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In a letter refused by the anti-government media, AFC Region 6 Councillor, Haseef Yusuf has spoken out against his party’s relationship with the PNC’s APNU and the opposition Budget cuts. He said the cuts spearheaded by the AFC are ‘irrational’ and that the party has usurped the PNC in terms of the amount of confusion its sows. Yusuf said as a result of the 7 seat AFC’s new role the PNC’s APNU is quite happy to sit back knowing full well that that it will be back in power if his party succeeds in stealing enough votes from the PPP.(See full letter here)

He said that the ’unconscionable and unconstitutional’ budget cuts are meant to hit at the core of national development and that the AFC’s intention is to make the country ungovernable. This same intention he said was present when the PNC took to the streets, igniting havoc, fear and violence with their ‘slo fyah, mo fyah’ slogan. Yusuf posited that after Linden and Agricola, the AFC has decided that that modus operandi is too apparent and should be superseded by ‘scissorsing the budget’, targeting the wheels of national development. This he says will force the PPP/C to buckle under pressure.

Haseef Yusuf came to the fore in 2012 following his public revelation of internal corruption and cover-up within the AFC. He was publicly criticized by several of his colleagues after he made public his concerns over the misappropriation of campaign funds by member of parliament and Berbice executive member Veerasammy Ramaya.

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Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yusuf said as a result of the 7 seat AFC’s new role the PNC’s APNU is quite happy to sit back knowing full well that that it will be back in power if his party succeeds in stealing enough votes from the PPP. (See full letter here)

Will not happen .. wishful and futile thinking.


Let us begin with the Truth


If Rev says differently...he is lieing



Jagan & Burnham were together in the PPP...

Until the Big Split

When Burnham left the PPP and formed the PNC

Jagan PPP      Burnham-PNC

Nehru knows the truth hurts



Jagan Smeared the PPP forever when he

Made Burnham Chairman of the PPP......

Burnham was a Conman who played the Race well...

He turned Black PNC killing Army on Indians and the Opposition...

Then he turned around and called for Unity between African & Indians


Today Rev, De_Guy,

Big_Seed, UGee, Councie,

Skeldon and Nehru

need to stop running around and......

 tell us the truth



Why the AFC don't want anything to do......

 with Ramotar or Granger...

and why both the PPP & PNC ......

losing supporters, friends & Votes....

Can you believe dem Monkey running around....

enjoying de PPP & PNC Banana.... and telling abee....

Ramotar....give we Democracy & Progress  ......WHERE & When?

  Everyone know how the PNC use to rig Elections....

But them forget .....

PPP & PNC come from one mumma....

and that is why De PNC Indian Killers 

occupy TOP POSITIONS in the

Office of the President with Ramotar TODAY.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Yusuf said as a result of the 7 seat AFC’s new role the PNC’s APNU is quite happy to sit back knowing full well that that it will be back in power if his party succeeds in stealing enough votes from the PPP. (See full letter here)

Will not happen .. wishful and futile thinking.

Bhai, When I said Moses is naïve, stupid and worst some want to attack me.  Well, dem she Bucket ah guh ah well but one day he  bottom gun fall out.


Today Rev, De_Guy,

Big_Seed, UGee, Councie,

Skeldon and Nehru

need to stop running around and......

 tell us the truth


Dem get so much Banana....

Dem Belly Full, Mouth Full, and Hand Full,

and dem on de Run.....

Dem gon run ....but them cant hide

Now dem Scratching dem Crotch with Banana....

trying fuh explain why or How 

Dem Black House of Isreal Thugs wuking fuh PPP...

and teking over De Office of De President.... 


Redux.....ah see yuh corner de Kakaroach....

Baseman defending all ah dem

yuh mek eee turn over ,,,,,

and expose eee self.....

Rats infest Freedom House 


Look at City






Look at Office of the President






When Indian talking about Cooolie-man getting.....

Beaten, Robbed, Raped and Killed....

Dem talking about De Rabbai....

House of Isreal.... De Black PNC Thugs...

De Kabaka is de man.....

Thanks De Rat &.... De Duck.... 



