny:

How many people are represented by AFC?

To the extent that they work with APNU the answer is 51%. Many who voted for APNU are telling them that they arent in parliament to pal around with Indian dictators.  Why do you think that APNU suddenly found their mouth AFTER the protests?

That means the 41% are indeed criminals, wanting to destroy Guyana so they can have a Black PNC govt in power once again to destroy the nation.


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