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kp posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Don't hurry, the will of the people are foremost.

The Political Mafia who wants to grab some of the oil wealth from the people will loose.The backers of such move will have years to wipe their tears.

Django, why do you speak like the Coalition government has more rights to the oil? I am biased. You say you aren’t. Correct me where you see me wrong in thinking you are also.

Ramjattan made a strong argument yesterday. I am curious to see if Scotland buys it on Thursday. I am also curious to see how each side react after Scotland’s pronouncement. 

 Django is a PNC in AFC clothing, they are paying his Stabroek News subscription.

Well bhai KP, say what you want, SN subscription comes out from my pocket, you want to see the billing ?


He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Last day of the year so i am going to let loose,YOU ARE FOUCKING SHEEPLE AND A FOLLOWER.Any time bumped in to you it will be war, the fittest shall survive.YOU SKONT REALLY DON'T KNOW DJANGO.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Last day of the year so i am going to let loose,YOU ARE FOUCKING SHEEPLE AND A FOLLOWER.Any time bumped in to you it will be war, the fittest shall survive.YOU SKONT REALLY DON'T KNOW DJANGO.

AHOLE like you dont scare me. The TRUTH HURTS, I have described you perfectly. Others here know this but maybe Ballsless!! You know Uncle Charlie, go play with him!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Last day of the year so i am going to let loose,YOU ARE FOUCKING SHEEPLE AND A FOLLOWER.Any time bumped in to you it will be war, the fittest shall survive.YOU SKONT REALLY DON'T KNOW DJANGO.

AHOLE like you dont scare me. The TRUTH HURTS, I have described you perfectly. Others here know this but maybe Ballsless!! You know Uncle Charlie, go play with him!!!

TRUTH,  do you know the meaning ?  DUMB KUNT, SHAKABATTY., can't string a proper sentence. That does happen when spending too much time in dirty drains on Liberty Ave.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Might be libelous if coming from someone with at the very least mediocre intelligence but for you, nahhhhhh.



How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How many wars could a Django win if a Django could fight war?

Last day of 2018 yuh rass threatening peace-loving Nehru wid war? Yuh remind me of dem bad & dunce schoolboys who wait for the last day of the term to share licks pon dem "enemy". 

I hope you wake up on New Year marning sober and remorseful and resolved to thicken your skin.


Because of my born again attitude where I don't give a shit what anyone on social media says or thinks, I am able to find it amusing how others say things like I fight back when I am attacked or other matters of fighting on the internet. It is sad if people really thinking that 'gaining feathers in one's cap' on social media is noteworthy. Not worth busting a blood vessel over. 

Meanwhile I notice we padnah Conscience has reemerged to fight the good fight. 

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Last day of the year so i am going to let loose,YOU ARE FOUCKING SHEEPLE AND A FOLLOWER.Any time bumped in to you it will be war, the fittest shall survive.YOU SKONT REALLY DON'T KNOW DJANGO.

Really brother Djangy? There are at times we need to use the F-bomb to make our statement more effective. Brother, yesterday was not the day. Again, you take this board too seriously. Is it really worth it?

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

If the PPP needed 34 votes to win the NCM, isn't the APNU+AFC also needed 34 to defeat it? 

Don't they (the PNC/AFC)also need 34 seats to be in power? Wha de rass hole kind ah game dem bais wan fuh play? So they were in power illegally? Where are the (SMFH) head shakers?

Mitwah posted:

If the PPP needed 34 votes to win the NCM, isn't the APNU+AFC also needed 34 to defeat it? 

I don’t think so. The burden was on the PPP who brought the motion. I still think the 33 votes have satisfied the threshold but we will have to see what Scotland says on Thursday.

Gilbakka posted:


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

How many wars could a Django win if a Django could fight war?

Last day of 2018 yuh rass threatening peace-loving Nehru wid war? Yuh remind me of dem bad & dunce schoolboys who wait for the last day of the term to share licks pon dem "enemy". 

I hope you wake up on New Year marning sober and remorseful and resolved to thicken your skin.

Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation.

Thank you, for supporting the fella with your profound memory, a weakling behind a keyboard. A man who disparage others on GNI. This fella doesn't deserve the name of his nick and the picture of his avatar, two great men revered by the people of India and the land of our ancestors,not even the river that people considered holy.

Yep i have awoken and don't  have to worry about sober, haven't sipped a single drop of liquor, although went the liquor store got a bottle of Goosling Black Seal Rum and a bottle of wine for the kids.Today i have a few shots of the Rum.

I wish you all the best in 2019.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

He is DUMB and ILLITERATE and try real hard to please his Masters, Or he was born brain dead, there is no other explanation. Is that libelous Mits??  Talk about being born with a Pea brain

Last day of the year so i am going to let loose,YOU ARE FOUCKING SHEEPLE AND A FOLLOWER.Any time bumped in to you it will be war, the fittest shall survive.YOU SKONT REALLY DON'T KNOW DJANGO.

Really brother Djangy? There are at times we need to use the F-bomb to make our statement more effective. Brother, yesterday was not the day. Again, you take this board too seriously. Is it really worth it?

Had to put that fella to his place, he seems to think he can say what he wants covering under the umbrella of free speech.Their types are weaklings, cyberspace or not, sometimes things have to be taken seriously.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

If the PPP needed 34 votes to win the NCM, isn't the APNU+AFC also needed 34 to defeat it? 

Don't they (the PNC/AFC)also need 34 seats to be in power?

Wha de rass hole kind ah game dem bais wan fuh play? So they were in power illegally? Where are the (SMFH) head shakers?

No the winner of majority seats  in the voting count governs. The count of voting by Legislators are problematic when their are odd members, how majority, two thirds and quorum are defined,some say round up others say round down.

The recent NCV in Guyana is a test for democracy, let us wait and see what will be the results.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:

If the PPP needed 34 votes to win the NCM, isn't the APNU+AFC also needed 34 to defeat it? 

Don't they (the PNC/AFC)also need 34 seats to be in power?

Wha de rass hole kind ah game dem bais wan fuh play? So they were in power illegally? Where are the (SMFH) head shakers?

No the winner of majority seats  in the voting count governs. The count of voting is problematic when their are odd members, how majority, two thirds and quorum are defined,some say round up others say round down.

The recent NCV in Guyana is a test for democracy, let us wait and see what will be the results.

So a majority is a majority. Why is the 33 NCV not considered a majority? I must have been in grade 1 at Skeldon C of S School where I was told 33 is more than 32. Only in the PNC schools, they teach a Bully Neanderthal type of counting and who got more with less?


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