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January 3 2019


I note the claims being made by the political opposition that the sitting of Parliament subsequent to the vote on the no-confidence motion is unconstitutional and I am both amazed and disturbed at this interpretation of what should follow a no-confidence motion.

For an action to be deemed unconstitutional it must be specifically disallowed by the Constitution or be shown to violate the spirit or intent of one or more constitutional provisions.

“Sovereignty belongs to the people” is one of the underlying principles of our political system and is enshrined in our Constitution which, in Chapter II, Article 9 states that: “Sovereignty belongs to the people who exercise it through their representatives and the democratic organs established by or under this Constitution”.

It, therefore, follows that this principle must at all times be satisfied when attempting to interpret the intent and meaning of the Constitution on matters related to the political system.

It is in the National Assembly that the people of Guyana are represented by political parties in accordance with the results of the most recent national election. In other words, the National Assembly is one of the democratic organs through which the sovereignty of the people is exercised.

Our Constitution prescribes how and when each session of Parliament should begin and end, and there are only two means by which a session is brought to an end, namely prorogation or dissolution. Either can be done at any time by Presidential proclamation, however, the Parliament is automatically dissolved five years after it first meets following an election.

So, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is the President who must dissolve Parliament. There are a number of important considerations that must precede dissolution and it is foolish and irresponsible for anyone to suggest that Parliament be immediately dissolved after a no-confidence vote.

Following its clandestine stunt on December 21st, the opposition is now in a tremendous haste to derecognize the constitutional authority of the Parliament for fear it may somehow legitimately undo its machinations.

Today’s sitting of Parliament cannot be unconstitutional since it has not been dissolved and its life has not expired, and no unsupported argument by the opposition should be allowed to interfere with the sovereignty of the people and the authority of National Assembly.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

ksazma posted:

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

Where the rules are made up ??

The Constitution defines parliament, little brother instead of blabbering, there are free copies  of the Constitution on line. If you are interested to be learned of the laws, get a copy and please take a look so that you can argue with authority.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

Where the rules are made up ??

The Constitution defines parliament, little brother instead of blabbering, there are free copies  of the Constitution on line. If you are interested to be learned of the laws, get a copy and please take a look so that you can argue with authority.

Bai, the Coalition government said on the night of December 21st that they accept the NC motion was carried. In doing so, their next step expected from them would be the announcement of the date of the elections no later than March 18. Instead of doing so, they are sending out their people to cast red herrings all over the place. I have no interest in being a Constitution lawyer so would not care to read the whole constitution. However, I read article 106 since it is under discussion. While the PNC handlers are harping on 106.7, they are avoiding 206.6 which clearly used the word resign which Jagdeo is addressing. Jagdeo has shown countless times since 2015 that the Coalition government is no match for him. He does his homework while they are busy casting red herrings. I really like the word babble.


The motion was carried and the traitor took the 30 pieces of silver and fled to the the continent where he is a citizen. Then it turns out that there are at least 26 illegal members of parliament who voted, based on the constitution. That makes the vote illegal in itself. Worst of it is that this is all about how the people of Guyana can be robbed of the oil money. These guys are all in it together.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

Where the rules are made up ??

The Constitution defines parliament, little brother instead of blabbering, there are free copies  of the Constitution on line. If you are interested to be learned of the laws, get a copy and please take a look so that you can argue with authority.

Bai, the Coalition government said on the night of December 21st that they accept the NC motion was carried. In doing so, their next step expected from them would be the announcement of the date of the elections no later than March 18. Instead of doing so, they are sending out their people to cast red herrings all over the place. I have no interest in being a Constitution lawyer so would not care to read the whole constitution. However, I read article 106 since it is under discussion. While the PNC handlers are harping on 106.7,they are avoiding 206.6 which clearly used the word resign which Jagdeo is addressing. Jagdeo has shown countless times since 2015 that the Coalition government is no match for him. He does his homework while they are busy casting red herrings. I really like the word babble.

Jagdeo doesn't understand Article 106 (6), The speaker of the National Assembly Dr.Barton Scotland, addressed  "resign"  by the gov't, so what is he going to say now ?

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

Where the rules are made up ??

The Constitution defines parliament, little brother instead of blabbering, there are free copies  of the Constitution on line. If you are interested to be learned of the laws, get a copy and please take a look so that you can argue with authority.

Bai, the Coalition government said on the night of December 21st that they accept the NC motion was carried. In doing so, their next step expected from them would be the announcement of the date of the elections no later than March 18. Instead of doing so, they are sending out their people to cast red herrings all over the place. I have no interest in being a Constitution lawyer so would not care to read the whole constitution. However, I read article 106 since it is under discussion. While the PNC handlers are harping on 106.7,they are avoiding 206.6 which clearly used the word resign which Jagdeo is addressing. Jagdeo has shown countless times since 2015 that the Coalition government is no match for him. He does his homework while they are busy casting red herrings. I really like the word babble.

Jagdeo doesn't understand Article 106 (6), The speaker of the National Assembly Dr.Barton Scotland, addressed  "resign"  by the gov't, so what is he going to say now ?

Oh skoant! We got another constitutional genius on GNI now. Since this NC vote, every genius is out of the woodwork. Trump said he is a genius and a good one too. I bet you can better that by saying, "I am a  constitutional genius and the best one the world has ever seen or will see".

