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Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Since like some 60pc of Guyana is claimed by the Latino bloc, lets feel free to antagonize our one remaining Western friend.


Oh yes, the dear friend who incarcerated and tortured the leaders of the Guyanese independence movement. Is it Anglophiles Fuh Change now?



Better Anglophiles Fuh Change than Pantywearin Pimps in Pink

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The Falkland islands were never part of Argentina. So there is nothing to return.

When are those white colonialists in Argentina going to return the land to the indigenous population?

checkmate T . . . well played

Their ancestors never called the British 'master', what a f*** difference...

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Tell them that they are Amerindians.  They will curse you.  I recently told my current girlfriend who is from Paraguay that she is part Amerindian.  The woman went crazy for an hour.  These mixed race Latin people are living in a fantasy Eurocentric world.

Well, that's because they call themselves according to the name of their nations Mapuche, Xingu, Aymara, Nasa, Quechua, etc. There are thousands of nations.  The word Amerindian is portmanteau of American Indian and does not reflect the diversity of indigenous nations of the Americas. The word Indian reflects the ignorance of the past,when the first Europeans in these lands thought to had arrived in India. Obviously they found here something much better.


On the other hand, the word "Indio" (Indian) is meant to be an insult in Spanish and this meaning is not going to change by making it AmerIndio. So again, learn the culture of the country you visit before making any ethnic remarks.


When I first came to Canada I dated a Chilean girl that I met at a pet shop in a mall. We dated for one year and then broke up.  She had very curly long black hair.  But that did not mean anything. I never met a person who hated black people more than her.  One day I was eating a burger and shake with her at a restaurant and out of the blue she starts telling me that she did not like serving black people at the store.  I told her that she is also a minority.  But it was as if I was speaking to a stone because she saw herself as a white person.  I don't know which white Canadian or American was telling her that she was white.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

When I first came to Canada I dated a Chilean girl that I met at a pet shop in a mall. We dated for one year and then broke up.  She had very curly long black hair.  But that did not mean anything. I never met a person who hated black people more than her.  One day I was eating a burger and shake with her at a restaurant and out of the blue she starts telling me that she did not like serving black people at the store.  I told her that she is also a minority.  But it was as if I was speaking to a stone because she saw herself as a white person.  I don't know which white Canadian or American was telling her that she was white.

I guess it something similar to what happens in Spain. Southern Spaniards are dark while their northern counterparts tend to be blond. The southerners look more like Moroccans and even when they Speak Spanish their 'j's and 'g's  [equivalent to English H's] sound like Arabic, yet they regard themselves as white while at the same time admitting that their are morocho's or moreno's [other two Spanish words for black]. Interestingly, Spaniards are also one of the most racist people in Europe.


Culture is a very important factor in whether you consider yourself white or indigenous or black.

Curiously, in the USA when you are mixed race you cannot claim that for many legal purposes. You have to decide whether you are black or white. In reality,  if you are mixed of black and white you are supposed to call yourself black, not white, not mixed race either. If you say you are white everyone will rise eyebrows. In Australia you are entitled to claim aboriginality even if you look northern European and obtain benefits that all aborigines are entitled to. People would also rise their eyebrows if someone who is 50% black and 50% white decides that he is white.


But there are countries where a black man can claim to be white, such as Colombia. Usually the wealthy and educated ones. That's also one of the few countries where I have seen blond beggars on the streets (Brazil the other), which makes me think that for Latinos being an educated man (well mannered) and being able to succeed in life is the way of making yourself white.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

lucas this clearly explains this girl's behaviour which puzzled and annoyed me.

This is a world ruled by the white race, that's why there are many out there suffering the Michael Jackson syndrome... I believe that once the Chinese take over the world there will be many wanting to be Chinese.

Originally Posted by Lucas:

This is a world ruled by the white race, that's why there are many out there suffering the Michael Jackson syndrome... I believe that once the Chinese take over the world there will be many wanting to be Chinese.

Lucas, I think that you are mistaken to blame things on the White race or any race for that matter. The problem is that the world is ruled, to a large extent, by an oligarchy, a financial oligarchy, and oligarchies naturally tend toward a racist worldview, and promote it in the culture.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Henry have you ever been invited to the Bilderberg Group meeting.  How many coolie men get invited there.  It is a white control world.

Prashad, you have the typical AFC fixation on race. Let me break it down for you: 


1. It is true that most if not all Bilderbergers are white.


2. It is not true that most if not all whites are Bilderbergers.


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