Quote: Let the Indians know...

they cannot wipe out De Africans,

and Let the Africans know ...

they cannot wipe out the Indians...

and let everyone know...

My steel sharper than anyone....

and my Black thugs (House of Isreal).....

Work fuh de Kabaka... follow my Instructions....

APNU is most willing to sit and waitPDFPrintE-mail
Written by HASEEF YUSUF   
Sunday, 05 May 2013 21:45

KINDLY publish this letter which seeks to find some ‘rationality’ in the spate of irrational ‘budget cuts’ spearheaded by opposition party in Parliament-the Alliance For Change. It is also now etched in the history of this nation that this political party with a mere seven seats can sow so much confusion that the country’s Opposition- the APNU (PNC) whose functions have been usurped by the AFC- is quite happy to relinquish the same and carries along quite happily while the AFC is basking in this newly acquired ‘cutting power’.

APNU is most willing to sit and wait!
The PNC knows that when the smoke of battle is settled and the PPP/C  is destroyed, that the PNC will once again be the government - and this time for life! The PNC knows that the AFC will never be able to acquire the required number of seats to form the government and that the AFC will not form a coalition with the APNU before an election, because of the fear of losing their support base in Berbice. Therefore, in such a scenario where the Constitution does not provide for a post-election coalition, the AFC will only serve to strengthen the monster if the electorate does not fully comprehend what is the current political situation in this country.

I have emphatically stated in my letter dated May 3,2013 that the budget cuts are both unconscionable and unconstitutional and dealt at length with the unconstitutional nature of those ‘cuts’.
These budget cuts are meant to hit at the core of national development and the intention is to make the country ungovernable. This same intention was present when the PNC shamelessly took to the streets, igniting havoc, fear and violence with their ‘slo fyah mo fyah’ slogan. But after Linden and Agricola, the AFC has decided that that modus operandi is too apparent and should be superseded by ‘scissorsing the budget’, targeting the wheels of national development. This will force the PPP/C to buckle under pressure.
This can be clearly seen in the GPL budget cut. Every Guyanese know that power /electricity makes up a large percentage of the cost of production of all goods produced and services provided, hence, if these costs go up, then the prices of goods and services will go up. Nagamootoo’s ‘coconut vendor’ will raise the price for his/her coconuts since the transportation costs to bring them from Charity to Georgetown will increase drastically. Moreover, not only businesses but householders will also have to pay more for electricity. This will then erode whatever wage increases were given to them- their disposable incomes will shrink and hence their standards of living will plummet. The people will become discontented. This will make the people angry, protests will result and the AFC and APNU will be in the forefront blaming the PPP/C Government and agitate for their removal. So there is a political agenda in these cuts!
The AFC was in Berbice recently, trying to give rational reasons for their ‘budget cuts’ and the main reason given by Mr Moses Nagamootoo was that ‘billions of dollars’ will be stolen through various contracts. I cannot recall that reason being given in his budget presentation. If the AFC or APNU is so sure about stealing, then they should institute private criminal proceedings against the perpetrators so that our courts can once and for all bring a closure to these allegations. We cannot afford to have national development stymied by these accusations. The joint opposition had an opportunity to prove corruption allegations on national television and could not do it. They proved that corruption was only a ‘perception’.
Mr. Nagamootoo, an attorney by profession, stated in his budget speech that “The couple over the road from my chambers selling water coconuts, who travels every week from Charity to Georgetown, makes a profit.  “The young lady, over the road, who sells sweets and drinks off an old fridge, makes a profit. But the multi-billion giant that sells electricity to all the people of Guyana is broke! Guybroke!” Guyanese should understand that this is a completely flawed argument! “The couple” and the “Young lady” are not regulated by the Public Utilities Commission, there is no ceiling on the price they can charge Nagamootoo and others! Furthermore, when “coconuts”, “sweets” and “drinks” costs increase, the “couple” and the “young lady” will increase their prices accordingly! The costs will be passed on to consumers! But lo and behold! Since 2008 despite the exorbitant fuel prices, the PPP/C government not only subsidised the fuel cost by reducing the consumption tax, but has subsidised GPL so that the increased costs do not burden the consumers and industries.
Next, Guyanese need to understand that the present GPL was in a crippled condition when it was operating under the PNC Government as the GEC and it was in this crippled state that the PPP/C inherited it. Much needed capital expenditures were not done. This was the same with GUYSUCO-the industry had to fork out billions of dollars as the sugar levy to fund PNC “black holes.” It was then that it was GUY***O Moses! It was funding the PNC!
It must be brought to the attention of the Guyanese people that GPL has been making between 2- 4 billion dollars losses each year due to increased fuel prices and losses due to obsolete capital items.
Over the years, 2008 to 2012, the fuel bill rose from $US60 million to  $US120 million,  but the government kept electricity rates stable by subsidising it and despite rational explanations given by the Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Samuel Hinds and explicit statistical evidence provided by GPL’s CEO Mr. Bharat Dindyal, the AFC refused to accept such explanations and evidence and blinded by subjective ulterior motives, they ‘scissored’ the pockets of the poor class of people of this country!
Lastly, the government did explain that the money to carry out capital expenditures and working capital to carry out such works would have come from three sources including the Chinese Import and Export Bank and the IDB. These loans will be at concessionary rates of between 1-2% and will have long repayment periods of between 20-40 years with moratoriums on repayment.
I appeal to all rational-minded Guyanese to reject these ‘budget cuts’ that will only result in catapulting this nation back into the PNC ‘black hole’ era!


