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OP female staffers honoured – as International Women’s Day observed

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, March 9, 2015, Source - GINA


The First Couple of Guyana, President Donald Ramotar and his wife, Deolatchmee Ramotar, honoured several women, who work at the Office of the President. Presenting female members of staff with fresh flowers, the Head of State commended them for the hard work that they do.


President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar with staff of the Office of the President who were honoured

President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar with staff of the Office of the President who were honoured


In his message to mark International Women’s Day, the president noted that women do tremendous work, and they have come a long way in Guyana. He pointed out too that all women do achieve much, and so the day presents an opportunity to celebrate their achievements.


Whilst the president lauded the legacy of Janet Jagan, Guyana’s first woman president, he noted that in Guyana, there are now women in every institution of learning, and they are either equal or in the majority in some cases.


He also expressed appreciation for the laws that were passed in Guyana, to protect the rights of women. President Ramotar also made much of the fact that women now take advantage of education, where a lot of them now study professional subjects, with the aim of moving ahead.


International Women’s Day was observed of March 8.

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