Mr.T posted:

The motion was carried and the traitor took the 30 pieces of silver and fled to the the continent where he is a citizen. Then it turns out that there are at least 26 illegal members of parliament who voted, based on the constitution. That makes the vote illegal in itself. Worst of it is that this is all about how the people of Guyana can be robbed of the oil money. These guys are all in it together.

No argument here. Somehow Williams only just realized that dual citizens are in the assembly when they have been there for forever. 

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

Where the rules are made up ??

The Constitution defines parliament, little brother instead of blabbering, there are free copies  of the Constitution on line. If you are interested to be learned of the laws, get a copy and please take a look so that you can argue with authority.

Bai, the Coalition government said on the night of December 21st that they accept the NC motion was carried. In doing so, their next step expected from them would be the announcement of the date of the elections no later than March 18. Instead of doing so, they are sending out their people to cast red herrings all over the place. I have no interest in being a Constitution lawyer so would not care to read the whole constitution. However, I read article 106 since it is under discussion. While the PNC handlers are harping on 106.7,they are avoiding 206.6 which clearly used the word resign which Jagdeo is addressing. Jagdeo has shown countless times since 2015 that the Coalition government is no match for him. He does his homework while they are busy casting red herrings. I really like the word babble.

Jagdeo doesn't understand Article 106 (6), The speaker of the National Assembly Dr.Barton Scotland, addressed  "resign"  by the gov't, so what is he going to say now ?

Oh skoant! We got another constitutional genius on GNI now. Since this NC vote, every genius is out of the woodwork. Trump said he is a genius and a good one too. I bet you can better that by saying, "I am a  constitutional genius and the best one the world has ever seen or will see".

Jagdeo doesn’t understand the constitution. Django does!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

PNC always make up rules as they go along, twisting and turning until they end up with eye turn. Everyday that goes by solidifies my position why I will never support the PNC. The PNC will even turn Jesus into a bad person.

Where the rules are made up ??

The Constitution defines parliament, little brother instead of blabbering, there are free copies  of the Constitution on line. If you are interested to be learned of the laws, get a copy and please take a look so that you can argue with authority.

Bai, the Coalition government said on the night of December 21st that they accept the NC motion was carried. In doing so, their next step expected from them would be the announcement of the date of the elections no later than March 18. Instead of doing so, they are sending out their people to cast red herrings all over the place. I have no interest in being a Constitution lawyer so would not care to read the whole constitution. However, I read article 106 since it is under discussion. While the PNC handlers are harping on 106.7,they are avoiding 206.6 which clearly used the word resign which Jagdeo is addressing. Jagdeo has shown countless times since 2015 that the Coalition government is no match for him. He does his homework while they are busy casting red herrings. I really like the word babble.

Jagdeo doesn't understand Article 106 (6), The speaker of the National Assembly Dr.Barton Scotland, addressed  "resign"  by the gov't, so what is he going to say now ?

My bad. I meant to write 106.6. So far Jagdeo is proving that he understands those matters far better than the Coalition government guys. They were so unprepared for the outcome of the NCV.

Django posted:

January 3 2019


I note the claims being made by the political opposition that the sitting of Parliament subsequent to the vote on the no-confidence motion is unconstitutional and I am both amazed and disturbed at this interpretation of what should follow a no-confidence motion.

For an action to be deemed unconstitutional it must be specifically disallowed by the Constitution or be shown to violate the spirit or intent of one or more constitutional provisions.


This man reasons like a cow. The government is is a caretaker ie like t he fellow who manages the property when you are on vacation...he has no authority to do anything ie sell its assets, or change the furniture.. he merely is empowered to maintain it against eventualities. This government has no authority but to take care of the cosmetics of office. It cannot legislate.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Minister Gaskin is a UK citizen.  He should go and tell that to the British Parliament and let’s see what happens.

When socalled educated men make an ASS of themselves, they are selling themselves for

D2 posted:
Django posted:

January 3 2019


I note the claims being made by the political opposition that the sitting of Parliament subsequent to the vote on the no-confidence motion is unconstitutional and I am both amazed and disturbed at this interpretation of what should follow a no-confidence motion.

For an action to be deemed unconstitutional it must be specifically disallowed by the Constitution or be shown to violate the spirit or intent of one or more constitutional provisions.


This man reasons like a cow. The government is is a caretaker ie like t he fellow who manages the property when you are on vacation...he has no authority to do anything ie sell its assets, or change the furniture.. he merely is empowered to maintain it against eventualities. This government has no authority but to take care of the cosmetics of office. It cannot legislate.


D2 posted:
Django posted:

January 3 2019


I note the claims being made by the political opposition that the sitting of Parliament subsequent to the vote on the no-confidence motion is unconstitutional and I am both amazed and disturbed at this interpretation of what should follow a no-confidence motion.

For an action to be deemed unconstitutional it must be specifically disallowed by the Constitution or be shown to violate the spirit or intent of one or more constitutional provisions.

This man reasons like a cow. The government is is a caretaker ie like the fellow who manages the property when you are on vacation...he has no authority to do anything ie sell its assets, or change the furniture.. he merely is empowered to maintain it against eventualities. This government has no authority but to take care of the cosmetics of office. It cannot legislate.

Correct ... the caretaker government must focus on elections plus indeed undertake minor and necessary matters.


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