Ramotar promoting Corruption instead of True Development

Businesses rank Marriott Hotel lowest nat'l priority  
Written by Kwesi Isles   
Tuesday, 07 May 2013 13:01
Clinton Urling

A private sector survey of local businesses has revealed that respondents believe the US$51M Marriott Hotel should be at the bottom of the list of national priorities, despite the government hailing it as one of its flagship projects.

The findings of the second Attitudinal Survey conducted by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) were garnered from 65 respondents who are members of the umbrella body.


GCCI President Clinton Urling presented the information on Tuesday noting that

(1) the Amaila Hydropower Project topped the list of priorities the respondents thought the government should be pursuing.

(2) This was followed by the Linden to Lethem Road;

(3) construction and development of other interior roads;

(4) establishment of a recycling plant; and

 (5) maritime ports upgrade.


After those priorities came the Cheddi Jagan International Airport upgrade and a new Demerara Harbour Bridge, two projects the government is also pursuing though an allocation for the former was cut from the 2013 budget by the National Assembly. A new river crossing is in the pre-feasibility stage.


The respondents even placed a Guyana-Suriname bridge link ahead of the Marriott project in terms of national priority.


Work on the hotel project is already far gone with a completion date set for mid next year.

The survey also looked at corruption perception with 74 percent saying that it was “high” or “somewhat high” while 22 percent offered a “neutral” view on the issue.


“A vast majority, 88 percent, felt that government was not doing enough to curb corruption, while only five percent felt much was being done,” the report stated.


However, 45 percent of the respondents indicated that government attitude towards business was either “very supportive” while 51 percent deemed it “moderately supportive.”


Performance-wise 87 percent responded that business activities were either strong or very strong in 2012 with 91 percent of them reporting a profit for the year.


“Nearly three out of every four respondents expect to see increased revenues in 2013 while 22 percent expect revenues to remain stable.”

 The report further stated that nearly eight of every 10 respondents were optimistic about the economy or expected things to remain the same this year with none offering a negative outlook.


The businesses highlighted

(1) finding and retaining good employees as their major obstacle to success followed by

(2)  high taxes,

(3) high electricity rates and

(4) crime and

(5) security concerns.

Inefficiencies in the legal system and at the Customs were also noted.


The findings from the survey are to be used to gauge the needs and concerns of GCCI members and to inform decisions for interactions with government and other policy makers.


Jalil posted:

The businesses highlighted

(1) finding and retaining good employees as their major obstacle to success followed by

(2)  high taxes,

(3) high electricity rates and

(4) crime and

(5) security concerns.

