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Originally Posted by albert:

APNU-AFC transporting hundreds of their supporters to Whim in Berbice. Posted this earlier and it was removed. I dunno why 

Indos in Whim want nothing to do with PNC.


AFC has no support left. Like the Burhnam days, they are taking their cars and truck and fetching supporters from GT to Whim to save themselves from disgrace.


Just got off the phone with the father-in-law to gauge the mood of Berbicians and he confirmed that Indos in Berbice will NEVER vote PNC.


Onward to Whim, with PNC Afro supporters. AFC has no Indo support base left.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by albert:

APNU-AFC transporting hundreds of their supporters to Whim in Berbice. Posted this earlier and it was removed. I dunno why 

Some people cannot handle the truth. They are die hard PNC supporters and will do anything to save the PNC from disgrace.


Reality is that Indos in Berbice will NEVER vote PNC. 

Originally Posted by cain:

yugi tell your family he is a liar just like you.


My father-in-law told me that after the PNC rigged and frigged Guyana, he and 99 Percent of Berbicans will NEVER vote PNC. Never !


Let the PNC take their Afrocentric base from GT to save themselves from shame and disgrace. Fact is that Berbicians will never vote for a party that has never admitted for their sins committed against Indo Guyanese, especially Berbicans.


Onward to Whim goes the PNC taking their GT supporters to save themselves from disgrace !

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:

yugi tell your family he is a liar just like you.


My father-in-law told me that after the PNC rigged and frigged Guyana, he and 99 Percent of Berbicans will NEVER vote PNC. Never !


Let the PNC take their Afrocentric base from GT to save themselves from shame and disgrace. Fact is that Berbicians will never vote for a party that has never admitted for their sins committed against Indo Guyanese, especially Berbicans.


Onward to Whim goes the PNC taking their GT supporters to save themselves from disgrace !

Berbice start from Mahaica/Abary area all the way to Crabwood Creek...many areas are dominated by Afro telling me that all ah them vote PPP? I think some people on here think Berbice only start from New AMsterdam

Originally Posted by Conscience:

After viewing the photos out of Whim a majority of the persons captured lives in Georgetown, the east bank Demerara,west bank Demerara and parts of Linden.

Speak volumes of rent-a-crowd.

Pre-coverage of our live Whim and Kitty updates: At least 15 Guysuco contract trucks have been seen heading down from Berbice en route to Kitty.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C remains many of the fairy tale "The Emperor's new clothes", after May 11 reality would step in. After the alliance lose, there would be a war with the P.N.C for the promised 12 seats when they lose, everyone knows that a promise is a comfort to a....

Baldeo, you and Albert bettuh get your resumes updated.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Cool down Mars don't allow your desperate emotions get the better of you. It is time, the writing is on the wall. A majority awaits the P.P.P

You're the one who should be desperate if you know what's good for you. I have a job. You'll be begging after May 11th especially since you're a dumbass and can only do PPP flunky wuk.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by albert:


APNU-AFC transporting hundreds of their supporters to Whim in Berbice. Posted this earlier and it was removed. I dunno why 

Some people cannot handle the truth. They are die hard PNC supporters and will do anything to save the PNC from disgrace.


Reality is that Indos in Berbice will NEVER vote PNC. 

Not Berbice you dumb fool. Indians in general will vote PPP. That has been the trend since inception.  They will do so this time again but hopefully the joint opposition will peal away 12 thousand and that is all that is needed to kick those crooks to the curb. With good campaigning they can cherry pick that number easily. The PPP are awful people so they will have pissed off enough people with their greed. I would not mind that 80 percent vote PPP  and they have never done that. If the numbers remain as the historical trend the PPP is history.

Last edited by Former Member

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