Inefficiencies in the legal system and at the Customs were also noted.



Now tell us, which developing nation's businesses don't complain about such issues?

Jalil, tell us nah, about the letter by Mr Yusuf.


Originally Posted by baseman:

Jalil posted:

The businesses highlighted

(1) finding and retaining good employees as their major obstacle to success followed by

(2)  high taxes,

(3) high electricity rates and

(4) crime and

(5) security concerns.

Inefficiencies in the legal system and at the Customs were also noted.



Now tell us, which developing nation's businesses don't complain about such issues?

[Suriname, Venezulia & Brazil... next door...U na got to look far]

Jalil, tell us nah, about the letter by Mr Yusuf.
The Businessmen & Investors in Guyana say the Govt is not fixing the problems of the economy.....

They say Projects like Marriott, New Airport & India-man Hospital & Lumber Deal are un-necessary.

They say all these Jagdeo Schemes are no good for Guyana.....

Waste of Money and Benefit only de Corrupt Thieves.


Baseman who is Yusuf.....

Is he from......

Congress Place, 

House of Isreal,

Lot 12, 

Daram Sala,


Uncle Eddy Home or

De Mad House

Or is he.... A Vulture,...

a Coca-Roach.....

Or A Monkey showing eee Banana



Dem boys seh…Donald talking, but not about Ed Ahmad

May 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 


People now talking bout everything. Dem mouth open just like how dem eye open. When dem boys start fuh criticize de Marriott dem same people sit down and shut dem mouth. At one stage dem boys believe that de people did eat glue. Then de people start fuh talk bout de money dem spending pun some new terminal at de airport. That was long after dem boys tell de whole country that money is not something to throw away, but dem people shut dem mouth. Some of dem talk how is better dem see a nice airport although nuff of dem would never go pun a plane. But de Man above got a way of mekking people see sense from nonsense. Sometimes he does got to slap people fuh mek dem see de light. De other day he hand some of dem same big shot who don’t care if Christmas fall pun Good Friday a high tide that flood dem yard and house wid salt water. Dem complain. One month barely pass and He promise to slap dem wid another high tide. That is wha mekdem now calling pun Donald fuh keep out de sea than to build hotel and airport.

But Donald smart. He ain’t talking bout dem things in de city; he going to wheh he know dem got cane cutter and diehard people, but he ain’t gun tell dem bout de flood. He ain’t even telling dem bout Ed Ahmad who sing till he get a US Senator fuh dance he way all de way before a judge.Is de same Ed Ahmad who did send some container of building material to Bharrat and de Man above know who else.

Dem boys seh that if Ed can do that to a Senator who did promise fuh help he get rid of all dem people who claim that he thief dem money, imagine wha he seh bout he friends in Guyana who ain’t do nutten but stretch out dem hand fuh perks.

And poor Donald still fighting to defend everybody, except Ed Ahmad. Of course Bharrat did disown Roger Khan. He claim that he didn’t even know de man, although he only meet him one or two time.

Talk half and wait fuh Donald dance some more.


Businessmen rank Marriott Hotel lowest national priority project

May 8, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

- None ready to invest Georgetown’s leading businessmen have ranked the Marriott Hotel project at Kingston among the lowest on a list of national priority projects. The businessmen shared their views in a survey conducted by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI). The results of the survey were announced by Clinton Urling, the President of the Chamber.

GCCI President Clinton Urling

Despite the mounting criticism, the government pushes stubbornly ahead with the project; Chinese labour built it from scratch and at rapid speed. It has imposed itself over the Kingston skyline, so much so that those at sea, who so require, are now unable to detect the signal from the lighthouse. The government plans to mount additional lighting to facilitate accordingly. But the project, in which billions upon billions of taxpayers’ dollars are being spent, does not find favour with the city’s top businessmen. The news comes as little surprise since no Guyanese businessman has taken the risk of investing in the project, sending the government scurrying to Republic Bank Trinidad Limited to pool together a group of financial institutions; but there is no certainty if even that deal has come through. At least there has been no announcement by government of any investor whatsoever.

Last edited by Former Member

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